Member Since: 1/21/2007
Band Members: oldman
Influences: life, folk, psychedelic, improvisation and many things....pierre bastien,PIL, eric satie, marc almond, talk talk, aznavour, arvo part, residents, man, akira kurosawa, gainsbourg, roof/4walls, scott walker, alla "foundou de bechar,tim buckley, television etc...
Sounds Like:
hinahgift011 - Charles C. Oldman
It was recorded live in 2002, and Oldman first sets up noises of scratched strings, which provokes a pleasant excitement on the skin, and then he builds up - very slowly - atmospheric layers and loops on top of one another. Now close your eyes and just let yourself drift away...
"Low Nicotine Aromatic Addiction"
Recording info
- Song by Charles C. Oldman -
acoustic guitar bass
- Recorded live in 2002
link to listen
Low Nicotine Aromatic Addiction
Charles C. Oldman
Charles is a French musician working solo since 2003. He is part of MAN duo that has released several records. Recently he recorded the soundtrack for a short-film called Ligne de Fuite – Line of Escape by Gwenael Cohenner. In 2004 Charles has released "Low Nicotine Aromatic Addiction" under Hinah’s label.
In Winter the author takes us in a mysterious journey to an ethereal landscape in the depths of winter through five sparse, introspective and slightly abstract tracks. The final result is a magnificent and avant-garde piece over which stands a feeling of absence and incognita; a record that deserves being discovered, that asks for hours of dedication and reflection. In these modern times we are used to the immediate. This will be absolutely counterproductive in a record like Winter that clearly asks the listener to relax and allow the music to grow slowly. There is room enough for silence, for introspection and for imagination in these five new tracks.
Recorded in 2007
Composed and played by Oldman
Mastering by Matthias Delplanque
Artwork by Christine Bellin
{Spring Praises - Mandorla Netlabel 007}
Wilfrido Terrazas, Harp and Live Electronics, Bernhard Günter, Christian Munthe, Terje Paulsen, Marie Lipkau, David Stackenäs, Ensamble Aspero, Alexander Bruck, Ivan Naranjo, Eduardo Melendez, Arthur Henry Fork, Ryuta Kawabata, Oldman, Tony Renner, The Upside-Down Me, Julio Clavijo & Carlos Icaza
Compilation by Manrico Montero Calzadiaz
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None