Lena & The Floating Roots Orchestra profile picture

Lena & The Floating Roots Orchestra

About Me

"Lena and the Floating Roots Orchestra" is a project directed by Mathias Delplanque aka Lena .

Guests :

Rob Mazurek (cornet)

Steve Argüelles (drums)

Charlie O (organ)

Charles-Eric Charrier (bass)

Rasim Biyikli (piano)

Sebastien Llinarès (guitar)

Jérôme Paressant (bass clarinet).

Vocals :

Black Sifichi

Daniel Givens

Alice Lewis

Neil Carlill

Julien Jacob


Title: "Lost-Wax". Label: Plush ! Release date: 16th october 2008 (CD + Digital). Mastering by Moritz Von Oswald. Design by Sylvie Astié . Distribution Abeille Musique (France) + iTunes .

"Un album touché par la grâce. Miraculeux alliage de fluidité et de raffinement"

"Un projet original et remarquable dans le paysage français"

"Un album de dub moderne et poétique"

"Un sublime voyage intérieur"



Credit card




The Floating Roots Orchestra is a variable geometry ensemble (from trio to septet). Musicians involved in the project: Mathias Delplanque, Rob Mazurek, Steve Arguelles, Charlie O, Charles-Eric Charrier, Rasim Biyikli, Jérôme Paressant, Black Sifichi, Alice Lewis.

Live @ Le Nouveau Casino (Paris, December 08):

Live @ L'Olympic (Nantes, FR, June 07):

Photos & audio excerpts from the concert @ L'Olympic

Booking: L'Entreprise

My Interests


Member Since: 4/12/2007
Band Website: http://www.mathiasdelplanque.com
Band Members: Mathias Delplanque, Steve Arguelles, Rob Mazurek, Charlie O, Charles-Eric Charrier, Rasim Biyikli, Black Sifichi, Daniel Givens, Alice Lewis, Neil Carlill, Sebastien Llinares, Jérôme Paressant...
Sounds Like: The Wire / February 2009
Record Label: Plush !
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

""Light in August" / A performance by the Floating Roots Orchestra

"Light in August" is a new work by The Floating Roots Orchestra. It combines sound installation and live performance.Check the link below for more info, sound and pictures from the premiere at the FRA...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 01:22:00 GMT

The Floating Roots Orchestra au FRAC des Pays de la Loire

The Floating Roots Orchestra est invité à intervenir au Fond Régional d'Art Contemporain (FRAC) des Pays de la Loire le 27 février 2009.The Floating Roots Orchestra se présentera sous la forme dun ...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 02:54:00 GMT

Chroniques Floating Roots Orchestra LIVE

Tsugi (01/09)Live @ Le Nouveau Casino (Paris, 10/12/08)Dommage que le public ait été quelque peu clairsemé ce soir-là pour apprécier le très beau live de Mathias Delplanque, alias Lena, venu transpo...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 15:58:00 GMT

Esfera Zion Special "LENA" MIX

http://www. cultura. udg. mx/DUB/Here is a new special mix by Mario Ramirez from Esfera Zion (radio program from Mexico).This second exclusive mix ("LENA", bottom of the page) is made out of excerpts ...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 04:18:00 GMT

"LOST-WAX" available to order !

"LOST-WAX" will be released on October 16 2008, but you can already order it by clicking on the following links: Credit card Paypal Mailorder
Posted by on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 07:36:00 GMT