Modernism, catholicism, self-flagellation, travel, Dublin theater, French cafes, journalism, Epistolary erotica, the filth and the fury, Mormonism, classical civilizations, the horror
Moo cows, Penelope, Samuel Beckett (so I can kick his ass), writers with vision and clarity, the Nobel Prize Council (so I can kick their ass), Tupac (RIP)
Luciano Berio, Chamber music, Stravinsky, Godspeed! You Black Emporer, Show tunes ("Singing in the Rain" = GENIUS), the Microphones, Giacomo Puccini, Why?, Kelly Clarkson
Don't even get me started. I tried opening a theater, but that went tits up, so movies can suck it. Though there's always been a soft spot in my heart for "Darby O' Gill and the Little People", mos' def. Interestingly enough "Finnegans Rainbow" was the movie that inspired me to stop writing
Little Britian, Fear Factor, Xena: Warrior princess, Blackadder, Lifetime movies (shut the eff up, Garcia Marquez.)
Finnegans Wake, Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, There's a Light in the Attic, Ulysses, Metamorphisis, anything by Yeats or Ezra Pound
There are no heros. We are but men. Though Oprah has some mad skills. That bitch is on fire