............Look how these butterflies dance and keep the down beat! I love these cool little guys! Just be in the moment with them and free your mind of all the clutter...
Crystal Visions Art Slideshow
(My Original Artwork)
I have decided to share some of the Artwork I have created for my clients with my friends at MySpace. You can view more at Crystalvisionsart.com
Crystal Visions Art Slideshow
(My Original Artwork)
I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into the world I paint for my wonderful clients.........................................Some of my personal interests besides spending every moment with Ben..... include: Spirituality, Creating, My Muggles, Higher Consciousness, Chocolate, Trompe l'oeil, Reading, Listening to books on tape or CD,
Music, Chocolate, Mountains, Skyline Drive, Asheville, Savannah, Frederick, light hiking, Traveling and collecting adventures, Painting, Enjoying the moment, a kindred spirit, The Uni-verse, Wonder and Awe,
Chocolate and peanut butter together!, Wine, Medieval Mead, Merrymaking, The Mobius Strip, Shopping at Target, Laughter, Art, Purple, Silver and Sky Blue crayons, the feel of velvet, the smell of leather, Rust colored suede, Wine Festivals, Renaissance Festivals, Art Festivals, the pellaton, Silly Putty, How about a Chocolate Festival?, Nature, Faeries, Gnomes, whirled peas and the smell of Play-Doh.
Crystal Visions Art Slideshow
(My Original Artwork)
The following slide show is commercial mural work I painted for a Spa Mood Room, an In-Ground Pool Showroom, along with some samples of other clients home projects.
Crystal Visions Art Slideshow
(My Original Artwork)
One of the paintings included in the next slide show is an abstract called "Manipura," it is based on the feeling I got from the third chakra. This is the chakra energy of "action" in the world. You can turn this painting in any direction and it still works!" :-DIt is funny how the paintings, portraits, and mural work look like they are floating across the Universe!..Offering LOVE, PEACE and LIGHT to ALL ...“There is a light in you which cannot die; whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified because of you. All things that live bring gifts to you, and offer them in gratitude and gladness at your feet. The scent of flowers is their gift to you. The waves bow down before you, and the trees extend their arms to shield you from the heat, and lay their leaves before you on the ground that you may walk in softness, while the wind sinks to a whisper round your holy head.The light in you is what the universe longs to behold. All living things are still before you, for they recognize Who walks with you. The light you carry is their own. And thus they see in you their holiness, saluting you as savior and God. Accept their reverence, for it is due to Holiness Itself, Which walks with you, transforming in Its gentle Light all things unto Its likeness and Its purity.This is the way salvation works. As you step back, the light in you steps forward and encompasses the world…I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me.â€ACIM 156
The Matrix Of Illusion
Ken Wilber - I Am...Big Mind..
Get this video and more at MySpace.com............."A Vision reaches everyone you meet, and everyone you think of, or who thinks of you. For your experience today will so transform your mind that it becomes the touchstone for the holy Thoughts of God."
ACIM 157/5/2
Peace, love and light to you.Send Your Sacred Love Into The World!..
Get this video and more at MySpace.comThoughts create YOUR WorldSutra 1 - "I'm Ordering some Happy, and make it Snappy"
..The Shift Movie... by the Collective for the Collective
The Loving Spirit whom in his male incarnation, knows who he really is (and really likes it!)....understands what the beauty of truth brings to his world...enjoys my spirit....with whom I resonate.....knows love when realized between a man and a woman.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I manifested this thought into conscious reality!!!Thank you Source!!!! I will enjoy watching and enjoying the beauty
and the truth of love unfold and expand into all its glorious forms!This Is US The Moment We Met Recognizing Each Other!
I Felt The Spriritual Electrical Energy Flowing
And Pulsing The Knowledge Of This KnowingI AM Marrying The King!!!Other than thatttttt.....some spiritual beings of interest to me would be....Jesus, Buddha, Mother Theresa, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Ghandi,Gary Zukav, Michaelangelo, MOnty PyThon and The FLYing CirCUs, Bono, Neo, Sting, John Lennon, Peace Pilgrim,
I experienced viewing the actual 'Deep Field' negative, using a loop along side of John Dobson, at the Space Telescope Institute.
It was quite a moment in time.....so to speak...
The Wizard of Oz,.... Led of Zeppelin, Steve King Tut Martin(did the King Tut part anyway), Viggo Mortensen, Jim Lovell, Lance Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, Peter Sellers, Peter Gabriel, Phil Hartman, George Carlin, Leonardo Da Vinci, Alphonse Mucha,Maxfield Parrish, The Moody Blues, The Flemish Painters, Bill Murray, Jon Stewart, Brian Froud(done), Alan Lee and John Howe, The Weta Workshop, Josephine Wall(done, Linda Ravenscroft (done), Sheila Wolk, Oprah, A Liverpudlian, Al Franken, the Coneheads...
from France of course..............
The King, The Fertile Void, Those who see,
Those who hear, Those who feel, Those who live consciously,
Those who play joyfully..........................
My Caped Crusaders: Merlin, Professor Snipe, Lucius Malfoy, Batman (Michael Keaton version),
Dumbledor, Gandalf, Galadriel, Aragorn!!!...............The man I am happily dreaming of... who is the King of my personal Matrix........my dearest Benjamin......ahhhhhhh love in it's purest most inspiring form.........
Be Cool My Babies!!!! ............... I need more COWBELL!!!
Eternal Om Aummmmmmmmmmm Imagine all the people, living life in peace...youuuuuuu. You may say, I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day, you will join us. And the world will live as One....
An incredible tribute to LOTR. Very thoughtfully layered using the wonderful song "A Thousand Years" by Sting.This piece rings true about the stories we create in our many lives.... who we then chose to be......and what we put our attention on.....Enjoy!!!!..
Get this video and more at MySpace.comWhat The Bleep Do We Know, Down The Rabbit Hole, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, The Matrix Trilogy,width="425" height="350" ....
Use the force Luuuuuuukke!!!
Sometimes I'm ...Lost, used to be ...24, I laugh outloud to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Colbert Report, The Soup, The Poop! and Best Week Ever. I love the Survivorman! I like the Travel, History, Science, Nat Geo channels, HGTV, DIY, BBC and PBS. The Elegant Universe by Brian Green was an awesome show on NOVA. Paula Deen on the Food Network makes me smile, American Idol is a guilty pleasure (got to have some in life!) Sex in the City and Greys Anatomy for relationship comedy/dramas. Sometimes very late at night I watch C-Span and the book channel to see what people are thinking about our loss of government...................Lest we forget Old school TV -Twilight Zone and Outer Limits - scared the beegeezers out of me as a child! We control the verticle! YIKES!!!!...Star Trek, Bewitched, Monty Python, 3rd Rock From The Sun, Ren and Stempy, Pinky and The Brain, The Tick, The HBO Original Pee Wee Herman Play, Gene London and growing up with good ol Johnny Carson... I really thought we would be living the life of the Jetsons by now!
.............I have been on the conscious path of opening my heart and mind for over 21 years. Breaking through the layers of the veiled mirror so many times...I know I will always find something behind it coming from the void to me....I have read and considered all kinds of thoughts and perspectives. Major themes and truths bring love, peace, joy, compassion, tolerance, and forgiveness to your life.I thank God every day for the "Waking Up" and the realization that "I am me, and you are me, and we are all together" and "that thought" my friends, will always be cool...which ever dimension my thoughts are playing. Much too many books and tapes to mention so I will list a few that caused some breakthrough in thought or just float past the mind at this moment.....
A Course in Miracles, Life After Life, Heading Towards Omega, Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery, Power vs. Force, The Power of Intention, Meditation, The Seat of The Soul, Energy Anatomy,
The Life you Were Born To Live, Ask And It Is Given, Home With God, Harry Potter series, One River Many Wells, Lies and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them, Gratitude, The Enlightened Mind,
The First American (Ben Franklin),The Illuminated Chakras, The Power Of Myth, The Power of Now, Emptiness Dancing, Are You The One For Me,
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, The Cat In The Hat, Wisdom Of The Ages, Why Your Life Sucks, Good Fairies Bad Fairies,The Lost Mode of Prayer, Letting Go Of Who You used To Be, The Art of Happiness, Anger, Spritual Solution To Every Problem, To Love and Be Loved, We Don't Die, Dead Sea Scrolls, The Nag Hammadi Library, Everyday Enlightenment,The Disappearance of the Universe,Books and CDs by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Adyashanti, Dan Millman, Allen Cohen, Chuck Spezzano Phd,Barbara DeAngelis, Neale Donald Walsch,Ram Dass, Deepak Chopra, Carolyn Myss, Stephan and Ondrea Levine, Alan Watts, Thich Nhat Hanh, Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson, Gary Zukav, Eckhart Tolle, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and one always needs... The Dictionary, Bhagavad-Gita, Tao Te Ching, and A History of Scrapple (the Philly food),and...SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM...
Myspace Layouts
SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM,wonderful SPAMmmm......wonderful SPAMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm
A perspective that aligns with many of the books and tapes I have read...
When change and the illusion of pain comes hard and fast, we are cracked open to face our Self and move our vibration higher.
We find ourselves in the Matrix of the Ego world. Our creations made from our thoughts... are that which we attract to our self.
The false idols and the illusions we worship are from what is not real. Everything being energy vibrations ....and nothing solid being as it seems...
Where are YOU sitting right now anyway???...I am sitting on my nothingness...talking to myself... hahahaha...
Ahhh but the spark of light is here... observing what is going on......
WE are not our bodies...
there is no life there.....We are Spirit...
Only Spirit is life...
Only Spirit is real...
That is Truth...That is Beauty...
That is Source...
That IS Love
...GOD IS Hey!!! Wait up for meeeeee!! Look I am floating across the Universe!!!!!! wheeeeeeeee....
Hey!!! Wait up for meeeeee!! Look I am floating across the Universe!!!!!! wheeeeeeeee....
Those who see past the illusions...continue to love and reach out... to help us all awake with compassion.
Myspace Layouts