I awoke in 1973 to begin this journey. Not long after, I began to mimic my father by doing anything artistic, with everything that was available. Drawing on paper, painting, filling coloring books and using playdough.
My love for art grew into my childhood, where I drew and redrew every comic/cartoon character over and over.Through Highschool I was able to create with other material for class projects. Home life art only consisted of pen and paper my MOM brought home from her job. It never went to waste, I emptied all the pens ink onto all of the paper.
After Highschool I continued to pursue the arts. I attended The Art Institute Of Philadelphia, majoring in graphic design, then later computer animation.Towards the end of college ,"real life " began to swallow my time, and I took a job bartending. The money and lifestyle was great, but at the same time, it had clouded my mind from creating art.
I began working during the day with my Father at his mirror and glass shop. That is where I discovered a new form of art...etching. While working on etched pieces for customers it made me want to create for myself. I then began etching pieces of my own. I found myself back in an artistic mode. I was spending hours upon hours late at night sketching. During this time frame I opened a hidden door in my mind and gave up the comic art and created my own style.
Early in 1999 i met my soul mate. She opened my eyes to a different genre of art by introducing me to the world of writing. I still kept up with my new found style, and once I felt as though it was starting to peek...the pen and brush were doing all the work. I was non-stop.
Things began to slow down in the spring of 2002 with the birth of my son, and then the birth of my daughter in the summer of 2005.
But time revolves and my children are flourishing with the unconditional love from their mother and I. Now as they grow it gives me alil more time to get myself back into my world of art more seriously. Now I can show them the way of art, the way i was. Time is still tight behind the job and being a dad. But I still stand tall riding the wave of destiny and continue to leave my mark on history... anyway that I can.
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