We need to raise our vibration to a universal love vibration in order to defeat the dark masters. This must be done by speading an awareness of truth and love.
MUST SEE if you haven't already!!http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=55474814229
95115331The intro is long. it actually starts at 5:15 and for some reason it would stop playing and I would have to click on the "pointer" along the bottom of the screen and sometimes drag it back to where I was.This documentary MUST be shared with friends, family, coworkers, strangers, every email address you have, the media, your elected officials, and we must get together and ask, "Okay, now what is to be done?"Meet me @ zaadz.com! It's like myspace for positive, spiritual people!http://mattmann162000.zaadz.com/profile UFO Spirituality and Frequency Shift Connections James Gilliland
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.. width="425" height="350" ..I am energy, chi, pranna, mana, whatever name I take, I am the unifying fabric of space/time, I flow through all dimensions and connect them all to a single point. That single point is the point of creation of this universe. I am contained within all, and all are contained within me. Some call me God, Goddess, Allah, Yahweh, ect. I'm like the force in Star Wars. All things vibrate as proof of my existence. To truly feel me, you need to be conscious of "natural time". Forget about the clock and the calander. Listen to the rhythms of your body, mind, spirit, soul, the earth and the universe. Go to 13moon.com to aid you in becoming more conscious of natural time... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..