In the clear abyss of mind
A shelter and a peace majestical.
For what is life to thee,
Turning toward the primal light,
A vision of the great and burning star,
Immeasurably old, immeasurably far,
Surging forth its silver flame
Through eternity;
And thine inner heart shall ring and cry
With the music strange and high,
The grandeur of its name--
--(from "Alcyone". Lampman, Archibald (1861-1899)
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Alcyone, pronounced: al-sy'-uh-nee", is known as "The Central One" of the Pleiades,(A.K.A Messier47) which are roughly 410 light-years from this solar system. From the perspective of the western-hemisphere, they are situated on the shoulder of the constellation Taurus the Bull-- and for those in the northern-hemisphere they appear to the above-right of Orion the Hunter.
M47 is actually made up of several hundred stars and other nebulous material, however it is usually the 6 brightest of the Pleiades that are visible to the naked eye in our terrestrial skies.
Pleiades are an open star cluster, meaning they are not gravitationally bound and will gradually seperate
Alcyone is a miniature system itself, composed of Alycone A: a spectral type B7 IIIe blue-white Giant with a luminosity 2,400 times that of Earth's sun; Alcyone B & C: A-type magnitude white dwarfs; and Alcyone D: an f-type yellow-white dwarf.
Since ancient times there have been civilations that revered Alcyone as the "Sacred and Divine Central Sun." It was believed that not only does the sun of this solar system orbit Alcyone, but this galaxy as well. Most noted of these are the Mayans. In the modern age, there are movements who carry this same observation--and which has been expanded upon by those called "Channelers" , professing to have telepathic transmission contact with E.Ts and other higher intelligence. However, to date, scientificlly no concrete evidence has been found to support the theories of an orbit around Alcyone. As such, this remains yet in the realm metaphysics and spirituality.
Alcyone is also linked to prophesies of 2012, the year when the Mayan calenders ends and the Earth is supposed to undergo massive changes on both the physical planes and the immediate astral & spiritual planes vibrating most closely to Earth.
According to this, it will begin on December 21st 2012--when the Earth, Sun, Alcyone, will align. An extremely rare event that occurs only once in every 26,000 years.
Many ancient cultures spoke of being descendants from the stars, or of having visitors from outer-space. Some of this evidence can be found in ancient artifacts which clearly depict E.T looking creatures and space-ships.
There are a small handful of particular stars and galaxies that tend to be mentioned repeatedly in regards to these races in human ancestry--one of those being the Pleiades.
In regards to Alcyone this has been said:
Quote: ""About 59,000 years ago, 144,000 individualized souls from Alcyone boarded twelve mother ships of Light, to come to Earth to complete this experiment of assisting in the balancing of the genetic coding. Each ship consisted of 1,000 smaller beam ships.""
Alcyonian Space-ships are said to be Cigar-Shaped.
There are a few versions of Alcyone in greek mythology. And those versions themselves vary within their minut details. Two are most common. In both, her outcome is effected by Zeus and she becomes a bird. But the similarites end there. Even the type of bird she is changed into differentiates. In the first she is a KingFisher and the other a Dove. The first version, and probably the one most are familar with, is the more personalized romantized version of her, the story and outcome focusing on what is now known as the Halycone days--when the winds are calm at sea and the storms kept at bay. In the other version, the outcome and story is more centered on the placement and interaction with the other constellations.
Alcyone, who became known as "The Queen who wards off evil storms" was the daughter of King Aeolus, Ruler of the Winds--and later on married to the King of Trachis, Ceyx. (Whom was also the son of Eosphorus, "the evening Star".)
The couple were very much in love and rarely left the other's side. However a time came when Ceyx was to sail the sea to consult an oracle of Apollo, at Delphi. Alcyone was immediately laden with worry, as she had grown up in the Castle of Winds and knew all too well the mortal danger that could lay ahead for those who venture the Far-Sea. She pleaded Ceyx to make the journey at his side, not caring what happened to her as long as she was with him. Ceyx however refused, wanting his beloved to remain safe on the shores of land.
Unfortunately Zeus and Hera, Rulers of the "gods", were particularly jealous of this couple's love outshining their own. So Zeus took advantage of Ceyx's vulernability at sea and when nightfall cast its shadow- fog of darkness, Zeus conjoured a terrible storm and the ship and all its crew--including Ceyx--were swallowed into the sea.
Meanwhile, Alcyone continued praying nightly to Hera for the safe return of her husband, Perhaps touched, or perhaps relishing to see Alcyone fall the pieces, she sent Morpheus, King/god of Dreams to deliver the news of her husband's death.
(The Dream King)
He shape-shifted to the form of Ceyx and entered Alcyone's dreams, where he said: "Poor wife, look, your husband is here. Do you know me, or has my face changed in death? I am dead, Alcyone. Your name was on my lips when the waters overwhelmed me. There is no hope for me any more. But give me your tears. Let me not go down into the shadowy world unwept."
Alcyone awoke, believing her dead husband's spirit had truly visited her. Not that it mattered either way, as he was indeed forever gone. And so overwhelmed with grief she ran to the waters and gave herself, her life, to its depths, to join her beloved Ceyx.
(In the arms of Death)
Now feeling guilt for certain this time, Hera took pity on both Ceyx and Alcyone and transformed them both into immortal Kingfisher birds.
(A Kingfisher Bird.)
The greek term for this bird is Halycon, derived from the words "hals"--meaning the sea--and "kuo"--meaning brood on. Alcyone in the myth, now as a halycon, still retains her birthright powers over storms and winds, and is said to tame the sea and charm the winds as the bird during her nesting period. This is where the saying "Halycon days" came from--referring to, of course, when the seas are calm.Officially, they were marked begining December 14th,& corresponding to their Winter Solstice.
Alcyone, Maya, Asterope, Merope, Electra, Taygeta and Celaeno were the seven daughters of the Oceanid Nymph Pleione, and the Titan Atlas. They were virgin companions to Artemis, goddess of Hunting and the Moon.
However Orion, The Great Hunter, discovered them one day while stalking a Hind(A golden horned deer with brazen hoofs) He was captivated by their beauty and become enraptured with lust for all 7 of them, including their mother Pleione. From then on out he pursued them without relent.
An exasperated Artemis finally appealed to Zeus for his help. Which he did, by transforming the sisters and their mother into doves. While this did allow them to escape Orion, it also seperated from Artemis. So with her twin brother Apollo's aid, she sought revenge on Orion. Apollo set a giant scorpion after Orion, and the revenge was a success as Orion was stung dead by the monster.
But of course Zeus, being typical sardonic Zeus, also then transformed the dead Orion and set him amongst the stars--right with the sisters and mother.
In the stars, the constellation Orion still "pursues" the 7 daughters and their mother---and the Scorpio the Scorpion forever pursues Orion.
The Pleideas also come in close to alignment to the Moon--which is supposed to represent Artemis.