Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance profile picture

Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance

Join me on a Lansafari!! liquid_grey at hotmailcom

About Me

Find out! msg me: MSN=liquid_grey AIM=liquidgrey YAHOO=spatulaboyalpha
Finished my degree in Food and Nutrition Science at SDSU but still studying biotechnology and genetics at for a Nutrigenomics project. Working as a DJ, promoter, producer, and vitamin supplement distribution. Fanatic about music. Most interested in nutrition, food, martial arts, yoga, training, fitness, dream science, technology, languages, and probably way too much other stuff too. I especially love to travel and try to make it out to Europe once a year. Right now I am in Berlin! I've been to Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Spain, France, CzechLand. This year I want to go to Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Finland!Someday I really want to see the northern lights of Scandanavia and I'd also like to explore more of Mexico and see the ruins left by earth's previous inhabitants. . I've been to Baja a few times and on my last trip made it to Guadalajara too. I have a goal to be able to speak 3 languages well and working on that now!
I DJ as Liquidgrey at Club Sabbat in San Diego and at our new Club Cydonia that is a collective between me and close friends and whoever would like to be involved. If you've never been, but are interested in music, just ask me and I'll put you on guestlist sometime so you can check it out:) I love to share music and bring rare styles to the tables that listeners may not have had a chance to hear before.I like to think I am a man of action but I can also be critical of myself for not doing enough. Then I think I try to do too much and spread myself too thin. I guess life is about trying to find the balance.Dreams are one of the most important thing in my life and I try to focus on exploring them and expanding them and finding lucidity. Man has been to the moon and to the bottom of the ocean but I think there is something in the dimension of dreams that has yet to be explored and may be well worth discovering...
I am available to DJ electro, industrial, EBM, goth, darkwave, tribal, powernoise, synthpop type stuff for clubs events and parties and have a small mobile setup. Just ask.
burned into your brain
My dog: Voter a.k.a Roder the Bubbder Doggis
Some art stuff:my favorite Giger
A favorite Beksinski is hard to choose....
You Were a Mouse
You quietly examine life's lessons and see multiple meanings in things.
You are also good at discovering details and remaining in the background. What Animal Were You In a Past Life?.. Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™

My Interests

travel, music, sculpture, nutrition, dreaming, DJing, clubbing, germany, martial arts, exercize, cats, biochemistry, outdoors, phytonutrients, psychadelics, trippy stuff, biology, biotechnology, ancient history, spatulas, botany, nootropics, riding bikes, eating sushi, Nibiru, deleting stuff that sux, intelligent human design

I'd like to meet:

Zecharia Sitchin also Slovenians +Tesla +Philippe&Eliane ================================================




Genres:electro, industrial, EBM, TBM, DNW, darkwave, dark ambient, power noise, tru noise, synthpop, 80s, trance, techno, and some black metalListing artists every now and then: 2Raumwohnung, 5F_55, 8bit Rockers, Absurd Minds, Aghast view, Ah Cama Sotz, Alice in Chains, Alden Tyrell, Alien Sex Fiend, amgoD, Amduscia, Amon Tobin, Andraculoid, Angel Theory, Angelo Badalamenti, Annie, Anthony Rother, Apoptygma, Arcana, Armin Van Buuren,Attrition, Bangkok Impact, Barbeau, Black Lung, Calan.dra, Cibo Mato, Cocteau Twins, Codec&Flexor, Colony 5, Combichrist, Converter, Covenant, Creme de Menthe, Current 93, Daniel Myer, David Carretta, David Thrussel, Dead Can Dance, Death in June, Delerium, Der Blutharsch, Die Form, Dirty Sanchez, DJ Shadow, Dot Allison, Dr. Lektroluv, Drexciya, Experimental Audio Research, Fad Gadget, Fairlight Children, Felix da Housecat, Ferry Corsten, For a Space, Front 242, Funker Vogt, Gary Numan, God Module, Goldfrapp, Grauzone, Haujobb, Hemisync technology, Hocico, I-F, In Strict Confidence, Inade, Jimthejerq, Kid Spatula, Kiew, Klinik, KMFDM, Kompressor, Kraftwerk, Ladytron, Legowelt, Leaether Strip, Lee Hazelwood, Legendary Pink Dots, Lights of Euphoria, Liquid Divine, Little Computer People, Lovesliescrushing, Lustmord, Markus Schulz, Massive Attack, Mazzy Star, Middle Earth, Mind.In.A.Box, Monolith, Mt. Sims, MZ.412, Mysterymen, Negative Format, Neuroactive, Neuroticfish, New Order, Nine Inch Nails, Nitzer Ebb, Numina, Numb, Oil 10, Orb, PAX, Peebow, Pink Floyd, Primus, Pzycho Bitch, Raison d'tre, Rammstein, Rex the Dog, Robert Rich, Rotersand,Sara Noxx, Schiller, Senor Coconut, Shadows in the Darkness, Shitting Glitter, Sisters of Mercy, Smashing Pumpkins, Smiths, Sneaker Pimps, Snog, Solitary Experiments, Solvent, Soma, Sven Vaeth, Steve Roach, str & tim tycoon, Suicide Commando, Superpitcher, Swayzak, T. Raumschmiere, The Moon Lay Hidden...This Morn Omina, Tiamat, Tiesto, Tiga, Tom Waits, Tomcraft, Tool, Toroidh, Tyskarna fran Lund, Underworld, Velvet Acid Christ (older), Vidna Obmana, Visage, Vitalic, VNV (older), Ween, Wolfsheim, Wumpscut(older), X-Marks the Pedwalk, Xingu Hill, XPQ-21


I am movie impaired. I never had any cool movie channels growing up and I never watch tv now so I have hardly seen crap. But I download some and am trying to make it to movies more often. Jacob's Ladder is my favorite movie of all time. Then, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks, Nightmare Before Christmas. I havent seen many but recently i liked Hero, thin red line, Twilight Samurai more later...ok i'm just gonna add em as I watch em: Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind, Sin City, New Fist of the North Star, City of God, Oldboy, Batman Begins, Memento, Wonderful Days, Howl's Moving Castle, Stalker, Waterboy, Babycart, Anchorman, 40 Year Old Virgin, Waiting, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Innocent Voices


tv? -_- travel, discovery, learning, history channels, BBC, and KPBS are cool. some cartoons and comedy stuff is funny. But part of being out of touch with humanity is not watching tv Pretty much gave up most tv stuffs for 'puter supremacy. sometimes my friends show me good stuff though too like 6 Feet Under, Rome, and tha Ali G Show. Animation stuff like southpark and spaceghost makes me laugh too.


Zecharia Sitchin( Carlos Castaneda, Let's Go Travel books guided me thru Germany and a few other counties. HP Lovecraft, Frank Herbert and his son for Dune series, Herman Hesse. Currently Reading Mars series by Edgar Burroughs. I also get to read Nutrition, and Diet Therapy for school


Myspace Cursors
The Spatula, Battle Spatula, Auto-Spatula, Zecharia Sitchin Sabrina Anyone who ever saved an animal from a cage/shelter. ..

My Blog

5 lessons about the way we treat people

this is weird. After my post last night, I woke up this morning and checked my regular mail. My Dad always forwards me interesting little things he finds. I really liked this one. I think it is re...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:49:00 PST

dream of zero gravity

last night before bed I told myself I was going to have some profound, intense dreams and that I was going to remember them.  i was supposed to tell myself to make them lucid too but I dont think...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 03:52:00 PST


if you have tough through them one at a time. if one problem is really big...break it down into small steps that will solve the entire problem eventually and focus on one step at a ti...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:42:00 PST

Blue Flash of Death

I dreamed of a nuclear power plant on some rocks by the ocean was melting down.  people were saying the explosion would have a 50 mile radius so there was no way we would survive.  I tried t...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:33:00 PST

dream with me

Remembering your dreams is the starting place for learning to have lucid dreams. If you don’t recall your dreams, even if you do have a lucid dream, you won’t remember it! And, in order ...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:07:00 PST

I had a dream

I had a dream that I went to the place where people go when they die. It was all mounds of dirt and water but there were no plants. There was no sky and no buildings. It looked kind of like a construc...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 04:05:00 PST


I put two more songs on my player that are really classic to me.  A Pocket Sized Sun and Do you Dream of Me by Tiamat off of the Wildhoney album. listen to them on my player on my page if you lik...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 03:35:00 PST

deep thoughts about life and trees and people and stuff

if trees are seen parallel to your life, then maybe some people are like leaves and some people are like branches. Maybe some people are even like pine cones. I just thought of pine cones.Anyway, in ...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 10:10:00 PST

Trip to Redwoods and stuff

makin my way through the mountain passwe didnt expect snow! wheeee!snow hmmmmm....not sure what to do with that stufffluffy!!cabin we stayed inI pwn redwoodshere is one of emmy cousin got married to h...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 10:07:00 PST

pcs from my mexico adventure

not mexico but Palm springs where which was like preparation training for mexico.first pics from our room in cabofirst night shotgood shot from the balcony shows good view of everything.Erin Vince and...
Posted by Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 02:28:00 PST