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Education is like the seed of knowledge, or something :)

About Me

ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!! THEY DON'T WANT AN END TO THE WAR THEY WANT ENDLESS WAR. THEY WENT A STEP FURTHER THAN PEAL HARBOR, WITCH WAS INTENTIONALLY PROVOKED AND ALLOWED TO HAPPEN, 9/11 WAS A CONTROLLED DEMOLTION! WAKE UP! TIME IS RUNNING OUT! DON'T PUT OFF YOUR DREAMS ANY LONGER! DON'T LET ANYTHING STAND IN YOUR WAY! Following your heart, making this world a better place! Eminate peace and love! We need to raise our vibration to a universal love vibration in order to defeat the dark masters. This must be done by speading an awareness of truth and love. MUST SEE if you haven't already!! 95115331The intro is long. it actually starts at 5:15 and for some reason it would stop playing and I would have to click on the "pointer" along the bottom of the screen and sometimes drag it back to where I was.This documentary MUST be shared with friends, family, coworkers, strangers, every email address you have, the media, your elected officials, and we must get together and ask, "Okay, now what is to be done?" Hola, me llammo Matt. I am a lightworker and a wayshower. My purpose here in this time is to educate people and to help facilitate a global shift in human consciousness, awareness, and spiritual aptitude. There's a lot of good links, videos and resources on this page and many others. I hope you enjoy the journey down and through the rabbit hole as I have. Peace be with you! :) -Matt :) I'm also @! It's like myspace for positive, spiritual people! Greetings!! You've come to this page because you've been chosen to receive the truth! I am a force opposed to racism, sexism, war, starvation, and poverty. I'm here to promote spiritual, political conspiracy, scientific, and "end times" (a new beginning) prophecy awareness. So Sit back, forget who you are, forget everything you've been told. Let me take you on a little ride. Fact: On 9/11 those buildings came down in a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION!! Fact: JFK was not even SHOT by Lee Harvey Oswald!! He was killed because he wanted to get out of Vietnam which would have meant that whoever owned the helicopter company that built all those helicopters for Vietnam wouldn't have gotten that nice defense contract that he got after the assasination. I've also heard that another reason was that he wanted to change the Federal Reserve system from a gold standard to a silver standard. Anyone who knows anything about the Fed, it's creation, it's history and who owns it knows that they would not hesitate to kill anyone who jepardized their interests, even in that person was JFK. Fact: RFK was not killed by Sirhan Sirhan. He was also killed because he wanted to get out of Veitnam and would have done so if he were elected President. Fact: Marilyn Monroe was killed because she was "gonna blow the lid off the whole thing" her words.You can also research these other possible inside attacks used as justification for going to war; "Remember the Maine" - Spanish American War "Gulf of Tonkin" - Vietnam. Do you know who the Bilderbergers are? Look it up! Why was the Federal Reserve Act passed on Christmas eve when most Senators and representatives were home for the holidays!? Why was the meeting creating the Federal Reserve Act held in complete secracy with the eight participants leaving New York on a private train with black out windows. Why did they use code names? What is the deal with that pyramid and eye on the dollar bill? Do you want to know the truth? Here's a great video that explains it all! I'm also @! Did you know that on 9/11 those building were brought down in a controlled demolition with demolition charges!? The proof is right here! ... width="425" height="350" ..Loose Change 2nd Edition - Very good! 63801I'm giving out free bumper stickers to anyone who wants them! Let me know if you or anyone you know wants any! *Update* I'm now out of bumper stickers! yay!! I spent $157 of my own money to print up 250 bumper stickers at Hopefully someone else will step up and do the same. I will order another printing as soon as I receive enough donations to do so. You can also buy "bumper sticker paper" and print you own @ home. check out the videos in this link ( ), check out the audio and video evidence of the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the World Trade Center at this group roupProfile&groupID=100597902&Mytoken=BB1274EB-DF13- A07C-84F7B8EB1F35DC3A51627992 Click on "watch and listen",come to at least a rudimentary understanding of the secrets behind the formation of the federal reserve bank ( ),the "failed intelligence" of Pearl Harbor ( ), The "McCollum Memo" the smoking gun of pearl harbor!"All war is based on deception." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of WarPutting 9/11 into context as just one in a long line of falefied attacks to justify war in order to line the pockets of the war profieers and feed the egos of the war mongers ... e more good links!want to learn the "secret" history of the creation of the federal reserve? It doesn't have to be so "secret" anymore! want proof that FDR had advanced warning of the impending attack on pearl harbor? some more good pear harbor stuff! here's some good pear harbor stuff! Clifford M. Andrew, Intelligence officer at Army Intelligence in Hawaii, which read: "The Japanese will attack, do not prepare defenses, we need the full support of the American Nation in a war time effort by an unprovoked attack upon the Nation." source: whatreallyhappened.com2005 McCollum/index.htmlyou want proof that the US govt. funded AIDS virus development? Loose Change, 2nd Edition? Have you seen it? "Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth Is called at once a lunatic and fool" -- Plato. "Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground." - Unknown"when you have a system of denial, you will grasp at any reason, explanation, justification or falsehood to keep that system going and upheld -Matt Mann"the nature of knowledge is that it desires to be shared€? - Matt Mann copy and paste below into your address bar to add me to your top 8! Pleeease! :) People don't understand! It's not just about 9/11 or attacking Bush! Do you actually think Bush has the ability to even mastermind a BBQ, let alone something like 9/11?! Wake up!! He's just a pawn on the chessboard of global profiteers! It's not just about 9/11 either! Please, if you really want to know the truth, research the following events; The Maine, The creation of the Federal Reserve, Pear Harbor, JFK, The Gulf of Tonkin, The MJ 12 document deception, 7/7 ...So anybody with two fuctioning eyes and a brian that is not shackled in ignorace and denial can see by the video tape evidence that those towers were brought down in a controlled demolition and that they were not hit by commercial airliners, seeing as how they visably fired missiles just before impact. Add to this the facts that no 757 wreckage was found at the pentagon, the fact that on 9/11 it was reported that flight 93 had landed in Cleveland and everyone got off safely. Add to this the fact that the alleged crash site for flight 93 had grass growing all over it that was at least three to four weeks old, and not a bit of wreckage! What about the fact that a CIA official met with Bin Ladin when he went to the hospital for treatment in the months preceeded 9/11. Does this mean that Bin Ladin is just working for the "Illuminati"? No. I believe that Bin Ladin and the hijackers were/are genuine enemies of the U.S. and not employed by the "Illuminati". It's obvious with all the "failed intelligence" (nothing failed about it! It work out just as "they" planned!) that we had plenty of knowledge of the comming attacks. "They" obviously would have had a lot more and planned the demolitions without Al Queda knowing. It's like Al Queda is woring for the Illuminati, but they don't even know it. As long as there is continued war, "they" profit, and that's the truth.I don't want to get you too occupied with all this conspiracy/public deception stuff though, because the fact is that these may be the "end times" (which is really just a new beginning). Our society needs to become more aware of the single spiritual truth that we all are and everything is interconnected throughout this entire universe, which may not be the only universe, but that's another story. So I say "Bring it on! I'm ready!"feel free to add my other myspace profiles!! ONERETURENED=0&PREVPageFirstONERETURENED=0&TotalReco rds=4126397&myTopEight=&fuseaction=user.editTop8& ;searchBy=Email&[email protected]..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to smoke a joint with Britney Spears, that would be hilarious!


Metal, jazz, blues, new age, chill, classic rock


The Matrix


Carlos Castaneda, David Icke, Zecheriah Sichin


Martyrs, artists, and revolutionaries

My Blog

Greetings from Grass Valley

Greetings everyone! I know I've been pretty silent for a while. Let me bring you up to date! I am going through a divorce, have left my dead end retail job that I had for 12+ years! I've been doing ev...
Posted by Earthbound on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 06:54:00 PST


Well, dammit! I still haven't won the lottery, which means I'm financially screwed, but whatayagonnado? I'm goin' a little crazy, It's gonna be a long day! Ah, I'll live thru it! I still don't know wh...
Posted by Earthbound on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 04:11:00 PST

New intro for my book

"What if you had to tell someone the most important thing in the world, but you knew they would never believe you?" "I would try." This quote from a movie is exactly the problem we face when dealing ...
Posted by Earthbound on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:54:00 PST

Check this stuff out!
Posted by Earthbound on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 03:28:00 PST

Shine your positive light! :)

  Thanks! ~Nita aka ~eerie   Shine your positive light: Does the world around you seem too hectic and frenzied? Then your best response is to be extra calm, peaceful and patient. Does...
Posted by Earthbound on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:43:00 PST

an excerpt from my book

In the today's world we are facing numerous problems. The war in Iraq, terrorist bombings, environmental issues, religious and social issues & How do we as a society tackle theses difficult issues? Th...
Posted by Earthbound on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 11:32:00 PST

Channeled by Edna

..> 2007 Year of Spiritual Discernment-Brotherhood of Light. Current mood: thoughtful   Predictions 2007: The Year of Spiritual DiscernmentThe Brotherhood of L...
Posted by Earthbound on Tue, 29 May 2007 02:04:00 PST

Thank You Michael

  Thank You Michael   ...what exactly would it mean for us to be perfect would it change us to realise we are worthy of perfection...that we are worthy of experiencing love, ou...
Posted by Earthbound on Tue, 29 May 2007 11:53:00 PST


David Wilcock (see also Wilcock bio) is one of the more interesting people who are making a serious attempt to explain the rapid changes that the world is going through today. Though controversial, hi...
Posted by Earthbound on Tue, 29 May 2007 12:21:00 PST

This is cool :)

  Thanks Delite Universal Love   Thanks to,*11 ~**Raven Sapphire**~ Emissary of Light" ~ 11*   By James Arthur Ray No matter what your dreams, intentions, goals or life plans, you will...
Posted by Earthbound on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:34:00 PST