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Welcome!!! Make youselves at home..May we explore the world with childlike eyes and see the truth be

About Me

FreeOATH OF THE FREEDOM FIGHTER by James Stuart Kelley Upon My Sacred Honor I Shall Fight To The Death To Remain Free No One Shall Govern Me I Shall Submit To No Authority There Is No Question In This Matter I Shall Always Refuse To Obey I Shall Face My Enemy Squarely When He Attacks, I Shall Counter-Attack When He Rests, I Shall Press The Battle And When The Time Comes That I Face My Final Departure I Shall Take My Enemy With Me For He Is A Creature Without Mercy And He Deserves None
I SUPPORT ED AND ELAINE BROWN Randy Weaver and Ed Brown June 18th 2007 News ConferenceIf you have found yourself upon my page may your minds be open and ready to learn..For This is not a hate page it is information...Imformation that I ask all to research out and see where it takes you..I am not speaking of being against just Bush..It goes far deeper and a lot further back than your minds would even want to imagine..Remember the president, congress, senate and the whole structure of this society is on puppet strings and you are only a pawn being played...Research and use your minds and see past the illusion that you have been brought up in...Are you Sheep or are you going to find your freedom? For that is what this is about..OUR FREEDOM!!!!I've had this video footage for over 10 years now and lately I've seem it coming around again..Interesting to think that this is as old as it is and lets you know that these places should be fully operational by now!!! Click below and see what I am talking about..CURRENT MOON about the moonOk, you want to know about me, Well I appear to be a very mellow, quiet, honest person...I am Old Fashioned in some sense.. But if you look at me on a social level, I am everything this society is NOT....This picture below was first taken by photography by Paiten then drawn by Deanna St. Croix..I think both Ladies have great potential!! Yuvett by Deanna St.CroixTHEY WANT YOUR SOUL

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Add to My Profile | More VideosNo Blood For Oil 5 - The Final Cut
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My Interests

I enjoy studying the human animal and it's behavior in it's environment. Tattoo's, Dancing, gazing at the stars, and spending time with my family..I am always trying to dig deeper into the realm of magick, herbology, ghosts, and even my own existence...

Welcome to the Police State

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I'd like to meet:

Anyone who may have some intelligence left within there greyish mass called a brain... Truly, I would like to meet people whom have stepped out of society and realized government is the problem..No matter what side of government they are on they are all corrupt..

Pictures of Janis Joplin



I like most all music in existence. Just depends on the day..My two best concerts were Pantara at Walnut creek amphitheater in North Carolina and Type-O-Negative opened up for Danzig in Raleigh North Carolina. That was the only one that I was front row standing and had a blast..Been many years ago since I saw them in concert..Wow were they great.. Other music I like is, Ozzy and Black Sabbith, Mudvayne, Green Day, Janis Joplin, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeplin, MotorHead, Ramstein, Iron Maiden, Kiss, Mamma's and the Pappa's, Kenny Rodgers, Mozart, Beethoven, Enigma, Pink Floyd, You name it I probably like it unless it is Rap Crap.. Sorry don't like rap.
Tainted Love
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Add to My Profile | More VideosIron Maiden Can I Play With Madness
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Movies, well I am a movie nut...I love Rob Zombies movies, I love Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Zombie movies, Vampire Movies, Ghost movies, Lord of the Rings..I like anything as long as it is not a mushy movie.I am also highly into Japanese Anime..It totally Rules..Bela Lugosi movies are pretty cool.. Pirates 3 was AWESOME!!!!!


Television? Well I don't watch your typical TV. I prefer my Home Movies and then I can have a good grasp on what my children watch. Shows on TV are just plain DUMB!!!I Like to Think for myself and We don't sit in front of that Box all day long...Then you have Commercials.. The Bastard of Greed and Envy...It's not that hard to turn the switch OFF and find something better to be doing...


herbology, metaphysics, science, history, ancient occult, Anti-Political and what not.I Love Books, for Books are the key to Knowledge....

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Any person who has broken away from the Illusion of the social structure of this world...
SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PICTURE DRAWS ME IN!Mr. Peltier’s unjust incarceration remains a festering sore that impedes better race relations in America. Surely the time has come to promote healing and a spirit of trust and genuine goodwill toward the Indian peoples of America with an act that serves both compassion and justice.
The Late Coretta Scott King
Join with these and other Peltier supporters to secure the freedom of an innocent man.
*Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
*American Indian Law Alliance
*Amnesty International
*Assembly of First Nations
*Chairman Fred Hampton Jr.
*Jackson Browne
*The Late Mother Teresa
*Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell
*Geronimo Ji Pratt
*Hurricane Carter
*Belgian Parliament
*Tenzin Gyatso (the 14th Dalai Lama)
*Rodney Grant
*Sen. Daniel Inouye
*The Late Coretta Scott King
*Martin Luther King III
*Winona LaDuke
*Nelson Mandela
*Peter Matthiessen
*National Congress of American Indians
*The Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center
*U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
*The Italian Parliament
*Former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights,
Mary Robinson
Click here to view petition signatures.
*Cypress Hill
*Micheal Moore
*Oliver Stone
*Robert Redford
*Esthics of Resistance
*Rakka Irrsience
*Zach De La Rocha
*Tom Morrelo
*Rick Ruben
*Dr. Michael Koch for LPSG RheinMain
*KOLA Australia
*KOLA Great Britain
*KOLA International
*KOLA Nederland
*KWIA / LPSG België
*140 worldwide Leonard Peltier Support Groups
Sign the petition to bring Leonard home!

My Blog

HR 1955

HR 1955 RFS110th CONGRESS1st Session H. R. 1955??IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATESOctober 24, 2007Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental AffairsAN AC...
Posted by Yuvett on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:00:00 PST


watching the whirlwind spiraling out of controllI see a set up being played and have no way to stop it..This event we are seeing,  that has come into play has been a really long chess game..It st...
Posted by Yuvett on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:36:00 PST

Autism report

I have a child with Autism..Out of three children I only have one with it..I stopped there vaccines within the first year of life..They have never had another shot since and wont have any for now on.....
Posted by Yuvett on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:25:00 PST

listings of concentration camps in U.S. please pass along to others!!!

There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These cam...
Posted by Yuvett on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:29:00 PST

Just a Question?

Is There any intelegent life forms on myspace that actually talk about real things and not get this free or buy this..Come on people this is not a place for selling your shit..or pushing for free ps3 ...
Posted by Yuvett on Sun, 13 May 2007 08:51:00 PST

Remember May 15th Don't Pump GAS

  Ø      NO GAS...On May 15th 2007 > > Body: Don't pump gas on may 15th > Body: ...in April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in > protest of gas prices. Gasoline ...
Posted by Yuvett on Fri, 04 May 2007 12:20:00 PST


In your opinion, What is the most stupid of all animals on this planet? I believe it would be humans...What about you?...
Posted by Yuvett on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 10:16:00 PST

Tell me about your Dark Side!!

Tell me about your Dark Side? I want to hear from you!!! I find the Darker Side of people way more interesting for no matter who you may be, you do have one...So share with me your Darker Side.....
Posted by Yuvett on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 12:28:00 PST

When is enough- ENOUGH!!!!

How many more have to die for the greed of the Government/Corporations? ----------------------------------Yuvett-------------------- ------------------         &n...
Posted by Yuvett on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 01:10:00 PST

Wow another quake!!!!

Small tsunami waves hit Japan after Pacific quake By Elaine Lies Sat Jan 13, 9:05 AM ET TOKYO (Reuters) - Small tsunami waves hit northern and eastern Japan on Saturday after a powerful ear...
Posted by Yuvett on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 04:13:00 PST