Remote Viewing;Ghost Hunting;Paranormal Debunking;Photography;The SuperNatural;Paranormal Investigations;Psychics;Mediums;TAPS;UFO's;Spirtualism;ALL THINGS PARANORMAL;Astrology, (Western, Chinese, CHEROKEE);Native American Culture;
We are Seeking Active and Inactive Members.
P.S.A. is currently expanding, needing members from all over the state to aide in Historic Research, to Investigations to even reviewing collected data for possible evidence.
Position : Historian(s)
Position : Investiagator(s)
Position : Media Consultant
Position : Audio Reviewer
Position : Video Reviewer
Position : Videographer
Position : Photographer
We Conduct ALL Investigations FREE of Charge. And There for All Members are Volunteers. None of us get paid for this quest into the SuperNatural.
We conduct Monthly Chat Meetings as everyone is spaced out all over. We do not require members to Attend Investigations. As we realize some can not travel due to whatever reason. This does NOT mean you can't be a viable member of a Paranormal Research Team. Any assistance with the research is just as valuable as doing the Hands On Shadow Chasing in the Dark on locations.
We value EVERYONES Opinion, And Actively SEEK view points from Believers and Skeptics and everyone that falls inbetween.
Got what it takes, do you have the drive and the passion for TRUE Research.
You Found the Right Place. visit
or drop us an email for more information.
.. Documenting The Paranormal "For Those Scared of The Dark" We started Production on a Documentary in Early 2007. That has spawned into a life of its own and growing into more. Stay Tuned for More! "Apparitions Among Us" Due for Release In 2008; Also in Production "An Ozarks Haunting" Para Doc Productions "Supernatural In The Natural State" Para Doc Productions
Spooked; Children of The Grave; Ghost Adventures; StarGate; Sixth Sense; Matrix (all of them); Borne Identity; Borne Supremecy
Ghost Hunters; Haunting Evidence; Most Haunted (For Entertainment and Laughs) Psychic Detectives; Sensing Murder; UFO Files; Stargate SG1; Stargate Atlantis; CSI; NCIS; Proof Positive;
Edgar Cayce;
The Cherokee Sacred Calendar;
Sylvia Brown;
All things Metaphysical
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