Paranormal Investigating Society
We specialize in finding out the details of your hauntings in your homes, your businesses, etc. We find out what your dealing with and answer your questions. We help you understand your paranormal problems and offer results free of charge.
The JPRS Team:
Dar- Founder, Lead Investigator, Interviewer, Case Manager.
Rikki- Lead Senior Investigator, Tech Support,Interviewer, Geologist Specialist.
Curtis- Senior Investigator, Specializing in E.V.P. and Video, J.P.R.S.'s Skeptic. Helps out with the skeptic point of view of the paranormal.
Kerry- Investigator, Interviewer, Specializes in Photography and EVP.
Katie -Hisorical Research Manager, Specializes in Occult Research and Studies.
Jeremy- Investigator, specializes in EVP.
Zachy- Investigator in Training
Equiment Used:
Our team uses 35mm film cameras, 5 digital and nondigital recorders with wind resistant microphone for EVP, lap top, Nightvision scope, Digital Camcorder, EMF Meter:"Cellsensor", video cameras w/ night vision, PreciseTEMP 433MHz Wireless remote sensor with base station, RayTek Mini Temp MT 4 infared laser thermometer, digital camera's with video, flashlights,laptop computer with USB night vision camera, 4 (walkie talkie) communicators, 4x cctv wireless infrared cameras with grand tech color quad processor. Sony DSC-W30 digital camera, Panasonic Digital Voice Recorder, 2 way radios, JVC digital video camera, TV VCR Combo for recording 4x cctv. non-contact air tem thermometer
Orbs, The unsolved Mystery
Peace Church Cemetery
EMF Detector lighting up from an orb
Dar taking a pic of the same orb that was showing up and moving around on pics from multiple cameras at the Prosperity School
Dar and Kerry in the Kendrick Place, watching a orb float around in the room. We snapped a pic of it, laying on the pillow
I'd like to meet:
People interested in the paranormal and unexplained.
Meet Our New Sister Groups!!!
J.P.R.S. Protocol...........
-We do not tolerate any rude or disrespectful behavior towards anyone during an activity.
-We do not steal or vandalize any property at anytime.
-We present ourselves in a mature and professional matter during activities and take our group very seriously.
-We do not partake in any illegal drugs or alcohol before or during any J.P.R.S. activity.
-We always check our equipment before we do an investigation, make sure lenses are clean, fresh batteries, extra film.
-We do not fake or manipulate any photos in any way.
-We take daytime pictures of the area and explore the premises first to make sure of any obstacles for safety and look for anything that could be mistaken for ghostly footage.
-We check the weather conditions before going on an investigation, incase of rain, fog, mist, etc.
-We do not allow smoking during investigations.
This is from Moses Carver's Grave at the George Washington Carver's Birthplace Center.
if you have any suggestions, questions, haunted places you want to let us know about, leave us a comment right here ..
We took some some pics in an attic and got a lot of questionable Orb pics and some looking like faces. So we came back to the house and This is a test Dar and Curtis did in an attic with some insulation.
| View Slideshow
This is Orbs caused from a couple smoke bombs.
This is the Kendrick Place,inside the slave quarters, when I entered it for the first time, you can hear Rikki outside, and at the end, you can hear the spirit interrupt me and say "here" clearly.
click here to listen to Kendrick Place, Slaves Quarter, Daytime EVP
A few months later, 11-10-07 im outside with Kerry, shes lighting a cigerette and by her car, when I enter the slave quarters and the door immediately slams shut through the frame, and i cant get out, what you are hearing is me trying to open the door.
Click here to listen to Dar trying to fight the door open, inside the slave house EVP
This one is from a while back during a clients interview, unexpectedly the spirit, who ends up being a little girl possibly named sarah, comes out to greet us.
Click here to listen to a spirit interrupts the interview EVP
J.P.R.S. Updates/News
As you can see, JPRS is growing! We have some new members, and new branches. Also, JPRS is hosting the SPRIT FEST which is a great event coming in August, click on the poster above or below on our friends. The Festival is at the Beach campground, it includes vendors, bands, local paranormal groups, speakers, camping, swimming, and more. add our festival and tell all of your friends! Thanks for your support!
Dar ,Founder and Lead Investigator.
Coast to Coast Ghosts, By Leslie Rule and The Ghost Hunters Guide Book, by Troy Taylor
Troy Taylor, John Zaffis, Jason Hawes, and Grant Wilson.