ABSINTHE ..................Coffin Joe,Lucha Libre Vampira,Horror,Gore,Anna Falchi,Samhain,Jack Ketchum,The Grimm Brothers,Lucio Fulci,Argento,Basil Gogos,Barbara Steele,Blue Demon .. Collecting old Halloween Decor,movie props,stills and posters,old Halloween records.Jack-0-Lanterns, Dead things ..............
PRADA,PRADA ..addicted to PRADA !!!!!!!!
Elvis,Euronymous,Boyd Rice,Jim Morrison,H.P Lovecraft,Sid Vicious,Edgar Allan Poe,Aleister Crowley,Johnny Rotten,Douglas P(Death in June)......David Lynch,Pee Wee Herman,El Santo,Mil Mascaras,Barbara Steele, Brigitte Bardot.... MORRISSEY !!!!
Horror From Beyond The Grave…
Upon Frayed Lips Of Silence
DEATH IN JUNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plasmatics,Combi Christ,Boyd Rice,ROME,Mayhem,Ostara,Non,Dan Reed,NON,Darkthrone,TJOLGTJAR,Sol Invictus,Lux Interna,In Ruin,Andrew King,Harvestman,In Gowan Ring, Goblin, John Carpenter,Knifeladder,Enio Morricone,Kiss,Lucifer's Friend,Piledriver,Velvet Underground,The Tards,Waldteufel,Arckanum,Hellhammer,SONNE HAGAL, Lords of the New Church,Of the Wand & the Moon,Dead Boys,Rattus,Larm,SEPTIC DEATH,Gism,Killing Joke, Exploited,Celtic Frost,Forseti, Bathory,Hallowmas,Miles Davis,DER BLUTHARSCH,Archeron, Morrissey,Guns n Roses,Sex Pistols,Tom Waits,Samhain, Peter Gabriel,Waitan,Funeral Mist,NOKTURNE,The Smiths,The Doors,Elvis,The Cure,Ministry,Gene Loves Jezabel,The Residents,Demoncy,Gorgoroth,Frank Sinatra,The Clash,Black Flag/Henry Rollins,Dark Angel,old Slayer,Diablos,Messiah, Ramones,HIM,Leviathan,Amen,Larm,Raw Power,Coph Nia,Skinny Puppy,Alien Sex Fiend,Did I mention DEATH IN JUNE !!! .....
The Exorcist, The Beyond,Deep Red, Tenebrae, Don't be Afraid of the Dark, Let's Scare Jessica to Death, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Ichi the Killer, Audition,Ringu, Tool Box Murders, Shock Waves, City of the Living Dead, House by the Cemetery, The Phone, Nightmare Before Christmas and countless others... FASTER PUSSYCAT KILL KILL !!!!!!
Twilight Zone,Night Gallery,American Gothic,Tales From the Darkside,Eerie Indiana and the Night Stalker!
Ladies Night, Red, Off Season, Books of Blood, Say You Love Satan, Horror Holocaust EVERYTHING BY ANNE RICE and many others ........