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Tura Satana


About Me

..-2 I am very hard working and believe in earning my way in this world. I am a widow of 6 yrs. now, but I am very blessed with the family that I do have. My stepsons are wonderful people. I hope that I will always be able to make them very proud of me and my life and choice of careers. I have been many things in my days, Nurse, ER Assistant, actress, dancer, ecdyzist, body guard, security personnel, and very female. Don't get me wrong, for being a tough and independent female I still like to be held, petted, desired and cuddled. Without those things, I don't feel very female. But, I have to say that any stalkers out there have been totally done away with. I don't mind admirers but stalkers will have a very difficult time with me, because I can spot them and do away with them as well. They just don't last long with me. I guess it is because of my police background and the security work that I did for years, plus being a personal bodyguard.I dislike people who pretend to be me. What I mean by that, is that I dislike people who use my name for financial gain. I have worked many years to build up my name in a reputable fashion. When someone uses my name for a personal gain, I do get angry. My name is copyrighted and is trademarked. I don't mind people using Tura or Satana, but not together. I know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I don't try to be anyone else and I would prefer that my friends and fans would just be themselves. This way, I know that I am not talking to myself!!!!!!!. I love people and I love my fans. I was married three times and outlived two husbands, so I am not looking to get married again. I have two wonderful daughters and four step children. From all of my children I have a total of 11 grandkids. Most of them don't even know that I worked in films or was a dancer in my heyday, but I guess that being noted as one of the 10 BEST UNDRESSED WOMEN OF ALL TIME, will eventually get out to them. I hope that the fans will always enjoy my work and my way of entertaining them. I have been honored in many ways. In 1994 I was invited to the Chiller Convention in Oct. and I was awarded the LIFETIME FEMME FATALE Award. I was very pleased with that and I treaure the trophy very much. I really am proud of the the awards that I have won, because the only reason I got them is because of my fans. You are my heart's blood, because you have made me who and what I am to this day. Always with love, Tura Satana
[email protected]
Tura Satana is one of the sexiest, toughest ass-kickers to ever grace a movie screen. Her role as Varla, the badass tough girl with out-of-this-world cleavage in Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill! (which celebrates it's 40th Anniversary this year), is forever cemented as one of the greatest bad-girl roles in film history. Had Uma Thurman's Bride character come across Tura during one of the Kill Bill films, she would have most certainly met her match. We got a chance to ask some hard-hitting questions of this sexy film legend, from her days as a burlesque dancer, to her relationship with Elvis Presley, and she didn't pull any punches with her answers!
1. What was reform school like? Did any of the girls fight or pick on you?
Reform school was a big drag, but it was also very educational for me. I learned that there was zero tolerance for anyone who was not white or black. Unfortunately, I fell in the in-between category. Since I was Asian and Japanese to boot, I had to show them that I wasn't there to be their punching bag or girl toy. Once I took out their leaders, I was left alone. I had all of the matrons and the inmates basically afraid to screw with me. It is the only way to survive in that type of atmosphere.
2. In your teen years you were in a gang. Were there any initiation rites or fights?
Basically I was in a girl gang prior to my teen years. Yes, our initiation rights were that we had to pierce our ears with a knife and there was no cheating by using ice cubes or potatoes as a lever. Of course you didn't want to go too deep, so you had to take it slow as you were pushing the knife blade through your lobe. I have to tell you that our gang was a gang for the protection of females in our neighborhood, especially I had been raped at 9 yrs. old. We made sure that it didn't happen to anyone else and no one messed with anyone in our territory.
3. At age 10 you were raped by 5 guys leading you to study Karate to protect yourself. Were the men ever arrested or caught? How has that affected your adult relationships with men?
Actually it was at the age of 9 yrs. I was a couple of month shy of my 10th birthday. Yes, they were caught and arrested, but one of the fathers bought the boys release and paid the judge a thousand dollars to clear them. I was guilty of enticing the boys and I was sent to reform school because of it. But, I did get even with each and every one of them. It took several years to find them all, but I did and I gave them back what they did to me. I guess I could have turned into a man hater but I didn't. I actually like men very much. My husband (who passed away), used to tell me that he was very happy that I didn't become a man hater.
4. By the age of 13 you were in an arranged marriage. How were you able to cope with an adult relationship at such a young age?
Yes, I was married at the age of 13 in Hernandos, Mississippi. You have to understand that my husband was only 17 when I married him. I had been engaged to him since I was born. We were both too young and too inexperienced to really cope with anything, let alone married life. He wanted to have his fun in the Navy and go out with his friends and I was supposed to sit at home and take care of his laundry and etc. FAT CHANCE!!! We eventually divorced and went our separate ways. When I ran into him again, I was an actress and dancer and he was fat and bald.
5. You were discriminated against for being part Japanese while growing up. Is that were your toughness or quick temper comes from? Do you think it's more of a protection mechanism because of all the horrible things that happened to you as a child?
Yes, I think it is a defense mechanism that springs up when someone pushes the buttons. I am actually a very happy go lucky person and love people, but when someone comes along and starts to tell me that I don't belong here, then I just left them know that I do belong, and in no uncertain terms.
Tura, from The Astro-Zombies (1969)
6. Do you have any good memories from your early childhood?
Yes, I have some wonderful memories of my family and my brother and sisters. When my father, brother and myself were interned in the camp, we became very close and protective of one another. I remember when my father took my brother and I on the train and I watched the scenery go by and was totally fascinated with the expanse of the country and the beauty of it as well. I remember going to church and being with people who didn't stare at me and whisper behind our backs. My mother teaching me to dance a little and my vocal coach telling me that I would one day sing operas. Those were dreams and fond memories.
7. Was the Japanese side of your family conservative? What did your parents think of your career later on?
To a major respect, yes, my father was conservative, but he was also permissive in many ways, because he had been a silent screen actor at one time. My parents were very supportive of me in any career that I wished to enter. I used to sing for all the school assemblies and for all of the major functions because of my voice. I had over 4 octaves in range. Not any more though. When I became a dancer, my father was again supportive. His only instructions were that if I choose to do something then I must do it with all of my heart and soul. He told me that as long as I strove to be the best then he would always be proud of me.
8. You dated Elvis for a time and mentioned that he made Priscilla look like you. Why do you think he did that? Did you see him do drugs or pass out? Did he ever make any unusual requests to you?
Yes, but our relationship was kept very secret and I think that you know why that is. Yes, if you see pictures of me when I dated him and then see Priscilla after that, you will see that she was looking almost my double. I don't know, but I finally had to tell him to stop and let her be herself. NO, when Elvis was with me, he never did drugs or pass out. He was always very straight with me, but you have to remember that he was younger then. I knew him in the 50's. No, I never got any strange requests from him, except when he asked me to marry him and I said NO. He told me to never forget him and I haven't.
9. Have you dated any other famous actors or mobsters?
I. Yes, I have some of both.
10. You used to have a Tassel Twirling class. Do you have any helpful hints for our readers who want to twirl?
Not really, they would have to come to me and then I can show them how to properly twirl tassels, but you can just write it down. I am even thinking of opening a burlesque training school, so that I can show these ladies how to use a stage. There will be no poles to hang from and they will learn how to use and stage and make their audience want to watch them.
11. Being in Burlesque business for 18 years do you have a favorite performance or costume? How were the knives and swords integrated into your act? Are there any ground breaking or unusual acts that have been forgotten by the general public that should be remembered?
Yes, I think that my Buddha and the kimono's that I wore were something that you will not see today. The knives and swords were used in the Hari Kari part of my performance. Oh there are many lovely ladies that are not around anymore. Stunning Smith, the lady with the Purple hair, Maxine Martin, The Skyscraper Girl, Galatea, Kiva and her fans, Virginia "Ding Dong" Bell, Christie Cherie, Carrie Finnell, and many more. A lot of Lili St. Cyr's routines are out there, but they are not done with her finesse or style.
12. What would you say was your worst out of control, stalker fan from your shows? How about people from the convention circuit?
Oh, I don't get stalker fans. For one thing most of them are afraid of me. For another thing, my fans know that I can take care of myself. I once had a guy hide in my hotel room closet. After my show, I came in and proceeded to get ready for bed. When I went to hang up my clothes, there he was. He reached to grab me, but I got there first. He went flying across the room and wound up with a broken arm and busted nose and badly twisted leg. The house detective carried him out of my room and then I went to bed.
13. Are there roles you've played in the movies or on TV that you're most proud of?
Yes, I loved my role in FPKK. Probably because Varla was so much a part of me. I loved playing in Our Man Flint, but my favorite TV roles were the ones that I played on Girl From UNCLE. Noel Harrison and I had lots of fun on the set in between takes. He never realized that a gal could be strong and (as he put it), flat out gorgeous at the same time. I loved my role in Irma La Douce, even when I broke my leg. The most fun was had on Who's Been Sleeping in my Bed? with Dean Martin, Liz Montgomery, and Carol Burnett. I choreographed her strip routine for the film.
14. What type of recent movies do you tend to watch?
I watch a lot of Jackie Chan and Jet Li films. I love martial arts films. I also watch Chuck Norris. I got a kick out of Charlie's Angels, Boy what I couldn't do with special effects?
15. How did you keep cool while filming, "Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill!" with Russ Meyer in the desert?
I didn't! There was no cool spot in the desert in the middle of July through September.
16. Do you still own or wear Go-Go boots?
Yes, I still wear boots, I don't know if they are called Go Go boots anymore, but I still own quite a few pairs of boots.
17. Do you have any other unusual hobbies or collections we'd be surprised by?
Yes, right now I am taking kick boxing classes and resistance training. I am trying to get back in fighting shape for my next film.
18. You are a survivor. You've been in a major car accident and shot in the stomach. Not to mention the many fights you've had. What do you attribute your longevity to?
I would say, it is in my genes. I think that whether the fans like it or not, God has been on my side. He never gave me anything that I couldn't handle although sometimes I think that he had more faith in me than I did. I also have a very loving family with my remaining sisters and my children and my grandchildren. They give me the strength to go on and to check out the next day to see what is in store for me and for them.
19. If a movie is made of your life who would you like to see portray you?
If that were to happen then I would say that the only ones I think might be able to handle the role is Lucy Lawless or Angelina Jolie. They have the bodies and the physical abilities to do the job.
20. Do you think that with age has come wisdom? What piece of advice would you tell your younger self?
Yes, I found that out long ago. The older I got, the smarter my parents were. It takes the trials and errors of your youth to learn from your own mistakes. I think that all things happen for a purpose and that purpose is to teach you. Hopefully you learn the lesson the first time, if not you go through it again. I really have no advice for my younger self, but I will share a bit of wisdom that my father gave me as a child. LEARN, something new everyday. Make sure that you learn something. If it enriches your soul then you have learned something worthy. If it doesn't, you will know not to do it again! The only thing that I can say to my fans is a very humble THANK YOU. If it were not for my fans, I would have faded away a long time ago, but their love and devotion have kept me, not only alive, but KICKING ASS.
I still do personal appearances at conventions and special shows. I will be appearing at the Bridge theater in San Francisco with Peaches Christ for the Midnight Mass on July 1 and 2nd. I would love to go back to Europe and see my fans there, one last time before I retire totally. I probably would have done that years ago, if my friend and manager Siouxzan Perry hadn't talked me into making some personal appearances. If not for her, I would have closed down my website and retired gracefully into oblivion. She wouldn't let me.
Visit Tura Satana's official site at WWW.TURASATANA.COM!

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Hi Pussycat Gang:Well here is something else that you can all enjoy. You all keep telling me that I should put more info out there about myself and I have done just that. Now here is another illustration that Varla will live forever. Enjoy my loves and keep me in your evil little hearts.Always with Love, Tura Satana

My Interests

Movies, hiking, fishing, swimming, acting, dancing, Aikido and males. I love to cook and enjoy watching friends eating my cooking. I love to be close to people that I like, especially the males in my life. I just like making friends. I also just love people. I love a cozy fire in the fireplace, someone to cuddle with either watching the fire or the lake outside, or if I am at the ocean, listening to the waves wash on shore. Like most people I enjoy the romance in my life and the sharing of special moments.

Gold Miner Vegas

Something to do until I wake up.Tura

Tura Satana interview 07apr08Tura Satana is usually remembered as Varla, the ultimate bad girl from Russ Meyer’s 1966 cult movie Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!Only true schlock aficionados will be familiar with her parts in Ted Mikels’s 1968 sci-fi horror effort The Astro-Zombies or his madman-against the-world trash feast The Doll Squad of 1974.Through her stunning looks and otherworldly presence alone, Tura managed to turn any potboiler into a three-stars film, and a solid b-movie like Faster Pussycat into an unmatched classic. Sexy and tough, charismatic and intimidating all at the same time, she remains one of the most unforgettable actresses in film history.I had the chance to ask her a few questions about her career in the movies, as well as her life before and after.ZZ: Where did you grow up, Tura?TS: I grew up in Chicago, Illinois… on the West Side of Chicago.ZZ: I heard you were a pretty tough kid and in a girl gang. Is that true?TS: Yes, I was in a girls gang after I was raped at the age of 10. It was a girls gang that could take care of themselves, but we didn’t go around looking for trouble. Usually we went looking to prevent trouble, especially to other girls.ZZ: I also heard you started go-go dancing at the age of thirteen. How did that come about?TS: No, no. I started dancing as a legitimate dancer at the age of 14. At the age of 15 I became an exotic dancer in the clubs of Calumet City, Illinois, because I had left home due to a bad situation stemming from when I was raped. Instead of the guys who raped me going to jail, I was sent to reform school because they paid the judge one thousand dollars to get off. So I went instead, supposedly because I enticed them to rape me. You will hear more about this when I finish my autobiography.ZZ: How did you first get involved in movies?TS: I appeared in film first on the TV series Hawaiian Eye. The producer happened to catch my show in the burlesque theatre in Los Angeles. Because he had heard that I was a well-built oriental, which was very unusual to say the least. He offered me a part in the series, and I got my S.A.G. card by doing that show. After that, it was fairly easy to get parts because there were not that many oriental females that are built like I am. Especially being 100% all natural.ZZ: Tell me about your first experiences with acting, what was that like?TS: When I appeared on Hawaiian Eye, it was very cut and dry. The cameramen found that I was very photogenic and that the camera used to make love to me. I can truthfully say that the camera has always been good to me. Of course, the men on the set were very nice to me as well. I was a novelty: oriental, well built and tall.ZZ: In the opening scene of Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! we can see you go-go dancing. Were you actually dancing to the movie’s title song, or was there another tune playing as you were filming the scene?TS: Actually, we danced to some other tunes when we did the go-go scene. I think we picked out some tunes that we were familiar with, but I don’t remember what they were.ZZ: What do you think was special about Faster Pussycat, why do you think has it achieved such a huge cult status? And why do you think it is that you’re still an icon 40 years later?TS: Well, I’m thrilled with the status Faster Pussycat has received when it was first released and at all the additional releases. I think the popularity that it has is because we gave them something that they really wanted to see. I also hope that it is because it shows that women don’t have to be weak and helpless to be sexy. We can be in control and still be feminine. I think that I remain a cult figure even after 40 years because the public like what they see on the screen. At least on the film, I will be forever ageless.ZZ: What are the similarities between the character you played in the movie and your real personality at that time?TS: There are a great many similarities between Varla and myself. Varla was an outlet for some of the anger I felt growing up. She was also a statement to women all over the world that you can be a take-charge person and still be sexy. She also showed the women world-wide that women don’t have to be weak, simpering females. They just go after what they want and usually get it.ZZ: Do you think in those days women were waiting for a role model like that?TS: Yes, I definitely do think that. Women in those days were looking for someone to emulate that was strong and female at the same time. I think I accomplished both of those standards in Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!ZZ: Was there a strict dialogue script, or did you improvise some lines?TS: No, the dialogue wasn’t that strict. We were able to improvise some of it. Some of the written dialogue wasn’t realistic and didn’t fit the characters. When that happened, we just said what came to mind and seemed natural.ZZ: Even then, Russ Meyer had already achieved some infamy for what was then called ‘nudies’. Had he originally intended a nude scene for you in Faster Pussycat?TS: No, the only semi-nude scene in the picture was the bathing scene by the water tower. This picture was not the usual Russ Meyer film. But the moral was still in the film: Good vs. Evil. Evil always gets done in.ZZ: Is there anyone from the Faster Pussycat crew that you’re still in touch with today?TS: I still stay in touch with Haji. And until recently with Stuart Lancaster and Russ. Every once in a while whoever is left will meet with us and we go out for dinner and discuss our lives of today. Every so often there is a tribute to Russ and I am asked to appear. Which I usually do, because through the years I have still stayed friends with Russ.ZZ: You also starred in a sci-fi horror movie called Astro-Zombies. Can you tell me anything about it?TS: Astro-Zombies was a film that was basically written for me by Ted Mikels. This occurred after he had seen my show in Las Vegas at the Silver Slipper. He was so captivated by my performance on stage that he told me he had to have me in one of his films. Of course, he never used my full potential in any of the parts that I played for him. He had his own hang-ups.ZZ: Can you me a bit more about your memories of Ted Mikels?TS: I have some very fond memories of Ted Mikels. He was a very strict director, but he could be gotten around. He was always more regimented to dialogue. He was always very tense on the set and sometimes would have to be taught to loosen up. Of course it didn’t help that his girlfriends or female friends were on the set as well.ZZ: Your last screen appearance was in a movie called Doll Squad, wasn’t it? I haven’t seen that one myself, is it worth watching?TS: Oh no, the last film I did was titled Who’s Been Sleeping In My Bed? with Dean Martin, Carol Barnett, Elizabeth Montgomery, Martin Balsam, and so on. It was a fun movie to make, and I also choreographed the strip routine that Carol Barnett did in the film.As for Doll Squad, yes, I would recommend that you see it. If for no other reason but to know how Aaron Spelling came up with Charlie’s Angels! I invited Aaron to the initial screening of Doll Squad. Once he saw the film, the next few months later he came up with the Charlie’s Angels TV series. I don’t have a very large part in the film, though.ZZ: Then you suddenly disappeared from the screen. What did you do after your acting career was over?TS: I quit acting and went back to dancing for a while as a tassel twirling go-go dancer. It was a combination of my strip routine and go-go dancing. I stopped because I was not one to go sleeping with any of the casting directors. If my resume was not good enough to get the part I would just say thank and leave. After I quit dancing, I decided to stay in California and raise my daughters. I went to work in an emergency room in North Hollywood and worked there for approximately four and a half years. Then I took over the management of a doctors office for the next eight years. During that time, I was injured in a car accident that kept me in the hospital for a couple of years on and off. I got married in 1981 and have remained so since. We are now in the engine rebuilding business and are doing okay. Once the business is doing very well I will sell it and retire for good.ZZ: I read somewhere that you were pals with Elvis in the early years of his career, or that you were even dating him?TT: Yes, Elvis and I dated for a little while when he was starting out. He used to love to watch my dance routine, just so that he could copy some of my moves for his routine on stage. When he wanted to get married, that’s when we stopped seeing each other. I had my career and he had his. He was a very lonely person, even though he was surrounded by people.ZZ: What kind of men are usually attracted to you, and what kind of men do you usually feel attracted to yourself?TS: The men that are attracted to me are varied. There are those men who to be dominated and subservient to women. These men love me as Varla. Then there are men who think they can tame me, or they think they can make me submissive. I think that to them I’m a challenge, but I guess I will always be then. I love men who are strong but gentle, who want to make me feel safe, but who know that I can usually take care of myself.ZZ: When I first got in touch with you, you introduced yourself as “the actress, dancer and singer” Tura Satana. “The singer” was a new one to me. Are there any recordings of your singing?TS: You see, I originally started out as a singer in the entertainment field, beginning in grammar school. I used to have a four-and-a-half octave range in my voice and there wasn’t any song that I couldn’t sing, but I never recorded anything. Sometimes when I felt like it, I would sing during my strip routine, but people weren’t interested in my singing voice. They wanted to see skin and boobs. The public wanted to see movement, not vocal chords. I sang lite opera, hymns, blues and popular music. I loved musicals of all types.ZZ: Are you aware that you are very popular with the punk rock scene? Motifs from Faster Pussycat are frequently used on record sleeves, and there are even songs paying tribute to you.TS: No, I didn’t know I was popular with the punk rock scene. I heard some of the songs that have been written about me, and I’m very flattered someone thinks enough of me to write and sing about me. I hope that I’m a good influence on the punk rockers.ZZ: Do you like punk rock yourself?TS: I like all music, but I really like to hear what is being sung and what the lyrics of a song have to say, and that can’t happen if the music is being shouted out.ZZ: What music do you like to listen to at home?TS: I listen to country and easy listening music at home, but I dance to any kind of music. Music is my way of feeling what the world is all about. I usually do what the music makes me feel, so I really love music with a good beat.ZZ: Do you often go to the movies these days?TS: No, I don’t really go to the movies much these days. I don’t really like the movies of today.ZZ: What do you think was different about the movies back in your day?TS: There is too much violence, blood and gore now. I think that the big difference between the movies of today and the movies of my era is that the movies of today don’t leave anything to the imagination. Everything is right there in front of you, so there’s just no mystery.Back then we also tried to show that Good beats Evil, but the films of today just show that there is no moral to them.ZZ: Is there anything else that you’d like to tell my readers, Tura?TS: I want to thank the readers and all of my fans for making me who I am today and for being fans of mine throughout the years. A few years ago, I received a lifetime achievement award as the Femme Fatale of the 20th Century. I thank you all for that to. I love you all, keep kickin’ butt. Remember that life is not like movies. There is good and bad all around. Make sure you are never a victim but always a survivor.(c) Zuri ZFiled under: Movies | Tags: cinema, exploitation films, film, film history, russ meyer, trash cinema, trash culture, trash movies, tura satana No Responses to “Tura Satana interview” Feed for this Entry Trackback Address No Comments Leave a Reply Name (required)Mail (will not be published) (required)Websiterecent postsfrom the glam vault - Dogs d’Amour: The State We’re In (1984) Lydia Lunch live at Corsica Studios London 4 May 2008 review Nipple Erectors and Johnny Moped to play at the 100 Club ‘Love Music Hate Racism’ - Rock Against Racism 30th anniversary spectacle in Victoria Park, East London My Brother Is An Only Child by Daniele Luchetti (2007) The Trashwomen reunite! Noize Punishment: the future of jihad? 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I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet John Waters( I finally got to meet this lovely man and I shall cherish the event) and Quentin Tarantino. I would have loved to meet Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, and several other presidents, including Kennedy. I would love to meet Mel Gibson, Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan . I'd like to meet Lucy Lawless, possibly Lucy Liu, Tara Moss, Katherine Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Lana Turner, Ava Gardner, Rosalind Russell, Joan Crawford, Elvira, Anna Mae Wong and any other actress from the 50's and 60's. I would love to meet each and every one of my fans and hope that they will always care for me as they do now. Please visit me at my Official Website.

Faster Pussycat Kill Kill Trailer

Tura Satana Interview

The.Doll.Squad(1974).Tura Satana

Faster Pussycat Kill Kill Trailer

Tura Satana Interview

The.Doll.Squad(1974).Tura Satana


I don't think that there is any music I don't like. As long as I can dance to it. Some of the music out there is very hard to dance to, but if I find a beat, you can bet, I will be moving my feet. Country, Blues, Jazz, Easy listening, Tony Bennet, K.D.Lang, the cramps, The Loudmouths, Electrocute, Andy Williams, Jerry Vale, Russ Arno, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Electric Frankenstein, Ricky Nelson, Tommy Sands, Fabian, Annette Funicello, Doris Day, Ann Blyth, Jeanette Mac Donald, Martin Denny Orchestra and Mantovani. Jackie Gleason Orchestra, Toby Keith, Jerry Reed, Alan Jackson, Reba Mac Intyre, Travis Tritt, Loretta Lynn, Diamond Rio, Geroge Strait, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, Crystal Gayle, John Michael Montgomery, Barbara Mandrell, Mario Lanza, Enzio Pinza, Trace Atkins, Kathryn Grayson, Jane Powell and dozen more.


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All kinds, especially with powerful women, but I also love powerful men. I have always liked anything that John Waters does and I enjoy all of the mayhem and power of Quentin Tarantino's films. I love Kill Bill!, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and I love all martial arts movies. I also love animation films. I love Comedies, I love musicals, Sci Fi Films, All Disney films are my favorites. I am also a trekkie. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Star Troopers, Mad Max series


Action series and cartoons, I also like Ghost Hunters, CSI, Without a TRACE, SNL, Who's Line is it anyway?, Deal or No Deal, The biggest losers. Hercules and Xena, Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris cartoons. Star Trek, Star Trek N.G., Star Trek Deep Space 9, Andromeda, Battlestar Gallactica, Most Haunted.


I have John Waters, Shock Value and love it. Historical Romance, mystery stories written by Tara Moss,Big Bosoms and Square Jaws by Jimmy Mc Donough, Historic tales of England, Scotland and Ireland. I love history. I also love Vampire and Werewolves romances as well. I am just a romantic at heart. Even women who are strong need to be loved. (Hopefully, well loved.)


My heroes are definitely my father and my brother. The other heroes that I admire are people like Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Steven Sagal. But most of All the servicemen and women fighting for our freedom. For all of the men and women, who are fighting over there on foreign soil to preserve our way of life and those who lost their lives in 9/11, plus all of the Firefighters and Police Officers who lived and died that day. All the Police officers and Firefighters who put their lives on the line every day. God Bless.Run Pussycat RunTura Satana WOmWAm Career Perspective One of a kind, utterly unique Femmetasm who incarnated one of the greatest FemmeDom roles of all-time in Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!... Essentially a stripper who acted briefly, but her few roles leave a powerful impression of a Vision of Femininity that rocks the sexual psyche... Roles of Interest Irma La DouceWho's Been Sleeping in My Bed?The Man From UNCLE ("Finny Foot Affair")Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! The Girl From UNCLE ("Moulin Ruse Affair") Fittingly, the leader of the Amazon Guards who tower over the midget villain... Astro Zombies Showing that Varla was no fluke... This Gal knows how to be nasty... !WOm!WAm!

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L.A. Appearance

Sexy Comments & Profile GraphicsHello my Pussycat Gang:I just thought that I would give some good news to the fans in the LA area. I will be appearing at the Hollywood VCollectors and Celebrity show ...
Posted by Tura Satana on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 05:51:00 PST

News for the Pussycat Gang

http://www.shocktillyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=6267Hi Pussycat Gang:Well I finished with the recording for the Rob Zombie animated film titled: THE HAUNTED WORLD OF EL SUPERBEASTO. It was a bla...
Posted by Tura Satana on Fri, 30 May 2008 01:22:00 PST

Happy Mothers Day

Sexy Comments & Profile GraphicsHello All You Pussycat Gang MOTHERS:I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a most wonderful Mother's Day and I hope that you are remembered well, by your chi...
Posted by Tura Satana on Mon, 12 May 2008 04:04:00 PST

Wishing Happy Birthday

Hi Pussycat Gang:To all of you who are born in the Month of May, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy, Joyous and Bountiful birthday. May all your wishes come true and all o...
Posted by Tura Satana on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:56:00 PST

Earthquakes in Reno

Hi Pussycat Gang:To all of you who have expressed worry for me, I really appreciate your concern. As for the earthquakes here in Reno, they are shaking things up, but not too bad. I went through wor...
Posted by Tura Satana on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:05:00 PST

The Tura Satana Statue

Hi Pussycat Gang:To all of you who would like to order the new statue, you can either order it from me at my official website or you can order it from the artist Mark Alfrey at [email protected]. T...
Posted by Tura Satana on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:11:00 PST

My statue

Hi Pussycat Gang:To all of the Pussycat Gang that got their statue so far. I just want to make sure that you like it and to tell you to hang on to it, because it will become a collectors item soon. ...
Posted by Tura Satana on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 04:11:00 PST

Have a great Weekend and week to come.

Sexy Comments & Profile GraphicsSexy Comments & Profile GraphicsTo all the Pussycat Gang:I just wanted to be one of the first to wish you all a happy weekend and a fantastic week to come! .Always wit...
Posted by Tura Satana on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 01:54:00 PST


Sexy Comments & Profile GraphicsTo all of the Pussycat Gang:Just wanting to wish you all a wonderful, safe and Happy Easter. I know that you are all looking sharp and I hope that I will too. Always ...
Posted by Tura Satana on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 11:30:00 PST

My New Statue

Hi Pussycat Gang:I just wanted to let you know that the statues like the one as my icon, are now being offered for sale. You can go to www.markalfrey.com, then go to his store and you will see the s...
Posted by Tura Satana on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:42:00 PST