Bhagawan Nityananda - Tribute profile picture

Bhagawan Nityananda - Tribute

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About Me

Welcome to this Bhagawan Nityananda Tribute Page. This page abstains from endorsing or opposing any particular organization, group, religion, or sect. The sole purpose of this myspace page is to pay homage to an enlightened master beloved by thousands worldwide.
Bhagawan Nityananda was from the southern part of India, in Kerala state. He was an avadhut, or a person born in the state of enlightenment. From his early years he became widely known as a divine being with sacred healing powers, and it is said that he was always immersed in the state of unity consciousness.
As an adult he migrated to Maharashtra state, settling in what was at the time a tiny jungle village with natural hot springs known as Ganeshpuri, a place where sages had done spiritual practices for generations. Seekers came from far and wide to have his darshan, to be in his powerful presence, receiving his blessings and making offerings of gratitude.
For most of his life he maintained silence, speaking only briefly on occasion. He was a renunciant with few possessions, usually wearing just a loincloth. The village of Ganeshpuri grew larger after his arrival, and subsequently he established an ashram and hospital in the village.
Bhagawan Nityananda left his body on August 8, 1961. Today the Bhagawan Nityananda samadhi shrine temple hosts thousands of visitors and spiritual seekers every year.
for further reading:
"Sky of the Heart" published by Rudra Press
"Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri" a collection of writings from Swami Muktananda, published by the SYDA Foundation
Legal Disclaimer: this site is free of direct affiliation with any organization. It is a tribute website that may not necessarily represent the views of any persons or organizations historically linked with Bhagawan Nityananda.
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Siddha Yoga
Nityananda Institute
The Abode
Shiva Yoga
Supreme Meditation

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

6 minutes of rare video footage of Bhagawan Nityananda with narration.


The inner sounds (nadis).