Yes, that's me u hear singing right now on this page. I'm the singer for Quimæra - Brasil - and this is what we sound like, baby! Please feel free 2 stop by my top friends list, click Quimæra, and add us.. Thanx!I come from a small planet right across the galaxy from this one called "X-NON" and besides observing I'm into.. LEARNiNG, SOLiTUDE, MEDiTATiON, BOOBS, SiNGiNG, MUSiC, TANTRA (the Occult in general), CHiMPANZEES(..and ALL other primates!),TiGERS,THE FULL MOON, EYES, DOCUMENTARiES ON NATURAL SCiENCES AND HiSTORY
D E A T H!
You are a Self-Discoverer
You're not religious, but you've created your own kind of spirituality.
Introspective and thoughtful, you tend to look inward for the divine.
You are distrusting of all forms of organized religion.
You especially dislike religious gurus and leaders, who you feel are charlatans!!************************************************
********************- Ha!.. My field research instructors back on X-NON had told me I could tell everybody here I'm an alien! They said you wouldn't believe it.. and it's true!! It makes my job here much easier!! I'm an "advanced scout XD-10"!! My planet is a lil' smaller than Earth but we accommodate way less people!
X-NON is a women-run planet!! Males aren't even needed for reproduction and the community as a whole takes care of ALL our children!! There are NO countries!! Since it is such a small planet (Earth is pretty small too!) it came to a point in our evolution when it naturally got this way.. Thus we have NO WARS 'cos there's just NOBODY to fight against!! It's like one big ass country all around the sphere!! One is free to go ANYWHERE they please!! NO such thing as PASSPORTS!! We are TRULLY free!
..We do NOT use money either!! It's hard to explain! Terrestrial beings can't get this just yet! They're TOO FUCKIN' STUPID!
X-nonian males travel time and space in the name of science! We are adventurers!! And now i'd like to let you know how WE TRAVEL in order to perform our field researches: Don't be disappointed but we do NOT use spaceships! As observers we stay for looong periods of time wherever we go so we are BORN on the planets we wanna go to.. We travel as particles, "life stuff" as Carl Sagan used to say.. and the best news is this is my last mission on Earth!!
You people fucked this planet too bad.. I'm outta here!!"To The Celestial Gods Offer An Odd Number Of Oblations, But To The Infernal An Even" ~ PYTHAGORAS ~
99% of it makes me puke!
"ViGiAN BHAiRAV TANTRA-THE BOOK OF THE SECRETS" by Osho ..."THE CRiMES OF THE POPES" by Maurice Lachatre... "LiBER NULL" by Peter J. Carroll... "SCiENCE OF GETTiNG RiCH" by Wallace D. Wattles... "THE TiBETAN BOOK OF THE LiViNG AND DYiNG" by Sogyal Rinpoche... "I AM THAT" by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj... BiOGRAPHiES
"Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it."
~ Rabindranath Tagore ~
You are Apocalypse
Mr. Freeze
The Joker
Dr. Doom
Lex Luthor
Dark Phoenix
Poison Ivy
Green Goblin
You believe in survival of the fittest and you know that you are one of them.
"The person who is moving into meditation will be helped if he accepts the world as it is. Worldly people never accept the world as it is –they are always trying to change it. They are always trying to make something else. They are always trying to fix things into a different order, they are always trying to do something outside. The religious person accepts whatsoever is on the outside as it is. He is not disturbed, he is not distracted by the outside. His whole work consists on moving inside. One moves through love, another moves through meditation, but both move inside. The religious world is the world of the within. And the within is the beyond."