.. Let me say from the start "I" identify very little whith the person I'm about to describe!to you In the universe of perceptive reality, I'm nothing more than an empty space of awareness through which experiences flow. All else can not be proven. You may think I'm having you on but the fact is, in this time/space paradigm that we appear to exist, there's no aspect of myself or this-world I could retain or keep even if tried. The truth is, I'm kind-a lazy, so to be frank, I really can't be bothered, at least in the way so many others seem to be. I'd much rather just sit back and enjoy the show, know what-a-mean? Now, having said that I'd like to include; I've thoroughly loved and enjoyed every moment of this wild, insane, exqusitely absurd/ridiculous, yet serendipitous event we call "life."So "my story" if you're really interested, goes something like this; "I'm" a full-time teacher of Tantra Yoga & Meditation and also a part-time Astrologer, and proud parent of a 22 year old son, Adrian or AJ.I was born in South Carolina, the "trailer park trash capital of the world" that's pleased to have more appearances on the Jerry Springer Show than any other state in the USA. By-the-way everything in this section "about me" I promice is 100% true. As for the rest (like my interests) well...I sure hope you've got a good sense of humor. , and yes it's true I have more money than I know what to do with.I was partially raised in the South during the 50's by black maids & servants, when that was still an OK thing, so don't get up-tight. In fact while being baby-sat by my black nanny, her sister Gwin and her boyfriend Maurice Williams me & my older sister, would dance half naked around the living room while they sang and played the piano. Now, have you ever heard of the 50/60's recording artist Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs? Known mainly for their golden hits 'Stay' & 'Little Darlin.'OK so you haven't, anyway that's the same Maurice! Needless-to-say I was very disappointed when I grew older and discovered I wasn't black and couldn't sing, even though I still dance half naked around the living room. I'm also probably the only person on the planet who's ever been shot in the back by an astronaut (Charlie Duke, Apollo 16 and yes, he walked on the moon) and lived to tell about it. This occurred while Quail hunting (which I hated) with Charlie and my Dad; one bird flew too low over my head, Charlie fired his shot-gun aiming (I think) at the bird but you never know, I did go-out with his younger sister Betsy a few times. Some of the "bird-shot" did find their way into my back but fortunately, unlike my beauty, only went skin-deep. Lucky for me we weren't hunting with US vice-presedent Dick Cheney who I hear is far more dangerous!
I went on to get a degree in Graphic Design at the Atlanta Art Institute and also one in Astrology. However by age 21 I had experienced one malor (Kundalini) and several somewhat less significant spiritual awakenings that would transform my life forever. I became seriously obsessed with yoga and meditation. I continued in this direction until I ended up a few years later living an extremely disciplined life in an ashram in India. I remained there for seven yrs. with my teacher (Baba Muktananda) as his astrologer, until his death in 82. After that I studied in several Eastern "mystery schools" with many wise Tantric masters both men and women for many years.As for the part-time astrology; these days I only do a few chart interps. for friends and others where ever I travel. However, I shamefully plead guilty to having done a few celebrities. I can give their names but no personial details (sorry) as there're all very "tabloid sensitive." They're in the order of most interesting; Johnny Depp, Andy MacDowell (from Gafney SC near my home town Lancaster), William Hurt, Cindy Lauper, Jessica Lang, Denzell Washington, Goldie Hawn, Oliver North, Marsha Mason, Olivia Hussy, Gail Getty and her three children Aileen, Ariadne & Paul Jr. Diana Ross and then there was Cher.As for the Traditional Tantra Yoga; the Tantra I teach is much closer to the oroginal thing not the trendy, pop-tantra, sex-yoga that, I must admit, I used to teach. This is why I call what i teach now "Traditional" Tantra Yoga. To be honest, unless you're truly, madly, deeply, passionate about Tantra Yoga then you're probably best not attending my classes, workshops &/or courses. You can easily find one of the more popular hybrid East/West tantra workshops in your "new-age magazine." All you have to do is look for buzz words like; 'tantra bliss,' or 'the 24th level cahkra, full-body orgasm,' whatever and of course, I almost forgot, the costly prices. Sorry to be so blunt but I'm personally not interested in teaching those who're looking for a quick-fix or learning tantra in order to pick-up a new sex-partner at some hippy-fest. However if you're sincere, tired of all the new-age hype, been around the "spiritual block" a time or two and you're willing to make a sustained effort, there's a group of us who meet every Tues. evening (8 pm) for meditation. If I haven't put you off already, then you're welcome to visit, check out our vibe and see what you think. We're in Melbourne (Elwood) Australia: (03) 9531-4968 or 0417 336 326 or email me: [email protected] Please call or contact me before you come. Also please read my blog on Traditional Tantra Yoga for more info. There is no cost; I don't want your money I want your transformation!
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