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Want a Bird Sculpture, read my blog.

About Me

I'm a welder turned sculptor. I've been welding since 1972 and in 1995 I started playing around with some junk I had in my shop. By using my welding skills and combining that with fun, I started creating the sculptures I make today. The sculptures I make are made from a vast array of found metal objects (nuts, bolts screws, tools, brass buttons, tokens, just about anything). I use a TIG welder to weld and braze the various objects together. The TIG welder allows me to control the heat which is important because otherwise some of the items I use would be destroyed. What is fun for me, is to hide interesting objects in plan site on each of the sculptures. In doing this people have the fun of discovery as they look at the sculptures. I do a lot of the outdoor art festivals on the west coast and I see myspace as another art festival, only this one is world wide. Myspace gives me the opportunity to show the world my art form. It’s always better to see sculptures in person but hopefully you will be able to appreciate them when you look at the pictures. They are what they are. I appreciate any comments you might want to post but if you have a question you would like answered, please email me at [email protected] and I will try to answer as soon as possible.On Myspace, I will post pictures of various sculptures I have made in the past.To see my website, go to the blog above "want to buy a bird sculpture" and I have a link that will get you there.

My Interests

art,sculptures, art festivals, galleries, junk collecting, making sculptures

I'd like to meet:

networking, friends & anyone who might be interested in purchasing a sculpture. If you read the blog above "want to buy a bird sculpture" I have a link to my website on it.


Most any music, depends on what I'm doing and my mind set.


dramas, action, comedy, anything with good acting and a somewhat believable plot.


Discovery, History, some reality programs, etc.

My Blog

Want to buy a bird sculpture?

I'm using myspace to show some of the sculptures I've made in the past and to sell the bird sculptures at a reduced price.  If you are interested, the bird sculptures are $175 each and I pay...
Posted by Joe on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:40:00 PST

Found Metal Sculptures

This is an attempt of mine to help get people to my website to see my sculptures.  I've been making these sculptures since 1995 and I sell them at galleries and art festivals.  I've been try...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 05:55:00 PST