pure southern industrial
Phase I:
Defective began Alter in Charlotte, NC. by simply experimenting with electronics. Influenced by groups like Aphex Twin and Download. These were very primative songs, mostly very experimental ritualistic audio excursions. Throught out these early years he collaborated off and on with another local musician Organic Priest.
Defective eventually relocated to Atlanta, GA.
Phase II:
From this point on Alter began writing songs of various electronic styles. Some of these songs were heavy on the synth pop side along with more Industrial rock sounding songs as well.
In early 2006 Defective put Alter on the shelf and joined a local Atlanta terror-EBM project. The project shared some success but Defective longed to go back to his own project and pick up where he left off.
Defective revived Alter in early 2007.
Phase III:
Alter has returned as the main project of Defective. Organic Preist also returned as a live member of the group as well as the addition of Gomez on Bass guitar. In late 2007 Alter put out the low production EP "P.S.I." The song contained on the P.S.I. EP showed only a small taste of what to expect from Alter's first full length album due to be released in Summer 2008.
Link to Alter:
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This MySpace Profile is currently being pimped by Industriarts-- Studio