The band began as a project of two friends,G and Chronis,on May 2005.Due to some reasons Chronis left the band for about a year but on January 2007 he returned.The first track recorded was "12-3-1731khz" when the band began and so recorded by both persons.The "missing" year the band left aside working on songs but having some material,G continued recording a while after.On December 2006 the album was finally finished including four tracks of pure drone/noise.The album is dedicated to all the innocent victims of war,terror and any other kind of violence.
NOTE:The bitrate of the samples is at 80Kbps.You can DOWNLOAD FOR FREE our first album.Just click on the picture below
Format C:Inertia - Format C:Inertia (ca020)
01.12-3-1731khz (15:04)
02.Depravity (16:34)
03.Pyres (32:14)
04.The Dream (0:25)
On June 2007,the band started the recordings for their new release.A new EP is born and it's named "Solitas Solus Licentia,Licentia Solus Sol Solis" - "Solitude The Only Freedom,Freedom The Only Sun".
You can DOWNLOAD FOR FREE our second release.Just click on the picture below
Format C:Inertia - Solitas Solus Licentia,Licentia Solus Sol Solis (amp012)
01. Solitas Solus Licentia,Licentia Solus Sol Solis (25:00)