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To us, J.W. Pozoj is mystical symfocrust experiance. It works like a band with five steady members and few come-and-goes. Pozoj is a mystical animal that fled from people into the mountains. It came back into the time in 2002 A.D. The escape of Pozoj symbolizes tragedy. The first part of opus is concepted as trilogy: : Birth of Pozoj; Escape of Pozoj & Return of Pozoj. Pozoj doesn't know what we are and what music is but he has left us here all alone to find out.
From etimological point of wiew «within boundries of a myth whose materialistic thought reffered to assurance of basic instict for survival through the means of agrocultural recompense» “pozoj“ means „dragon“, and every dragon, in fact, is a symbol of that premythical serpent from (pre)indoeuropean myth about the beginning of the world (ahi budhnaya** „serpent of the bottom“), whose position is marked as „down“ or „on the bottom“, and is in connection with water, „wet“, standing in oposition with the highfather (deus pater), /Gromovnik/ , whose position on the World tree (Der Weltbaum, Svjetsko stablo) is marked as „up“ or „on the top“ and is connected with „dry“ (pinetree) with the primary cause to secure balance (mostly by using thunderbolts) by watching on and fighting against that snake, which of course, is constantly ruining the concept of his balance. Besides being a symbol for chaos and end, the snake is also a symbol for cycling of life energy. Following the myth, god's son (which was taken as a symbol by catholic iconography (eng. „st. George“), mostly putting him in a scene in which he slays the dragon) is in one way a son of that serpent also. By the myth exists the divine trinity consisted of the highfather, the serpent, and highfather's wife who is in fact a link between the two gods; as lover she spends half of the year with the highfather, and the other half with the serpent-god. Highfather's son (for whome we may say that he is a son of the both opposing gods), is kidnapped, in some period after birth, by the god of bottom's men and taken to the water to his „other“ father, where he grows up and returns on spring as the symbol of life (rebirth). During that return his company is being made of wolwes sent as escort from the other world, he becomes (in some language communities) Wolfgang.He gets named Ivan (in croatian mythology) Johann in the moment of marriage with his divine sister (who also simbolizes death), which takes place in the late summer, symbolizing height of fertility. Later, before winter, he is getting brutally killed by her, so he could return again in spring.
The coincedence of choosing contextually related words in the name „Johann Wolfgang Pozoj“ can endeed be seen as coincedental. „Johann“ and „Wolfgang“, whose possible contextual relation we also percieved later by introducing ourselves more with the field which concernes these subjects, were added later into „Pozoj“, which was the initial name decided for the name of the project.But afterwards we realised that this three words are making a satisfactional, concrete whole, and in that way fit in the concept of the name itself. Regarding the term „Pozoj“ in a form we firstly overtook it, it camed from some local story where „Pozoj“ referes to some kind of a powerful demonic rooster, which, in fact, has never been seen, and whose aleged possible induced process of birth can also be seen only as local joke. But the compatibility of the elements from which we draw out some essentials that we find as important, used as a guideline (and stir for) in further improvement of the theme of our expression...
I would define the Music, preformed by Johann Wolfgang Pozoj, as purifying, cathartic. By being concentrated on, and carefully listening to the music a man rises above his suffering… the sweet… suffering. These are the sOngs sang to Gods, and only in that way they have value. J.W. Pozoj can’t be heard on the bases of only one listening; you have to give yourself time to really listen to it, thru its meaning as a part of a concept. E-e-e-e—e-e-. (excusme for arr hospitality). At first, occurring as dark and melancholic, but it is in fact very powerful and all-alive to consume you to your inner most self, regardless of position and views you have on life, the music bestows you of what nature deprived you.
Song of Pozoj or Natural poem
I see mountains in the sky
On the horizon
Pictures of life and death spreading their smell
See me the way I am
There is something outside
On the horizon
Frozen eyes of nature watching you
I can't hear you, I can't see you
With night mountains disappear
On the horizon
It reminds me that soon I'll be gone
Oh my darkest shining star
Bleed for me
Johann Wolfgang Pozoj.. .. ..