SuperFreaky podcasts:
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: :010 between the vortex vendor beautiful: :
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Designed and arranged for your edification, herein and now,
follows artists from the playlisting of this, the very 10th episode
(or installment, if you prefer):
Small Cruel Party (1993)
Knut Remond (1996)
Monde Bruits (1991)
skozey fetisch (1995)
Billy Murray (1905)
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Find the moment you listen, others learn and like 'em freinds are your comment to leave.
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Click here to get your own player.
Some relatively available recorded works:
"momma:key" CD
Silent/Sulphur Records - very OUT OF PRINT but usually available on eBay.
Field recordings, reel-to-reel tape manipulation, musique concrete, analogue synthesizer
and some EVP (electronic voice phenomena). No effects boxes (ie. reverb, delay, etc.)
used in this recording, all effects are of an accoustical nature or created using the various
methods of tape manipulation. Recorded 1991, released on CD 1995.
Features (in order of appearance): Mark C. Jackman ( skozey fetisch ),
Mr. E. Von Æ. (kalliedosphere), Matthew Monson (DIM), Jared Hayes (incidental),
Lee Flanders (incidental), Dane Petersen (DIM), Lincoln Caskinette, Brad Barker ,
Ian Sorensen (DIM, (Weird) Pork, Athletes' Butt).
"spectral freight" CD
crippled intellect product - avaiable via:
Analogue synthesizer, field recordings, radio w/ interference, much digital processing
and reprocessing. Recorded 2000, released on CD 2003
Features (in no particular order): Heidi kooy, Deb Fox (Virgin-Whore Complex,
Caroliner), Chuk Foss , Julia Napier, Tino Zepeda ( NeUrOpTiX ),
James D. Rodenborn ( amphibious gestures ), Mr. E. Von Æ. (kalliedosphere),
Mark C. Jackman ( skozey fetisch ).
"osmotic designs dealt fully automatic guests" CDR
A Pocket Full of Skozeys
(to order contact: [email protected] or email through
Analogue synthesizer, interrupted radio signals, EVP, feedback, analoque pitch shift.
Recorded 1998
The Biographix:
skozey fetisch is the sound art/experimental music project of mark c. jackman.
mark c. was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and relocated to San Francisco in 1988.
The first skozey fetisch recordings were executed in San Francisco's
Haight/Ashbury district in 1989. mark c. also dabbles in the visualable arts and is
the artist primarily responsible for skozey fetisch album covers and designs.
The conceptualization of skozey fetisch occured when mark c. began scoring the
experimental independent films of Andrew Langton, which in turn led to composing
scores for the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company while studying
Experimental/Electronic Music under Dr. Vladimir Ussachevsky and Tracy Peterson at
the University of Utah. Around this time mark c. became the official Music Director of
A Company Of Four - Modern Dance-Theater. Mr. jackman also worked extensively
as a performer and choreographer with the company.
skozey: most often, a found object which simultaneously attracts and repels.
A self charged power object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion.
fetisch: a charm, talisman, or any object that causes a habitual response.
A material object regarded with extreme, occult trust or relevence.
:;;:: . :...
skozey fetisch
:;.:(a/k/a::criptid a/k/a::mark c. jackman):;;:: . :...sub.;.(just:a._little_project_name
hout.anything.truly.less.than one._.might:nicoids;:::;;::;)()(could):ever,ever.imagine:"":
;";:was.lurking"::::noisy;:::around.your;::;substrata .;. ;::;sub.;.subnicoids.;.sub.;.subetheric.:.nicoids;and:variou
ey.fetisch:;:inseminates;circa,1984;from, ,high;:amid;;the.'desert '.' 'mountain' ._.state';(of::UT,,but"."one.'.doesn';'';all.of.:'the.
..time)"farmlet''-'having-.-accepted'-'the.-.-occasional. .comissions. .for the execution . of modern dance and/or . experimental film scores..subscores.. .;. sub .;. sub.;.subscores.. .;. .,.:. .;:.This bill found floating around Lane County. It will probably go in a purchase of caffine tomorrow.:;;':;;;:;:::1984;:through;;1986;;'Studieing;:;;ele
ctronic/experimental ' music ' :::under:(sub);:the;;liberal;;guidance,(wokery yokery),of.,.Vladimer Ussachevsky .,.Tracy Peterson.,. .,.even. .that.,.old,.,
,:,encodings:and;the.,.like.(if you can imagine that, momma)...,,... .sub .;.sub. . .truly. .less.than.,
_there_. . .a.._.little_,_bit,and;:you'll::;understand,what,it's, ,constantly .getting:into:.nicoids.:;:;;:.mischief..poor,little.devil,,.
,.,.,,,,,,..,. . .heck,.,just.,.imagine.,,.another..discrete ..series.of.history.voids.nicoids..,.,after;;;all,;,can,;any
one:;honestly;.claim' 'to..remember.,.the.last.onesnicoids?.sub. .where would you go.,;;;,;, as,;:;;.' ' " '' '-'-'-'-.-.-._. . . if . so . so what . .. .,.:. .-the heck';:::;;' ' ' these feelings '"just'a'little bit'another nervous '.___pretty___.__._.;:;;::just:try:to:relax'nnow''''''"""it'
s"really:all:very:natural:;;;::; . . .:::..__lovely__.,.:;,,,... . just kidding.just kittens and's.pretty.late.for.breakfastoids..... .'s_really.never_too,late_for,breakfast;for:dinne
roidior::;,,, , .::::;:;;:...,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,,. .,. .,. . . . . . the antilope . oblique .. Big A . little a . alright . apple . amicus . affiliate . arachnid . ..,;;;,;, ,;:;;.' ' " '' '-'-'-'-.-.-always._. . . . . . ardvark .. .,.:. .-':;;;:;:::;;' ' ' aphelion '"'-' 'anarchic'-got it from a deli. someone has added a stamp that says "tentacles caress the fulcrum" archaic._arcane_hecknicoids_a_albatross_abacus_apophyllite._
_._.;:;;:::::'''''''""""::::;;;::;::;;:: . :... . . .:::.
/ _ ( )_.,.:;,,,... . . ............______________. . .-.-.._._,_,;:::;,,, , .::::;:;;:...,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,,. .,. Bay Area of Califonia in the fall of 2004. The bell is in fairly good condition except for some blue ink from a sep 06 2003 and "skew fluid" stamp. .,. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . it has a few stamps on it.... tentacles caress the fulcrum???? what the heck? ..,;;;,;, ,;:;;.' ' . . . . . . . . ..,;;;,;, ,;:;;.' ' " I don't currently have this, also stamped "the drip trip double grip". . ............______________. . .-.-.who lurks?._._,_,;:::;,,, , .::::;:;;:...,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,,. .,. .,. but, . ,heck,.,in.,.the.,.end . it's . all.,.just . a . pretty . little . deluxe . miracle . toy . So there.
aLive @ Godwaffel Noisey Pancakes - Art SF Video parts 1 & 2 by K2 WCF ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::..
aLive @ Ptomaine Temple - in OakLandia, CA ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::.. ..::..