Unfortunately, I need to freeze both labels' activities. Due to personal and family issues, lack of funds for replacing suddenly damaged equipment I cannot continue releasing activity at the moment. I cannot keep design and releasing level I chose before, so I don't want to dissapoint artists and people who were supporting these activities. I'd like to thank to all artists, journlaists, distributors, other people related to independent scene and finally persons who decided to purchase Industrial Culture and Faraday's Discs releases. You were making these activities special and helped me in self-realization. I hope I will come back to release some more noisy, interesting and promising artists, we can cooperate in the future and listen to extraordinary sounds. I have decided to place one track from each release below in player. I hope you'll enjoy these sounds and maybe decided to look for full releases spreaded in some distributions. I still have some copies for trade, so feel free to contact with me, inf you're interested. Now I'm going to focus on my Polish-language webzine named Kultura Industrialna, which can be found at www.ikultura.net. Net-label, podcast and small webshop will be established there soon. Thank you for your time and support. All the best. FREE SONIC TRANSMISSIONS.
Artur Olejarczyk
Past catalogue:
FDS001: Nicholas Szczepanik "Iomcin"