We are putting together a band - DANSE MACABRE - coming soon!ASH vocalises with great gusto and is becoming a dab hand at the theremin. TAYLOR sings, plays guitar and violin and currently does all three with Helen's Evil Twin . STEPH plays bass reasonably well, synth and guitar not well at all and has been persuaded to pick up a trumpet for at least one of the songs.
The Prozakville County Collective came to the lower dimensions the long way round, taking in fifteenth-century Romania and 1930's Berlin on the way. A stint doing the musical hall circuit in London to make ends meet led to the formation of the folk/goth/cabaret outfit Danse Macabre. Our subsequent attempt to return to present-day Prozakville was not to be; a failure in our extra-dimensional transportation has stranded us in early twenty-first-century London, where we are having to start our musical careers again from scratch. Whatever happened to music hall?
The Collective are currently rehearsing in Croydon and a quest for a fourth member, a drummer, is ongoing. We are now seriously thinking about doing a few acoustics-style gigs without a percussionist, just to get the show back on the road...
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Meanwhile, here are some pictures...