Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] profile picture

Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk]

Everday is a gift, that's why it's called the present !

About Me

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I'm a creative, supersensitive, expressive love-freak of the universe, feelin' like an alien on earth with all it's confusion and weirdness, but trusting that it's all got a purpose and loving every minute of it down here on Mother Gaia. Feeling the need to connect with every loving creature on earth, sharing creativity, love, happiness...all the mostly free and good things in life, the ones that we forgot about in our rush for material happiness (does something like that exist at all?) while we forget all about the real values in life. My goal is to connect with as many beings on earth that still believe in those true values of our soul....dancing, making love, painting, making music or whatever form of communication that we can find to materialize that passion we feel deep in ourselves as cosmic beings, as gods on earth ! I need to travel, one place 4 to long makes me nervous and bores me to death (except Amsterdam in the summer !!!!), creativity, movement and change are necessities in my life, without change of things I become like a river with nowhere to go...I dry up and die inside. I need to explore and sexplore the miracles of our Mother Gaia, the Universe, to enjoy the God given time we have here and do this fully without hesitation or fear.....(not that I'm never scared though...I'd be supernatural...something to aim for maybe ;P) Well....I hope you're kinda gettin' a bit of a clue what I'm about now....P.S.: Please do NOT add me/invite me when ur into hip-hop, rock, folk, blues or music like this, unless you're a person that's really into spirituality, psychedelics and/or making this world a truly better place, otherwise, please, don't even bother, 'cause there's not a chance on earth you're gonna get added, 'cause the only thing we'll have in common with you is the fact that we both have 2 eyes and an arse. I'm tired of all senseless invitations of people looking for friends and just hitting "add" randomly, I'm sure there's better things you can do with your (and my) time.

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My Interests

Music, Reading, Martial Arts, Nature, Yoga, Cycling, Women, Science, Dancing, Travelling, Meditation, Computers & Internet, Spirituality, Interhuman Relationships just to name some things that have my interest and that tickle my curiosity...

I'd like to meet:

Good-hearted people that know how to look beyond the illusions of their own general anyone who loves to share love, wisdom and anything else good produced under the sun, moon & stars....and any gorgeous sweet magic lady loving to share TRUE LOVE on planet Gaia :)

Get a scroller at!

Full Moon Festival - near Berlin OA Germany [June/July - 2004]

Shawnodese @ Full Moon Festival 2006

Shawnodese @ Geistesprobe - Sauerland Germany [2003]

how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen


Psy/Goatrance, Deephouse, Down-Tempo, Ambient/Chill-Out, Dub, Drum & Bass, Trip-Hop, Space Rock/Death-Speed-Grind Metal, Hard-Trash-Speed-Grind Core and even some Classic Music...


Shinobi (My favourite of all...), Mozart & The Whale, The Peaceful Warrior, Hero, Crouching Tiger-Hidden Dragon, Brazil (Terry Gilliam), Johnny Darko, Where's my car Dude?, Pi, Jungle Book, K-Pax, Solaris, Monty Python Movies, most Quinten Tarantino movies, Ali G, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Phoenix & Griffin, Deja Vu, Daywatch, Nightwatch, Across the Universe and many more...


I just watch a few series that I download, like Heroes, The L Word, The 4400, Battlestar Galactica 2003, The Reaper, Cavemen and a few general I can't stand TV and it's non-stop fear-programming and senseless content.


Don't touch this book (Jan van Helsing/Jan Udo Holey), Illusions (Richard Bach), The Alchemist (Paolo Coelho), The Illuminati Trilogy - (Robert Anton Wilson/Robert Shea), Wu Wei - Lao Tze (Henri Borel - translation), Needle in the Groove (Jeff Noon), Children of the Matrix (David Icke), Living the Now (Eckhart Tolle), One (Richard Bach), Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (Richard Bach), Lanto - Atlantis & U.F.O.'s (Daan Akkermans), The Teachings of Don Juan/A Seperate Reality/Travel to Ixtlan/Tales of Power (all by Carlos Castaneda)...just to mention a few absolute favourites.


My Mother & brother, Albert Hofmann, Robert Anton Wilson, Terence McKenna, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Ghandi, Marthin Luther King, John Lennon, Bob Geldof, Kwan Yin, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Jello Biafra, Bob Marley, Sun Bear, Manitonquat, Black Elk, Don Juan and for the rest everyone who basically has the guts to live their dreams, who dare to oppose the majority and general public opinion, 'cause something inside tells 'em that it's all just not right, no matter how big the consequences and personal suffering will be to defend what they believe in, those who truly live their lifes serving true love and freedom and share this with as many as possible....these are the people that are my example in life and true heroes....

My Blog

The Forces of Love, Eros and Sex.

The Forces of Love, Eros and SexThe lecture was channeled over 40 years ago from "Spirit" by Eva Pierrakos, but survives the test of time. Published by The Pathwork © Foundation (1996 Edition) Pathwor...
Posted by Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 04:51:00 PST

Stop the Chemtrails !

Something really strange is going on in the skies above our heads. It is both completely implausible, and categorically denied by all official sources. Nevertheless, casual observation indicates that ...
Posted by Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:11:00 PST

From the Galactic Heart....It's time to Awaken !

From the Galactic Heart It is from the Galactic Heart that the earth is brought to understand the time for change is given. The commanding vibration from the Central Sun sings forth the call of ret...
Posted by Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 01:17:00 PST

An Interview with 'Henry Deacon' a Livermore Physicist

An Interview with 'Henry Deacon' a Livermore Physicist (Updated Oct. 20, 2006)   We met with and interviewed this man in early September, but he declined to appear on video or to have his name ...
Posted by Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:38:00 PST

5th Root Race, Indigos, China's Super Psychics & Star Children.

5th Root Race, Indigos, China's Super Psychics & Star Children. A human upgrade program orchestrated by extraterrestrial contact; the evidence and Mary Rodwell, RN © 2006-02-24Pri...
Posted by Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:24:00 PST


Hello there Mind-Funkers & Twilight Twisters! Mind-Funk Music has established and manifested itself out of the remains of Mind-Funk Parties and Mind-Funk Records. We restyled and reorganized the w...
Posted by Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 09:31:00 PST

Sex and Consciousness

Sex and Consciousness Sex - Everyone loves it. Everyone does it. Sex has an interesting place in our Western Capitalistic Society. It is used to sell products, to get attention, to gain power, feedin...
Posted by Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:59:00 PST

Newsflash from the Galactic Federation

Here's something that just really touched me deeply, hope you all dig it and that it inspires you to keep walking the path of peace and love which is so much needed nowadays....enjoy the writing...I l...
Posted by Shawnodese [Mind the Funk / Find the Monk] on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:27:00 PST