COMA SECTOR profile picture


InterZoneInc - FreeRadicalRecord

About Me

COMA SECTOR....... is a project born in November 2006 from the sound fusion between 2 Italian artists and friends, ANNXIA & VORTEk (PLASTIC CHOICE), during an illuminating holiday trip to Goa. The 2 artists have the same cultural background: cyberpunk, industrial music, psychedelia & altered states of mind and loads of party spirit. Musically active since 2000, they played together in a death-prog metal band, “Entropy Engine”. In 2002 they started their first electronic experiments with an industrial touch. In 2003 they began to collect their first friendships and experiences bound to the world of raves, thing that hurled the 2 artists into the world of electronic music and illegal parties. In 2004, together with the master of ceremony THX, they melt to form the tribe “INTERZONE INC.” and started to organize and play in various rave parties, with a hardware live set first made of techno and minimal, and later with a more psychedelically oriented style and sound. With the project COMA SECTOR their aim has been blending together 2 different styles of 2 very closed friends: the martial grooves, analogic basslines and dark atmospheres of Annxia mixed with the cyberdelic rhythms and psychotic synths of Plastic Choice to create the unique sound of COMA SECTOR, a special and researched style of psytrance that puts together the dark and hypnotic tones of dark trance with the dynamic grooves of full on, with many references to the worlds of experimental and industrial music. .COMA SECTOR...progetto nato in novembre 06,dalla fusione di sound fra i 2 artisti italiani e amici d'infanzia ANNXIA & VORTEk(plastik choice),durante il viaggio di vacanza e illuminazione a Goa. le origini e culture di basi dei 2 artisti sono medesime: controcultura cyberpunk, musica industriale,psicadelia, e tanto spirito da party. Musicalmente attivi dal 2000,suonavano insieme in una band death-prog. metal (entrophy engine),nel 2002 cominciano i primi esperimenti elettronici di chiave experimental-industrial. nel 2003 cominciano le prime esperienze e amicizie legate al mondo dei rave party.che slanciano i 2 artisti ad entrare nel mondo della musica elettronica "illegale". nel 2004 ,insieme al maestro di cultura THX,fondono la tribe "INTERZONE INC".con la quale cominciano a suonare ed organizzare nel ambiente dei raveparty,inizialmente liveset hardware di tekno e minimal,poi gli interessi si spostano verso sonorità + psichedeliche. con il progetto COMA SECTOR si è cercato di mescolare 2 differenti stili di 2 persone molto amiche. i groove marziali,bassi analogici e atmosfere cupe di Annxia,mescolati alle ritmiche cyberdelike,e synth psicotici di Plastic Choice, formano il sound di COMA SECTOR, uno stile particolare e ricercato di psytrance che mescola i toni cupi e ipnotici della darktrance a groove dinamici della fullon,con tanti richiami alla musica industriale e sperimentale.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/1/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: COMA SECTOR is: Luca & Nicola aka AnnXia & Vortek from ITALY... ....................... INTERZONE INC lab:VIRUS b indigo & VIRUS TI desktop: arpeggiators,synth fx,bass,leads & pads--- NORD MODULAR G2: synts fx,leads,psy fx--- NORD RACK 3: synth leads,rithmics,fx---- KORG Z1: warm synth,pads,ambients,harp,fx----- SPECTRAL A. NEPTUNE2: full-pure analogic bass-lines---- KORG SX: loops,stretching valve sampler,sliced drumkits---- TC POWERCORE: external process dsp unit FX,finalizer & more fx---- RME FIREFACE 800...soundcard & mixer----- TC KONNEKT LIVE live soundcard----.....and a lot of joint.....

Influences: CULTURAL INFLUENCES:CyBERpUNk & Beat culture:P.K.Dick,W.S.Burroughs,W.Gibson,A.Huxley,G.Orwell & other......disinformation & K-culture... DARK ART: - H.R.Giger - P.Gric - S.Dalì - Nebu & more.....psichedelic's & states of minds ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- MUSIC inluences:-PSY & DARK TRAnce (Kin.dza.dza, Ocelot, Penta,Xenomorph,GOE,Nommos,Hallucinogen..& more) -E.B.M./ INDUSTRIAL/Cyber (F.L.A. , Skinny Puppy , Ministry,Laibach...& more)-ELEKTRONICA,AMBIENT,X-PERIMENTAL (Kraftwerk,Tangerine Dream,AphexTwin,E.A.R....& more)-METAL thash,death,prog (Slayer,Death,Pantera,Fear Factory;Dimmu Borgir...& more) ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------
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Record Label: InterZoneInc - FreeRadicalRecord
Type of Label: None