"Fuck bananas, fuck death, fuck hairy armpits, fuck flash photography, fuck Cadillacs, fuck the assholes that yell FREEBIRD at every show, fuck FUCK shirts, fuck me gently with a chainsaw, fuck cheese, fuck France, fuck peanut butter, fuck this shit, fuck ticketmaster. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck, fuck YOU you fucking piss fuck, fuck my dead grandmother through her rotting eye, fuck bartenders that still charge you for drinks after you fuck them, fuck my car, fuck working on my piece of shit car, fuck priests who fuck kids, fuck people who say "it wasn't me it was my brother", fuck me I'm fucking sexy, fuck teenagers for being hateful little monsters, fuck people looking for free shit - Cas$H Gra$$ or A$$, fuck record labels, fuck 40 shows in 40 nights, fuck elitist fucks, fuck sex toys that require batteries, fuck corporate radio, fuck the internet, fuck cd dj's, fuck boy bands, fuck girl bands, fuck the world, fuck people who fuck on your couch, fuck people who smoke all of your weed and don't want to be friends, fuck people who smoke all of your friends, fuck people who don't get it, fuck money, fuck war, fuck pop culture, fuck warm beer, cigarette prices, US foreign policy, the Canadian border, comeback bands, prozac. part-time-patriotism, suvs with flag stickers, the white house, san Antonio, ME PLEASE! Fuck The Baldwins, fuck infomercials, fuck Martin Sheen, fuck PEACE, fuck everything that moves, fuck THE MACHINE!, fuck rockstars, fuck Peanut butter, fuck little green men with rayguns, fuck amphetamine sulphate..................
Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on. Fuck your brother, Fuck your mother, Fuck the very roots of your family tree, Fuck every person that is in a band, Fuck every person that fucks a person in a band, Fuck all beer except the one and only Newcastle Brown Ale, Fuck football and all sports, Fuck the Pope, Fuck right to life guilt trip commercials, Fuck racism, Fuck taxi drivers that rip you off because you don't know where you are, Fuck all of this clear shit, Fuck fucking, Fuck people who flinch when you say the word CUNT, fuck people who say the word cunt really loud just for shock value, Fuck landlords, Fuck credit cards, Fuck free from introspective self indulgent masturbatorial jazz, Fuck space, Fuck just about every stupid arsehole English person I know and don't know, Fuck the Queen, Fuck Prince Charles, Fuck Lady Di, Fuck stupidity, Fuck ignorance, Fuck intimidation, Fuck selfishness, Fuck ego, Fuck lying, Fuck smoking, Fuck picking up a can of coke that you left next to the bed the night before and you wake up really thirsty and you take a big gulp but someone has put a cigarette out in it, Fuck gasoline, Fuck the lottery - a tax on the poor, Fuck television, Fuck the military, Fuck hipocrisy, fuck Mickey Mouse, Fuck the White House, Fuck MacDonalds - the biggest reason there are no rain forests, Fuck Hollywood, Fuck styrofoam, Fuck the media - that's what I said, Fuck the church - all denominations and abominations, Fuck drugs - really, Fuck alcohol, Fuck abusing children, animals and automobiles - in that order, Fuck laundry, Fuck the conspiracy between major record labels and hi-fi equipment manufacturers, Fuck the increased categorization and subcategorisation of all music, Fuck me."
Me: little shit. you dont need know