Perception== Everything ~ Don't believe anybody ~ Create perception = Create future
_________@~ -i am -the purposemaker- ~@
I live in a far away dark mysterious purple forest of light, that exists only in a long forgotten past era and once or twice a very long long time in the days of tomorrow.... When we arrive there (invitation by yourself only strictly N.I.P (non-imp-pers) Jujuvibez lead us deeper into the wicked forest. There in the deep shades under the thick leafy forest-roof, dark beastsmurvs reside, half beast, half smurv, THEY make the green gods of politicians, sprouted from their mufted fantasy while the nifty dirty smurvs were rolling in the mossy muds uncontrollably laughing from chewingspungy darkrubbery mushrooms... There funnykiller banana DJs are absorbed by the forest earth to serve, and savage wild-twisted easterbunnys spread the muppet fungi, and the soulmoving deep distorted tunez of Black FunQ rize impressively from misty cracks in the mufted funghus ###### Feeling the forests Twilight music...We go mad crazy._______ _____ __Dark appears to be light - and all things around us seem to be bending… bending something… in the corner of our eye we do experience detachment of this dimension, moving our body-mind & souls with wonderous waves of inspiration, we we stretch-pump-move, ...funk-jive-grove ourselves into hot sweat, as spirited beasts, hunting, preying, to break the physical borderz... we dance... and we let ourselfs go.... permit ourselves to forget… and flow with our opened minds into the mufted boogy zone, where we surrender,… smiling the Muppet-Funghus -ear-to-ear- grin, we give up resisiting- - overwhelmed and self-hypnotized by the uplifting Sacred Twilight boogie-woogie of distorted deepspace FunQ
The release... it becomes us. ...and piece by piece we become more & more abstract, fluently changing the movements of our stylish formz,… boundries dissolve,... as -the whole- becomes part of us we become part of -the whole-... Trancending... With our loosend mindz and bodies we experience -the wave rythms of the whole-, wicked feelings of controlled perception and instant creation from our body-mind & soul .....=+_+=.... we receive and channel the pure holy strength of one-ness, jujuvisions of fuktness, joy and truthfull paths to optimize, and blueprints of curly paths to keep us close to the Twilight of the dark wicked-sweet purple Forest of Light, to allways return to that place - & experience our pure soul powers to receive from it renewed visions & strength to keep us on our true path we are born to this world strong for this I am- the -purposemaker-NO GODS NO MASTERS