Music of all sorts, creative battery, Frank Lloyd Wright, spelunking, Thai food, casual sex, Michigan, SFX makeup/gore films, deep-sea exploration, rocks, traveling, Canada, quantum theory, chatting up main man Bud and last but not least, Monty, the smartest dog ever! Well, except maybe for Riff(RIP). Now THAT dog was almost human, man.
.. At the moment, Willem Dafoe. People who smell as good as they look. Many more Canadians. Grown-up Campbell's Kids. Bilingual travelers with the patience to teach me the words & phrases & dirty jokes they've learned abroad. Andrew, that cute Scottish guy in Ft. Wayne. People from my past whom I've long since forgotten. Stewart Copeland. Willie Nelson. Andy Sturmer. Valerie Bertinelli. Gene Simmons. Katherine Helmond. Robert Rauschenberg. Sandra Bernhard. Ringo & Paul. Yer mum & dad & their mildly retarded neighbor from up the street. I just wanna meet everyone, okay?
Raising Arizona, The Evil Dead, Brewster McCloud, Goodfellas, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Driver 23, Two-Lane Blacktop, Heavy, The Exorcist, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Donnie Darko, The Gunfighter, Spirit Of '76, Kentucky Fried Movie, Once Upon A Time In America, Nightdreams(of COURSE I like porn!)
Deadwood, Soap, The Twilight Zone, Sumo Digest, Nip/Tuck, All In The Family, Iron Chef, The Sopranos, Behind The Music, True Hollywood Story, Frontline, Match Game.
How 'bout authors: Richard Brautigam, Stephen King, P.D. Eastman, Ray Bradbury, Bret Easton Ellis, Roald Dahl, James Clavell; man, I wish I could read as often as I used to! Somebody post a must-read list for Fido...
Harold Robert Lewis, a christian in the truest sense of the word. You're always with us, Gramps. Anybody who ever did what made them happy until it made them cry, then kept on keeping on until their success at the pursuit of happiness made others happy. Because ultimately, being happy is what it's really about. So yeah, Gene Simmons. He's high on the list. Spiderman's pretty fuckin' radical too, but he's a SUPERhero, so there you are. Ah, semantics. Excelsior! Oh, and lest you forget: John Motherfucking Deacon!