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MPMA Museums MySpace Page

The Mountain-Plains Museums Association MySpace Page

About Me

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Established in 1953, the Mountain-Plains Museums Association (MPMA) is a regional museum association that provides professional services to ten states: Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.MPMA has a central office in Littleton, Colorado. Its governing structure includes a board of directors and numerous committees and affiliates. Staff includes an executive director and an office assistant. This group oversees the services that MPMA provides. An annual fall conference is attended by over 300 museum professionals each year. The conference provides opportunities for all levels of professionals in training, networking, and information exchange at a relatively inexpensive cost. Over 700 individuals, institutions and businesses annually support MPMA by paying membership dues. A newsletter and a discount museum purchasing cooperative program are just few member benefits.
MPMA is one of six regional associations in the United States that works in conjunction with the American Association of Museums. The associations form the Council of Regions and meet twice yearly to advise AAM on issues relating to museums in the particular regions.
Please click here to visit the brand new MPMA website!
The 2008 Annual Conference will be held in conjunction with the Association of Midwest Museums in Kansas City, October 24-28.
Here are a few photographs from MPMA 2007 Annual Conference in Fargo, North Dakota.

My Interests

Mountain-Plains Museums Association : The museums and cultural attractions of:


I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in museums, particularly museums located in the MPMA region.

Visit to learn more about the organization. Learn more about MPMA membership here . If you're ready to become a MPMA member, please click here .

Are you a Museum Studies student or museum professional searching for a job or internship in the Mountain-Plains region? If so, please be sure to check the MPMA Job Bank by clicking here .

Join us at the Mountain-Plains Museums Association Annual Conference , October 20-24, 2008, in beautiful Kansas City. The conference will include many fun and interesting sessions, workshops and discussions, including the MPMA Technology Committee session.

Please note the following items:

1) If you represent a vendor, contractor or other company that provides services to museums and related organizations, become a MPMA Business Member. Becoming a Business Member is an excellent way to promote your company and become more visible to the museums in the Mountain-Plains region. To learn more about becoming a Business Member, please click here .

2) is a social networking service that allows members to create unique personal profiles. The opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of the Mountain-Plains Museums Association. The MPMA Technology Committee maintains this page.


Museum podcasts from all over the country can be found at MuseumPods .

And be sure to check out the Kansas State Historical Society's award-winning Museum Cool Things Podcast series.

Los Alamos Historical Society has many new podcasts on the history of the Manhattan Project , including Hans Bethe on neutrinos, and gatekeeper to Los Alamos, Dorothy McKibben on a not-too-bright spy.


Naturally, our favorite movies come from museums!

We are hoping that the YouTube museum group will get up and running--perhaps you can help?

Artforum on YouTube also has some museum-oriented footage.


We're currently looking for more museum YouTube videos, such as the one featured below. If you work at a museum that is in the MPMA region and have video materials you'd like to share, please send us a message.

Be sure to see Saint in the City: Sufi Arts of Urban Senegal | Spencer Museum of Art

We also like this ad for the Western Museum of Colorado .

...and this offering from the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History

And from the Buffalo Bill Historical Center ,

Also see the large collection of videos from the BBHC's five museums at: BBHC Museums YouTube index

We're also fans of the PBS series Great Museums .


Too many for us to include a full list, but here are two examples:

Rethinking the Museum
Making Museums Matter


There are many ways that people can be heroes in the museum world.

Perhaps one of the greatest museum heroes of this generation was Stephen Weil, who passed away in 2005. He was a scholar, a museum educator, an art law specialist and an administrator at museums such as the Whitney in New York and the Hirshhorn in DC. He was also a prolific author (see Books above).

Another museum hero is Philippe de Montebello, longtime director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. His thoughts on why museums matter can be read here .

Closer to home, MPMA Business Members also are heroes! We thank you for your valuable support.

My Blog

Its Not a Leak, Its a Disaster!

Most people in the mountain-plains region think they are immune from disasters.  They figure a natural disaster is not likely to come to their town and devastate their museum.  Unless, of co...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 09:21:00 PST

MPMA Session: Museums & Web 2.0: Slaying Dragons or Titlting at Windmills ?

MPMA 2008 Web Session Museums & Web 2.0: Slaying Dragons or Titlting at Windmills ? Blogs, YouTube, MySpace - Using Social Networks for Museums 3:00 p.m., Oct. 22, Session C2 As part of the conti...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 01:49:00 PST

Mountain-Plains Museums Assoc/AMM Lunch with Jim Loewen, Oct. 24, Kansas City

Mountain-Plains Museums Assoc/AMM Conference Closing Lunch with Jim Loewen, Oct. 24 The best selling historian Jim Loewen will deliver the MPMA/AMM annual meeting closing remarks on Lies Our Museums T...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 04:09:00 PST

Mountain-Plains Museums Assoc/AMM Opening Keynote Address, Oct. 22

Mountain-Plains Museums Association/Association of Midwest Museums Joint Meeting Opening Keynote Address, Oct. 22 Be sure to join with MPMA/AMM in Kansas City on Wednesday, October...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 05:48:00 PST

Partisan Pooches, Not Museums

There's a store in Denver that caters to PARTISAN POOCHES.  If  your darling doggie is a "McCanine" or a "Barkobama," Dog Savvy is the place to go to get your pooch politically rea...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:48:00 PST

Top Ten Best Museum MySpace Pages 2008

Thanks to museumpods for including us in their Top Ten Best Museum MySpace Pages 2008. 1. The Andy Warhol Museum 2. Brooklyn Museum 3. MOCA  4. Walker Art Center...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 02:05:00 PST

Lack of info in contemporary art museums

As a student of furniture and ceramic designs, I get very excited over contemporary as well as traditional designs in those media.  But contemporary art in and of itself is a stumper. I readily a...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 02:36:00 PST

And speaking of contemporary art&.

It is about to spark another revolution in France.  And by most accounts, this one will be deliciously interesting.    Jeff Koons, an American artist known for his use of kitsch i...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 02:24:00 PST

Standing on the Shoulders of Those Who Came Before Us

The museum profession lost two giants recently.  Peter LaPaglia died this week after a battle with cancer and Cindy Sherrell Leo died in March.  Both left behind countless friends and collea...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 06:41:00 PST

MPMAs Katrina Relief Teams

In 2007 and 2008, MPMA sent relief teams to help the Archdiocese in New Orleans with its collections damaged during Katrina.  The Catholic Church, which has been in the city for over 200 years w...
Posted by MPMA Museums MySpace Page on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:34:00 PST