Reno, REFUSE to Consume profile picture

Reno, REFUSE to Consume

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Is there a point when we DON'T need more?

Life is too intense for us to let it slip into the abyss of heavy consumption.
This site will feature ideas for low impact living,
as well as links to organizations for you and yours to try out.

My Interests

1) walk or bike to work
2) turn off unused lights at home.
3) ditch your car and use a bike.
4) limit warming your car to 30 seconds.
5) save all "leftovers" from eating out for your next meal.
6) on your next trip, avoid hotels and take your tent.
7) sell your truck or sport utility and get a high milage car or motorcycle.
8) capture H2O while warming your shower and use it for your plants.
9) put your money in places outside of casino resturants and concerts.
10) convert your diesel vehicle to bio-diesel.
11) use cloth napkins in place of paper.

...more to come.

I'd like to meet:

Please use the comments section of this profile for idea
sharing and any events that might help to spread the word
of those opportunities to break the strong bonds of
over-consumtion in our lives.
There's a better way to live and we all need help finding it.

1) Find a paper recycling box and dispose of all non needed papers you have.
2) Reduce or just stop using your dirt bike / quad.
3) Study outside without music.
4) Buy a thermal mug and use it any time you go out for coffee/tea. you'll usually even save money for the drink!
5) Get rid of anything in your house that you don't need or won't ever use.
6) Need to do a chore that is close to home? WALK
7) The next time you go for a coffee and plan on staying a while, ask for a mug and save the paper cup.
8) Recycle anything that you can.
9) At your next party, put out a "cans" and "bottles" box next to the drinks and recycle anything you can salvage.
10) Start using your bike/ scooter/ skateboard/ longboard/ skis/ snowshoes to get around town.
11) Skip the ski resort and hike it.
12) Invest in solar panals or wind turnbine for your house.
13) Carpool with others when traveling to the same place.
14) Cook at home more often.
15) Eat non-canned / non-packaged foods when possible.
16) The next time you go shopping and only have a couple of items, use your hands...leave the bag.
17) If a waiter/waitress screws up your next meal, don't send it back. Inform him/her and eat it anyways.
18) cancel your cable/sattelite subscription.
19) Drive the speed limit (this uses less gasoline).
20) Feel the freedom of NOT needing to buy anything ( least for today).
21) Refuse to gamble your money at casinos.
22) Re-use plastic sandwich bags.
23) Settle for a cheaper house or apartment.
24) Buy recycled products when possible.
25) Eat less.
26) Feel content to be who you are without makeup and fancy clothes.
27) Reuse any fresh napkins left over from eating out.
28) Dispose of your TV.
29) Shop for fruits and veggies at the farmer's market.
29) Suggest low consumption ideas to your friends and family!

What are some other ways you could conserve?


We don't HAVE to buy the music they tell us to.


We don't HAVE to see the movies they waste our time with.


We no longer NEED to watch Television.


Anyone that has THOUGHT for themself.
Those that have made SOMETHING of their life, without exploiting the people below them.

My Blog

Reno recycling options

Hi all, We're going to start compiling a list of Reno recycling efforts, the products they accept, and how you can get in touch with these people. Any leads are VERY appreciated! In the meantim...
Posted by Reno, REFUSE to Consume on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 09:53:00 PST

Article on Reno Recycling ... R&R

Recycling Reno In these days of heightened environmental consciousness, is northern Nevada doing its part to reduce, recycle and reuse? Sorta. By D. Brian Burghart This article was published on 04.22....
Posted by Reno, REFUSE to Consume on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 08:46:00 PST

Images for use on YOUR profile

Myspace is a perfect place to use "free" media to get the word out about your thoughts and what you'd like to see change. By clicking >>, you will get access to a profile with over 300 movi...
Posted by Reno, REFUSE to Consume on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 09:05:00 PST

Organic Dating Ideas

I know, you got a hot date planned for Saturday and you can't shake the thoughts from your head really just don't want to have to buy or waste anything. Here are a few low-impact date ideas...
Posted by Reno, REFUSE to Consume on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 01:14:00 PST