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Better Globe

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Our aim is to plant 5 billion trees in Africa, within the year 2026 !

Will you help us ?

Buy a few Trees every month and help saving our Globe !

From these trees you will also receive a calculated return about four times your investment during the next 20 years !

Many charity and aid organization have tried before us without succeeding. Poverty has increased.

Better Globe will do something which has not been done before. We want to engage millions of people in our projects and make them take part in our initiative to fight poverty in Africa.

To get that many people engaged, these activities should be based on business and profit and not charity alone. We want to support the poorest people in Africa by business principles and profit:

    The poor will learn how to make money We who are helping will make money

Better Globe has been called the only Network Marketing Company the World really needs...

The Better Globe Vision
Our aim is to do more to eradicate poverty in Africa the next 20 years than any other single organization ever has done before.
We do not believe in just charity, but we do believe strongly in "self-help" and will support poor people in Africa based on principles of profitability. This way they can be self-sustained and able to work themselves out of poverty.
We will do this by focusing our support in the following three main areas:
1. Tree Planting
The desert in Africa is moving south with approximately 600 meters per year and without massive forestation the next 20-30 years, all land suitable for farming will be gone and probably the farmers too. Massive tree planting will also hinder global warming, which is one of the biggest threats in our world today.
Goal: Our aim is to plant 5 billion trees in Africa, within the year 2026.
2. Agriculture
80 % of the people in Africa are poor farmers, most of them servive on less than US$ 1 a day. If we ever are going to eradicate poverty in Africa, we have to help poor farmers earn more money for themselves.
Goal: We will have a "Micro Finance Bank" for poor farmers, where they can have access to the money needed to increase their crop and their income. We therefore aim at becoming the worlds leading "Micro Finance Bank" for underprivileged farmers, within the year 2026.
3. Education
If children in Africa do not get free primary education, there is no way any African country will be able to eradicate poverty. We know that poverty and corruption are interrelated; we will therefore teach children in schools and universities the importance of integrity in order to fight corruption and poverty. We will also endeavor to donate our book "Put Integrity First" to schools and universities in all the African countries, as a tool to fight corruption.
Goal: Our aim is to build more schools in Africa, within the year 2026, through the NGO Child Africa scheme than any other organization has ever done before.
We know that in order to succeed in our mission, and to get enough dedicated citizens to help us, we need to start a "Movement" with millions of people, who are able to work with our projects and in the process make enough money for a living. That is why we selected "Network Marketing" as our model of building and marketing our mission. This is the only way possible to get so many people comitted to creating wealth, promoting self help and trustworthiness; in the relative short time we have, in order to reach our goals..


My Interests



I'd like to meet:

......People worldwide who are interested in working with us for a Better Planet. We are currently also seeking team leaders, and even country managers, in open markets worldwide. Please visit our website to know more, and view online presentations about our company: ....


My Friend Space
I have 902 friends.

Our Planet

Wildwood Preservation Society


Jorge Martinez

International World Peace Tour

Think Organic

Public Trust

Save the Wolves


National Wildlife Federation

Forests Forever


View All of My Friends






Please visit our homepage for more company information: Please view below our preliminary business opportunity presentation: ....



Would you like to join us ?

Please click the tree below to register to buy 6 trees every month (titled Ambassador)! You can start and stop your monthly buys whenever you want to. Of the monthly donation of 6 trees you give away 4 trees to poor farmers in Africa, and keep 2 trees yourself which will give you income during the next 20 years.

Signing up as a donating Ambassador also gives you your own website and the opportunity to earn a growing income in the network if you also choose to work for us by building sales organizations.

Would you like to be invited to a private online conference in our webconference room to know more about how you can work with us ? Please then message us and we will very soon return to you with time suggestions for such a conference.....Please join us in our effort, as the Earth Clock is showing, we really don't have any time to lose !
