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Life Coach

About Me

Embracing Change
Living with Conviction
Overcoming Adversity
Focusing on Hope
Reinventing Self
Redefining What Is Possible
Learning from Life’s Pain & Lessons
Belief in opportunity after adversity
Fulfill Your Dreams
Achieving Goals
Looking Within
Fulfillment of Purpose
Psychic Advisor On All Topics Possessing all Four Claires
Healer ~ Empath ~ Spiritualist
I am here to Enlighten, Inspire and Celebrate YOU!

“To have possession of such a gift as psychic means a responsibility and duty to read for others with spiritual truth and integrity for their knowledge, fulfillment, growth, inspiration and healing.” ----Lyv
Psychic advisor on all topics including relationships, financial outlook and general life questions.
I hear and see what our Guides and Angels are trying to communicate to you and will honestly and accurately answer your questions and concerns.
The Guidance and Counsel that I give in my readings is brought to you through Light, dignity and respect.
My primary gift is clairaudience, however I possess all four of the Claires. During a reading I am likely to shift from one Claire to another as I receive information for you. It is through this gift that I then convey what your Guides want you to know and what you are inquiring into.
It is important to understand that our Guides are with us at all times and that their primary purpose is to “guide” us through the path that we wrote for ourselves.
Additionally, I am intensely empathic, telepathic, a third degree reiki practitioner / energy worker, and seek to truly understand your unique circumstances and life. During your readings I hear and see details of your current situation and what you can expect to happen in the future.
I will assist you in understanding the feelings and motivations of others in your life.
I also do energy work through various forms of reiki and specialize in Healing, Manifestation and Empowerment Energies. These attunements / spoken meditations are done over the phone upon request.
Psychic answers are direct and are intended to guide you through your life experiences, concerns and changes. It is through change that we grow and I can help you to feel confident in those changes.
Trust in yourself and the Universe.

Everything is for a reason. And sometimes it is more helpful to understand those reasons. I have been psychic all of my life and use that talent to assist, enlighten, empower, heal and counsel others.
I specialize in the following areas: clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsenscience, claircognizant, Third Degree Reiki Practitioner, Psychic, Empathic, Telepathic (can hear others’ thoughts), Spirit Guides & Angel readings.
Additional background in: Astrology, Dream Interpretation, Tarot Cards, Numerology, Past Lives, Animal Communication, Crystals (used for healing purposes only).
I look forward to speaking with you. Email readings are also available upon request.
Please Visit
Lyv's Official Website
Much Love and Light to you,

1: Email me at [email protected] with a suggested appointment time and the phone number you would like me to call you at.
2: I will email back to confirm that time or suggest another time that I'm available as close to the time that you would like as possible.
3: Once we have a confirmed appointment time, go to one of the PayPal buttons below and choose the type of reading you would like. You may choose between Visa, MasterCard or Debit Card.
15 Minute Reading ~ $35
30 Minute Reading ~ $70
45 Minute Reading ~ $105
60 Minute Reading ~ $140
This Reading Is All About You!

My Interests

Please Visit
Lyv's Official Website

I'd like to meet:



“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein

My Blog

Wow! This is Big!!! Jupiter and Saturn!!!!

Yesterday, Jupiter entered the sign of Capricorn, for the first time since 1996, and will remain there until January 5, 2009. It is said that Jupiter is the sign of benevolence, expansion, protection...
Posted by Lyv on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 03:19:00 PST

Tons Of Energy Shifts Just In Time For Christmas

Yesterday, I focused on some upcoming changes in the outer planets. Today, I will focus on recent and upcoming changes in the inner planets. In totality, we are all experiencing a lot of shifting en...
Posted by Lyv on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 07:13:00 PST

A Must Read - Huge Change In The Outer Planets

Below is a newsletter written by a colleague of mine, which I thought you would find very interesting. I have only written the "side bar" in parenthesis. Enjoy..............Hi Everyone,The joys and ...
Posted by Lyv on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:41:00 PST

The Sun, Uranus, The Full Moon and Mercury

The Sun entered Sagittarius yesterday, Nov. 22nd and will remain there until Dec. 22nd thus beginning the winter for us. We will all have more expansive ideas now and want to do more with our project...
Posted by Lyv on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:41:00 PST

Many Planetary Shifts

At this point, you are probably noticing many energetic shifts going on. Mercury has come out of retrograde, although there are still some communication snafus going on. This is likely to continue a...
Posted by Lyv on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 10:27:00 PST

The Wild Ride of August and September

August and early September have been quite interesting for many and that is what the planetary action has been calling for. And there's more to come&.. In fact, it's been so action packed I've got...
Posted by Lyv on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 03:36:00 PST