;text_version=If you have any specific complaints, please call and report it: CLARK COUNTY, call 702-759-1990 or email WASHOE COUNTY, For complaints, enforcement, and compliance questions: 775-328-2434 or 775-328-2489 //////RURAL NEVADA, 775-684-5914You can also click here to print your own no smoking signs. 5 becomes effective December 8, 2006. ///////////////////////SCHOOLS (K-12)Smoking is prohibited in all school buildings and on all school property.CHILD CARE FACILITIESSmoking is prohibited in all licensed child care facilities.RESTAURANTSSmoking will be prohibited in all indoor areas.BARS, TAVERNS and SALOONSSmoking will be allowed unless it has a food-handling license to prepare and serve meals consumed on the premises, in which case smoking is prohibited.GROCERY STORESSmoking is prohibited in all areas.CONVENIENCE STORESSmoking is prohibited in all areas.DRUG STORESSmoking is prohibited in all areas.HOSPITALS and MEDICAL OFFICESUnder the current law, smoking is already prohibited in hospitals and medical offices.MOVIE THEATERS, CONCERT HALLS, etc.Prohibits smoking in movie theaters and concert halls.VIDEO ARCADESProposes what is currently in state law (law was enacted in 2005, after initiative language was drafted)RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS and MALLSProhibits smoking in all retail establishments and indoor areas of malls.GOVERNMENT BUILDINGSProhibits smoking in government buildings.CASINOSSmoking is allowed only in gaming areas. Smoking is prohibited in restaurants, shops, common areas.INDOOR PLACES OF EMPLOYMENTProhibits smoking in all indoor areas of employment, except areas in casinos where minors are prohibited by law, bars without food-handling licenses, strip clubs, brothels, retail tobacco stores, and private residences.LOCAL CONTROLPermits local governments to adopt regulations more restrictive than state law.For further information, please contact your local or state health department.Please check back for updates!
The Smoke Free.
Clark County's Comprehensive Tobacco Program
Nevada Tobacco Prevention Coalition
Washoe County Tobacco Prevention Coalition of Reno, Nevada.
Question 5 The Nevada Clean Indoor Air ActNevadans had their say on smoking in public places this election, and they chose clean indoor air. Faced with competing initiatives on how to deal with secondhand smoke exposure, Nevadans voted on November 7, 2006 to enact the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act (Question 5).Question 5 received over 54 percent of the vote and will become law within 10 days of its passage and approval. The other initiative, Responsibly Protect Nevadans from Secondhand Smoke (Question 4), received just 48 percent and failed to meet the majority necessary to become law.The Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act will ban smoking in the following places: schools, child care facilities, restaurants, bars that serve food, grocery stores, convenience stores, drug stores, movie theaters, video arcades, retail establishments, and government buildings. See below for specific smoking restrictions for each location.The act will not ban smoking on gaming floors of casinos or in hotel/ motel rooms. Question 5 also permits local governments to adopt regulations more restrictive than state law.Please visit again in the near future for more information on the implementation of the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act. We will post the latest and most updated information as it becomes available.To download and print free "No Smoking" signs for your business, visit the website.Proponents of the Nevada Clean Indoor Air ActNevadans for Tobacco-Free Kids: American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Nevada State Medical Association, Nevada Academy of Family Physicians.Clean indoor air is a matter of respect and dignity for workers," says Joe Cherner, founder of BREATHE-- Bar and Restaurant Employees Advocating Together for a Healthy Environment. "No one should have to breathe dirty air to hold a job.
WWW.NEVADACLEANAIR.COM co //////"To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice." Confucius //////////////////////////////Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr//////////////////////////All truth goes through three phases: First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self-evident.///////////////////The ultimate test of a person's conscience may be the willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard. — Gaylord Nelson former governor of Wisconsin, co-founder of Earth Day ///////////////////////////////////////You have a right to swing your arms, but it ends where the next person's nose begins. If the punch comes from cigarette smoke instead, the reasoning is no different.//////////////////Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a pool. /////////////////////////In court Thursday Herndon acknowledged campaign contributions from gaming firms that were fighting Question 5's strict public smoking ban. 08/566643271.htmlHerndon said he had received campaign contributions from the Jones Vargas law firm, which is representing some of the plaintiffs, as well as contributions from some of the plaintiffs themselves.Herndon also said his office had been "inundated" with phone calls from the public, including many Question 5 supporters. One anonymous caller, he said, left a message stating that "you'd better protect this law or we're going to remember this come election time."Herndon said plaintiffs had a "reasonable likelihood of success" in proving the measure (#5) was unconstitutional.