I enjoy trying to make life a little easier for others in whatever way I can. I spend a great deal of time on the internet bringing awareness to tobacco abuse. As a polio survivor I am trying to bring together other survivors with a forum, MySpace page and a webpage. Problem is there is only one of me and I've neglected the Polio Survivors to concentrate on Tobacco Abuse with my www.QuitSmokingHelp.org website, Freedom Village MySpace and my friends at "Freedom Village Quit Smoking Forum".
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The one who has been with me since the day I was conceived, "God....Jesus Christ" and I know that day will come.MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE
Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Country, Oldie Goldies and Southern Christian.
I love movies...all kinds, adventure, comedy, drama, biographies and most all "feel good" movies by Disney and Dream Works.
I love the Sci Fi Channel and Chiller..lol.
When I was younger, I read a lot...always had a book in my hand but now I keep a novel by my bed and will read a chapter from it most every night. At this time I'm reading "Treasure of Khan" by my favorite authors Clive Cussler & Dirk Cussler on the continued adventures of Dirk Pitt.
I have many heroes and couldn't begin to name them here....but...just as a start...my late father,my mother & sisters, people who quit smoking, people who help make life easier for the less fortunate, the disabled, the elderly and children...the list goes on....and on....and on :-) but basically...those who do good for all.