Napkinnights Tracy profile picture

Napkinnights Tracy

About Me

My Interests


My latest Service announcements brought to you by the letters N and N and the number 5!

(don't forget the Rehab movie - yes NapkinNights has movies!)

Some of the NN cities:

HOT ALBUMS on Napkinnights:

I'd like to meet:

I consider myself an honest person. I strive to be this within myself and in doing so, I am able to be honest and forthcoming with the people around me. It's not neccessarily the easiest thing to do sometimes because not all people can handle the truth. But I am the type of person that would rather know the truth from the get go, than find out later that there was a lie; Lies seem to have a way of regenerating themselves, and creating new ones.

I give what I expect; I am honest and trustworthy in the hopes that the people that I come across in my life are the same. That does not mean that I am naive. I have been walked over many times in the past, and while I still bend over backwards for people, I refuse to be used or taken advantage of.

I make every effort to treat every person that I come into contact with the same amount of respect as the next; from the Valets that park my car to the managers of the clubs that I do business with, to the high rollers and celebrities that I often come into contact with. Everyone had to start somewhere; you never know where they are going to end up.

I am an independent, individual with goals that are a vital part of my every day life. Making progress towards these goals is what drives me every day and each little success that I acheive causes me to work that much harder to acheive that much more. Realization that I can do anything I put my mind to has caused me to do and create things that many would have said was not possible. In short, my potential is endless because I THINK it is, held back only by the limitations of time.

I have a desire to learn. I have taught myself almost everything I have ever had the want to know by reading books, asking questions, or researching on the internet. I want to learn culture, technology, music, art, psychology, science, history, spirituality and more. My mind is a sponge that I long to oversaturate with knowledge and experience.

I strive to be the best person that I can be on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Self reflection is key in this aspect of my persona. The better I know myself and my ways, the easier it is to fine tune "me" into the person that I want to be. I try to think out my reactions to different events in my life logically to avoid responding negatively or emotionally. I am not always successful at this, but I find that with each passing day, I become more adept at doing so. I set high expectations of myself and follow through on the things that I say I am going to do. In that same respect you won't find me promising something that I can't deliver.

I came to the conclusion that perception is everything. If I am doing things a certain way and that way doesn't work for me, instead of giving up, I change my perception of things. I find that looking at a puzzle from a different angle often allows me to solve it faster and sometimes more efficiently.

In that same respect, I have also come to terms with the fact that I can't change how people are, I can only change my reactions to them. In learning this, I stopped finding bruises on my head due to banging it against a wall on a daily basis. My stress level has dropped ten fold and I am able to get more productivity out of the people that are working for me.

This is the person that I am. An Independent, grounded, self centered, goal oriented, unique, self teacher with a desire to succeed. Why do I tell you all of this? So you can know the person that I am and the person that I am striving to be, and know that my words are followed through with actions to match.

And while I can be extremely spontaneous, don't think that every move in this game of chess that we call life isn't completely thought through.

The following slideshows are examples of some of my work. HERE IS A LINK TO MY PERSONAL WEBSITE (my entire portfolio as well as daily updated photos of my doings!):

Behind the scenes of my most recent photoshoot.

My Camera Phone Pics updated as I take them!
Checkout what I've BeenUp2!

Monday Oct 15th. A Camera Phone Pictoral
Sunday Oct 14th. A Camera Phone Pictoral
Saturday, Oct 13th. A Camera Phone Pictoral
My Day Yesterday 10/10/07.. A camera phone pictoral..
My Nutrishop, TFA, & KOTC Weekend
Strikeforce @ The Playboy Mansion
Elite XC in Hawaii
My Crazy Adventures July 4th-6th
My crazy adventures: July7th-July9th
Skinnie Magazine Interview


My Blog

Strikeforce @ The Dome Pics

..>[2-23] Strikeforce @ The Dome: Bob Sapp vs Jan Nortje[2-23] Strikeforce @ The Dome: Mo Smith vs Rick Roufus[2-23] Strikeforce @ The Dome: Joe Riggs vs Cory Devela[2-23] Strikeforce @ The Dome: Eddi...
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:55:00 PST

Elite XC Street Certified- My blog and Experience

Okay... So the Elite XC wasn't everything that I hoped it would be..And tell you the truth, it really had nothing to do with Elite XC itself...Thursday morning, I got on a plane to Ft Lauderdale from ...
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:37:00 PST

If youre bored....

I'm starting a new thing on my personal website where I list my daily top 10 link picks. I figured I see a lot of things, and go a lot of places, that I should share some of this stuff with all of you...
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 01:04:00 PST

AVN Pics Day 2!

.I didn't go yesterday, but my sister did.. Here are her pics!! 2 more days left!    ..>..jpg" style="border: 1px solid rgb(123, 128, 136);" border="0"> - view this albu...
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:30:00 PST

AVN Convention, Day 1 Pictures

..> - view this album..>...
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 02:32:00 PST

Crazy Vegas Adventures- Camera Phone pics

Lunch at I love sushi with Teri and Kaui, spent the afternoon and evening working on my broke ass computer, and then went to see beowulf and had a crazy mission with Josh. Nuts I tell you... lol...
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 07:31:00 PST

Camera phone pics. Nashville to vegas!

Started the Day in Nashville and flew back to vegas. Ended up at the Airport 3 times with evryone flying in and out... It was teri's bday so we surprised her with a little party!! I made cupcakes......
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 07:29:00 PST

11/24/07 Camera Phone Pictoral, Nashville

Geez. I haven't kept up on my camera phone blogs.. Here ya go!I spent Thanksgiving weekend in Nashville opening up Napkinnights. Thanks to Becca and Shawn for letting me stay!...
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 07:27:00 PST

Halloween Costume Fun (2 weeks late!)

I decided to have everyone over on the 31st before we went out for the evening so that we could all get pics of our costumes.. and here are the end results!! 2 weeks late, but better late than never!....
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 05:12:00 PST

My Weekend in Corpus Christi for Elite XC. Pics!

..>[11-10] Elite XC: Partying After the Fight[11-10] Elite XC- The Show[11-10] Elite XC- Nick Diaz vs KJ Noons[11-10] Elite XC- Kimbo Slice vs Bo Cantrell[11-10] Elite XC- Jake Shields vs Mike Pyle[11...
Posted by Napkinnights Tracy on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:17:00 PST