Seth Dillan Gavin profile picture

Seth Dillan Gavin

I see girls, there and everywhere...short skirts long it when they walk yeah...I

About Me

I am 5'11"... Brown eyes...
Music is my true passion. I am a producer/musician/DJ, My main musical interest is electronic dance music. I produce and DJ funky, seductive, sexy, deep and dirty house music and I also write hard rock music. Check out my house mixes at the link below. ;)
I like long walks at the zoo(no seriously) favorite color is angry and I am addicted to diet Rockst*r. My cat is probably cooler than you... ;)
I am a gemini.
I grew up in New England but have lived here and there....I currently live in the city of sin: Las Vegas. I love this city, its the world's oyster. It encompasses everything I love and loathe about our modern society all at once. Since I'm a Gemini that appeals to my dual nature. My favorite place I've been is it there! :)
I am opinionated, funny, aggressive, intelligent, perceptive, romantic, paradoxical, well read, motivated, artistic, analytical, and enjoy good conversation. I am a dreamer. I am drawn to people with character.
I hate mini vans. Come to think of it, speedbumps are hella annoying to. Traffic is barfy and one of life's biggest stresses in my opinion. How about those people that don't pull all the way up behind cars in traffic...what is the deal with that anyway?? I also hate cigarettes...eww!
People who say "techno" when referring to house annoy me.
I love: hot summer weather, intelligent people, giraffe's, fruit at the bottom yogurt, people with a good sense of humor, fast sports cars, guns, rain at night, photography, hot showers, burlesque, working out, st. pauli girl beer, guitars, dancing, hardwood floors, incense, flirting, sushi, reaching goals, making music, banannnnannas, colored accent lighting, sleeping in late, silly cat pictures, the beach, tea, house beats, switchblades, tequila, hot tubs, the sounds of the ocean, staying up late, speedboats, sexy perfume, fireplaces, the way music has the power to make me feel so much, film, chicken parmigiana, flight simulators(yeah I'm a dork sometimes..), freedom,, traveling, pocket pets, driving with my windows down and the music blasting, sunsets, lust, making people smile with my mixes, video games, nose piercings(on girls that is), tanning, German beer, writing, my friends who have been there for me, the energy in a packed dance club, palm tree's, aviation, laying in bed all day with someone I love, my hair product cause it smells yum and I freak out when I run out of it, red wine, people who don't play games, animals, driving fast, romance, gadgets and hi tech electronic do-hickeys, neck kisses, geopolitics, philosophy, reading, texting, espresso, back dimples, working out, mac's, the feel of the sun on my skin, when things go right, being in love, lush gardens, MUSIC...duh! and probably a few other things I'm not remembering..or probably shouldn't say..ha ;)
Everyday I work on becoming the man I want to be, but fall short. This has given me humility as well as an appreciation for those who dare to make mistakes.
Also, I am always looking to work with talented vocalists.
I love to laugh….who doesn’t? I have an odd sense of humor. If you are funny or have a good sense of humor we will get along.
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The above player has a few of my recent house mixes for your aural listening pleasure. ;)
My latest house mix...
My Jamiroquai Tribute Mix:
Fancy a bit of deep house??
One of my live sets from Burning Man 2007:
Sun Sign: Gemini
Sun 19° Gemini 14' Gemini Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Libra
Moon 17° Libra 32' Libra Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Aries
Ascendant 28° Aries 15' Aries Horoscope
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My Interests

Current Location:

I have lots of interests....

Music Music Music!! It makes me feel ALIVE when so much else doesn't. Without it I would wither away and die. Music has a way of releasing my passion and calming my soul. I don't trust people who don't love music. If you don't like music you may be a robot. Look into it.
My greatest love in life is house music..its a spiritual thing for me as it is for many others. When I lose myself in the beats the worlds troubles wash away. My heart beats @ 128bpm. ;)

Make sure to feed my pet virtual duck, he is HUNGRY for bread!!! :)

adopt your own virtual pet!


Fitness is a big part of my life. Lifting weights is something I have to do to feel good..Could be worse...I could be addicted to donuts and crack. Looking good naked is an added bonus..hehe Click below for the best trainer/training program on the planet, Swolecat is da shiznit!

I am very interested in mixed martial arts(specifically Arnis, Kali, Escrima, Muy Thai, Ki Chuan Do and other hybrid combat styles). Pacific archipelago combatives are at the core of my martial arts interests.

I'm a big fan of video games, mainly Xbox/Xbox 360. One of my favorite wastes of time. ;)

Firearms! I am a gun nut and fond of things that go bang. I am also very pro military and enjoy a good ass whup like any other red blooded American. ;)

I love japanese gardens..all sorts of gardens really. I love being in a gorgeously designed environment filled with plants and flowers and so on. Great for relaxing and doing some thinking. I will have my own gorgeous relaxing japanese garden someday.

I love feeding ducks..yes I may be silly for sure but it is in my opinion one of life's simple pleasures. I enjoy watching ducks and the way they relate to each other, they fascinate me to no do many animals really. Seems like people could learn a lot by watching how animals relate. Take the time to lay in the grass now and then, just sit and enjoy the feel of the sun on your skin, etc. My fav thing about ducks is when they shake their tails..haha, always makes me smile. ;)

The beach!! I love the beach and the laid back atmosphere of the beach. I've always wanted to get inside a Corona commercial and stay there forever..but I prefer Dos Equis...hehe

I love animals. I love zoo's and would love to visit every major zoo in the world if I could. I am a big Jeff Corwin fan so now after years of watching his show I have a vast knowledge of strange little known facts about animals no one has heard of. ;)

Geopolitics, history and world affairs are some areas that interest me quite a lot and something I study a lot about.

Food!! Who doesn't love great food? Well I'm sure there is one skinny guy out there that hates food. Ha. My fav's are Italian, Sushi, Chinese(hard to find good Chinese food), Thai food and a nice yummy steak! I really like Alton Brown's "Good Eats" show as well as a few other Food Network shows…I’m not the greatest cook but I can make a few yummy dishes.



I like to have a great time...who doesn't?! that means different things to people'll just have to ask. The chance anyone on earth reads this stuff or actually cares is pretty much nil anyway..speaking of which I could probably just write anything here and no one would notice. If you got this far you must be pretty cool! :)

I love dancing...especially to great house music. Also, I can honestly say that one of my most favorite things in the world is watching a beautiful girl dance. Very sexy.... hehe ;)

Aviation..I have had a love for things that fly since childhood.

I am also interested in various exotic pets…

I want to get a pair of these little guys(Fennec Foxes):

I also want one of these little guys->this is a honeybear(kinkajou)-isn't he cuuute?!:

Rally racing, I love it! I am a huge World Rally Championship fan. I LOVE fast cars and racing in general. WRC drivers are the best drivers in the world bar none. It is an incredible sport to watch. One of my dream jobs for sure. I am super pissed right now because the asshole's at Speed channel stopped showing WRC because of contract go here and sign the damn petition to bring it back...grr bastards!!


....Some of my favorite cars:

mmmm...perfection... ♥

The ultimate sports car: The Bugatti Veyron Hermes Edition
Own the fastest car in the world..all for the low low price of 2.4 million. ;)

In the meantime while I'm saving up for the Bugatti..I think I will go with the fastest accelerating car there is..the Ariel Atom..pure fun!

My fav car of the moment: Nissan beat the Veyron on Nuburgring! (ran a 7:38). Godzilla in da house!!

I'd like to meet:

I 'm always looking to meet cool, intelligent, fun, outgoing, motivated people..and of course other producers, artists, DJ's , promoters and musicians...and anyone who loves and understands the beauty that is HOUSE music. :)

Comments with images that are not formatted to fit the design of the page(like gianormous party flyers) and comments that say things like 'Thanx for tha add' are subjection to deletion. Surely you can come up with something more clever than that! Keep my page interesting people! ;)

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Current Terror Alert Level-->>
Frylock: All commercial flights
Master Shake: Everything else


I am into all kinds of music, hard rock, classical, samba, jazz, trip-hop, hip-hop, punk, classic rock, big band and even some old country...but my true love is for electronic dance house house!! :)

This is how I dance...pretty hot isn't it?? ;)



Favorite TV shows:
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sealab, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, South Park, Ali G, Entourage, Meerkat Manor, Lost, MXC, Trigger Happy TV.


Books I am currently reading:
Comrade J - Pete Earley
In The Name Of Rome - Adrian Goldsworthy
When Love Meets Fear - David Richo
Deception: The Invisible War Between the KGB & the CIA - Edward Jay Epstein
The Al Qaeda Connection: International Terrorism, Organized Crime, And the Coming Apocalypse - Paul L. Williams
The Perestroika Deception : Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency - Anatoliy Golitsyn


Some of my heroes and people I admire->

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My Blog

First Drive: 2008 Lamborghini Reventon

I am not that huge of a Lambo fan...I prefer Ferrari's....but this is interesting. Its sort of ugly and beautiful at the same time...a bit like a piece of military gear. For the money I'll take a Veyr...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 01:11:00 PST

The meaning of the 4th of July...

This was an excellent speech on the meaning of the 4th of July...         What July Fourth Means to Me ...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 06:48:00 PST

Marilyn Manson on The Factor...

This is a somewhat old interview but interesting nonetheless...Shows you that Marilyn (Brian) is indeed very intelligent. I'm sure he realizes he is a bad influence to kids but at the same time music ...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 06:38:00 PST

Beaver Overthinking Dam

haha, via The Onion:Beaver Overthinking Dam April 19, 2006 | Issue 42"16 HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIOLocal beaver Dennis Messner is spending ...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 07:38:00 PST

Typically Twisted

This is an interesting article...-------------------------------------------------- ---Typically Twisted Taboo impulses can be titillating& but more often they're a source of concern for those who har...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:17:00 PST

Fear Factor: Surviving a Disaster

This looks like an interesting book...might have to check it out. Have any of you survived a disaster? I am fascinated by human behavior during extreme times like disasters and violent encounters. It ...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 07:25:00 PST

Today’s song picks....

A few song pics for today....isn't youtube a wonderful thing?? ;)All Good - De La Soulcheck out the mobster from Casino/Goodfellas in this video? That made me laugh!! Mind Is Playin' Tricks O...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 08:48:00 PST

song for today....

a few song picks for this evening...I've been listening to the Grand Theft Auto:Vice City Radio Espantosa station for the past couple days..that and the Playback FM station from GTA San Andreas...clas...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 10:50:00 PST

DC gun ban blown away!

Big win for gun rights! This is one of the few things in politics as of late that actually made me happy. This is a great article by Ted Nugent on the subject... I think that Ted Nugent ought to run ...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:50:00 PST

The go-to guys for post apocalyptic chaos and destruction

Aenama - Tool " Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow of...
Posted by Seth Dillan Gavin on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 01:14:00 PST