That Dudeâ„¢ profile picture

That Dudeâ„¢

I am here for Dating and Networking

About Me

I am extremely g00d natured, adventur0us and much m0re than just free spirited. S0metimes i am d0wn right danger0us with my 0pen mind and heart. I have an uncanny ability t00 use my heart t0 guide me t0ward expected happiness. S0metimes successful and s0metimes I learn painful less0ns.Basically I'm bey0nd dependable t0 th0se w0rthy 0f my trust. I have been kn0wn t0 challenge the w0rld and m0ve m0untains t0 defend 0r assist friends. I'm h0nest t0 a fault. I say exactly what I feel s0metimes with0ut thinking 0f the 0utc0me. S0 in a nutshell thats my pers0nality. mix in a little fearlessness, mischief, and passi0n, and y0u can alm0st feel me.

My Interests

W0men! I especially like the way a w0man's v0ice s0unds. The s0ftness 0f her v0ice, it just drives me wild. i als0 like keeping active, W0rking 0ut and 0f c0urse SEX!!!! Can y0u keep up?

I'd like to meet:

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I'm a picky individual and trying this 0nline dating thing as a last res0rt because all the attractive w0men I meet b0re me.If I had t0 write a newspaper pers0nal it w0uld read s0mething like this. "Hands0me, Cultured, Intellectual with a BIG d!ck and marath0n t0ngue seeks beautiful w0man in l0ng term c0mmitted relati0nship f0r purp0ses 0f making b0yfriend/husband insanely jeal0us f0r purp0ses 0f securing diam0nds, jaguars, new h0me in prestige area 0r beach-fr0nt pr0perty. Multi-0rgasm training included at n0 charge.MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE


Rap/ R&B usually. H0wever I als0 am int0 many 0ther genres like jazz, r0ck, and reggae. Fav0rite artist is Tupac Shakur. I enj0y c0ncerts and live music. It's great entertainment. I think live music, really g00d live music creates a p0werful c0nnecti0n between pe0ple.


Friday. Scarface. All the G0dfathers.


Sp0rts and News. I get and keep up with everything else pretty much br0adband in s0me f0rm 0r an0ther.


The Bible



My Blog

Beautiful Women...

I LOVE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. From the curve in their backs to the length of their nails. I love the little things as much as the big ones. I love lingerie, slow kisses, passionate love making and romantic ...
Posted by That Dude" on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:17:00 PST

MySpace Pays for 19-Year-Olds College

Welc0me t0... MyM0ney Making Bl0g0n Myspace...                    T0day, all the experts are telling y0u t0 use sites like eB...
Posted by That Dude" on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 07:38:00 PST

Fakes!!! Cant Stand Em!!

S0me 0f y0u ladies f0und pe0ple stealing my pictures, this has happened t0 a l0t 0f pe0ple thr0ugh 0ut this site... All the links bel0w are all identity thefts, I t00k action ab0ut this bef0re, but i ...
Posted by That Dude" on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:22:00 PST

Am I 0n Y0ur T0p 8?

Am I 0n Your Top 8? I am just curious to know how many people have me on their top 8?If I am.... Well Thank You... If Not.... Then.. What's The Matter With You? Hehe!xoxo...
Posted by That Dude" on Thu, 29 May 2008 01:11:00 PST

Singles Scene

Dear Reader,I have some SHOCKING news for you. You may be just DAYS away from meeting THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.I have even MORE shocking news for you. You won't have to spend a dime to meet him, and it s...
Posted by That Dude" on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 05:35:00 PST

Thoughts About Myspace...

I've grown to love for many reasons, for starters the exposure you get being an independent entreprenuer. I hated MySpace back in the days simply because all I saw was a bunch of Goth/Emo ...
Posted by That Dude" on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:29:00 PST


Due to the recent hacking that seems to be surfacing as of late, I have been forced to take down most of my pictures.  I'm still the same fly guy, it's just i've seen my pictures posted up elsewh...
Posted by That Dude" on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 02:31:00 PST