W0men! I especially like the way a w0man's v0ice s0unds. The s0ftness 0f her v0ice, it just drives me wild. i als0 like keeping active, W0rking 0ut and 0f c0urse SEX!!!! Can y0u keep up?
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I'm a picky individual and trying this 0nline dating thing as a last res0rt because all the attractive w0men I meet b0re me.If I had t0 write a newspaper pers0nal it w0uld read s0mething like this. "Hands0me, Cultured, Intellectual with a BIG d!ck and marath0n t0ngue seeks beautiful w0man in l0ng term c0mmitted relati0nship f0r purp0ses 0f making b0yfriend/husband insanely jeal0us f0r purp0ses 0f securing diam0nds, jaguars, new h0me in prestige area 0r beach-fr0nt pr0perty. Multi-0rgasm training included at n0 charge.MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE
Rap/ R&B usually. H0wever I als0 am int0 many 0ther genres like jazz, r0ck, and reggae. Fav0rite artist is Tupac Shakur. I enj0y c0ncerts and live music. It's great entertainment. I think live music, really g00d live music creates a p0werful c0nnecti0n between pe0ple.
Friday. Scarface. All the G0dfathers.
Sp0rts and News. I get and keep up with everything else pretty much br0adband in s0me f0rm 0r an0ther.
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