I enjoy reading, video games and health and fitness. I use to be really heavy into the Koi and Goldfish. I use to have around 400 of them. I had a ten thousand gallon pond in my living room with some koi close to 3 feet long. I had many running fountains and beautiful waterfalls. It was a once a fish museum open to the public for a while. I had to sell all of it when I moved. It was very heartbreaking to get rid of all my fish as I adored them dearly, they ate out of my hands I could pet them. Each one had a personality of it's own. I will have some pictures of it on here soon.It taught me to appreciate nature, I love nature.
People who can make a difference in this world. People who can inspire me and motivate me to keep me moving forward in life even when the going gets rough. Down to earth people who I can learn from to continue to grow as a person, spiritually and intellectually, and most importantly are people that can draw me closer to god, and whoever I can help to make a difference in their lives!!!!
Pretty much a wide range of music.
I have a collection of over 500 old movies. I like alot of science fiction movies. I like the Star Wars movies. I love the Stephen King movies such as Christine, The Shining I'm not sure if that one is Stephen King. I just finished watching left behind, I like that one.
I like alot of documentaries such as the discovery channel, etc. I collect alot of documentaries on video and also I collect alot of old movies, I have over 500.I like Three's company and Becker,Sanford. I watch Dateline, 20/20, Prime time.
I have over 3,000 books, alot of them I have never even read. Most of them are books on spiritual topics such as new age, reincarnation, christianity, etc.I can't say I really believe all of it but I do find it to be very fascinating reading. I love the writings of emmet fox, Ernest Holmes, Max Freedom Long, Joseph Weed, etc. too many to mention. I try to keep an open mind. I am always looking for new insights and new fresh perspectives.I also have quite a few books on bodybuilding, exercise, hundreds of magazines of muscle and fitness, etc.
My parents. Jesus Christ. Thomas Edwards, Rebecca Sherers, Paul Mathis, all who have made such a positive impact on so many people's lives.