Are You Truly a Christian?
We’re Losing It!
The King James Version
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I have already met my God, Savior, Hero, Best Friend and my all in all Jesus Christ. He is life to me. Your beauty, money, power, intelligence and youth will come to an end some day but Jesus is eternal. I’m not worth anything without Jesus and so are you.
Jesus is my Hero
Christ for sickness, Christ for health,
Christ for poverty, Christ for wealth,
Christ for joy, Christ for sorrow,
Christ today and Christ tomorrow,
Christ my life, Christ my light,
Christ for morning, noon and night,
Christ when all around gives way,
Christ my everlasting stay,
Christ my rest and Christ my food,
Christ above my highest good,
Christ my well beloved, my friend,
Christ my pleasure without end,
Christ my Savior, Christ my Lord,
Christ my potion, Christ my God,
Christ my good shepherd, I His sheep,
Christ Himself my soul doth keep,
Christ my leader, Christ my peace,
Christ has given my soul release,
Christ my righteousness divine,
Christ for me for He is mine!
Christ my wisdom, Christ my meat,
Christ restores my wandering feet,
Christ my advocate, my priest,
Christ who never forgets the least,
Christ my teacher, Christ my guide,
Christ my rock, in Him I hide,
Christ the everlasting bread,
Christ His precious blood has shed,
Christ has brought me near to God,
Christ the everlasting Word,
Christ my Master, Christ my head,
Christ, who for my sins had bled,
Christ my glory, Christ my crown,
Christ the plant of great renown,
Christ my comforter on high,
Christ my hope is ever nigh,
Christ is coming in the air,
Christ – Come quickly is my prayer!
Christians are Persecuted, Martyred, and Killed Worldwide
To Tithe Or Not To Tithe?
Don't tell God about your big storms...tell your storms about your Big GOD!
The 69 Weeks of Danial
The 70th Week of Danial
The Letter to the Church of Smyrna.
The Letter to the Church at Ephesus
The Letter To The Church Of Thyatira
The Letter To The Church Of Sardis.
The Letter to the Church of Philadelphia.
The Letter to the Church of Laodicea.
Sealing The 144000
A Woman Rides the Beast
Opening The Seals
The Holiness of God
Part 1
Part 2
Jesus is Coming SOON!
Richard Dawkins paused for 19 seconds and couldn't answere the question...
The religion of evolution
Evolution Bloopers Hoaxes and Contradictions
4 Reasons why evolution can not be true...
1. Something cannot come out of nothing.
The most common evolutionary theory for the origin of the universe is the Big Bang theory. The logical fallacy behind this is that it means that in the beginning there was nothing and then nothing exploded. Where did the cosmic dust / energy which exploded in the Big Bang come from? Nothing cannot explode.
2. Order does not come out of chaos.
Our universe is not random and chaotic. Our earth is perfectly balanced in its position in the Solar System to support life. Explosions create chaos and disorder. The implication of the Big Bang theory is that the universe is proceeding from disorder to order. The opposite is true. The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that the universe is becoming more random and disorganised, not more organised.
3. Life does not come out of non-life.
The study of genetics is showing that even the most simple organisms have incredibly complex DNA. There is no possibility that life with the ability to reproduce itself could come out of an explosion or chemical reaction. Evolutionary scientists are coming up with more and more bizarre ideas for the origin of life, like the idea now being promoted on the BBC that simple life forms originated in distant parts of the universe, survived crossing the universe on the back of comets which then crashed into the earth and produced the life of this planet.
4. Complex life forms cannot have evolved.
Evolutionary scientists, including Darwin himself, recognise that organs like the human eye are unbelievably complex. Darwin actually said that there is no possibility that the eye could have evolved. Richard Dawkins contradicts Darwin saying that it could have evolved over thousands of generations. But this raises a logical fallacy. While the eye was evolving the creature was blind. Blind humans cannot survive without the help of the sighted. So what happened for millions of years while the eye evolved?
This argument applies to all evolutionary leaps. Without wings the average bird is not going to survive very long in the presence of the average cat. How did birds survive for millions of years while they evolved their wings? Until they had two perfectly functioning wings the evolving wings would actually have been a hindrance not a help.
Even more crucial is the reproductive system of different creatures. Think about the incredibly complex and diverse reproductive systems of birds, bees, butterflies to say nothing of humans. Every part of the system, both male and female, has to be functioning perfectly. If not, how many generations does the species have? One. It does not have millions of years to evolve the reproductive system. Either it works and the creature can reproduce itself for millions of generations. Or it does not work and the creature dies out after the first generation.
Nephilim Rising
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Return of the Nephilim by Chuck Missler
The Mark of the Beast 666
The Truth about Mormons
The Truth about Jehovah Witnesses
NWO and the New Age Movement
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Witchcraft of Rock n Roll
Interesting Letter.
From the "Head of the Unregistered Union of Churches in Russia" appeared in "Life", dated 21, May, 1992
For thirty years we have suffered intense persecution. Now freedom is bringing another great harm to our churches. This damage is coming from Christians in America who are sending rock music and evangelists accompanied by rock bands. Our young people do not attend those meetings because we have all committed not to participate in secular entertainment.
This is a great burden to our hearts. Many come with Bible in hand and rock music. We are embarrassed by this image of Christianity. We do not know what words to use in urging that this be stopped. We abhor all Christian rock music coming to our country.
Rock music has nothing in common with ministry or the service to God. We are very much against Christian Americans bringing to our country this false image of "ministry" to God. We need spiritual bread... not false cakes. It is true that rock music attracts people to the church, but not to Godly living.
We were in prison for fifteen years for Christ's sake. We were not allowed to have Christian music, but ROCK MUSIC was used as a weapon against us day and night to destroy our souls.
We could only resist with much prayer.
Now, we have a time of more openness. We are no longer taken to prison. However, now it is Christians from America who damage our souls. We do not allow this music in our church, but these "evangelist" rent big stadiums and infect teenagers and adults with their rock music. We, the leadership and congregations of the Unregistered churches urge you to join with us, and we advise you to remove rock music from America.
Do not desecrate our teenagers with it. Even the unbelievers recognize it is unholy music. We call this music, "music from hell." We urge all Americans to stop giving money for the organizations of such concerts in Russia. We only want traditional Christian music in our churches.
This is the unanimous decision of all our leaders.
Peter Peters and Vasilij Ryzhuk,
Unregistered Union of Churches, Moscow, Russia, April 15, 1992,
Everyday Occult Items
Are We Living in the Last Days?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Charlie Daniels - Tribulation
The Devil's Beatitudes
Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an hour once a week with their fellow Christians in Church – they are my best workers.
Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked – I can use them.
Blessed are the touchy, with a bit of luck they may stop going to church – they are my missionaries.
Blessed are those who are very religious but get on everyone's nerves – they are mine forever.
Blessed are the troublemakers ~ they shall be called my children.
Blessed are those who have no time to pray – they are easy prey for me.
Blessed are the gossipers – for they are my secret agents.
Blessed are those critical of church leadership – for they shall inherit a place with me in my fate.
Blessed are the complainers – I'm all ears for them.
Blessed are you when you read this and think it is about other people and not yourself – I've got you.
Christians In Hell (Many will be there)