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Evolution Deceptions

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About Me

im a serious searcher into most mysteries and have found alot out theres no vanity in it it is what it is and can be proven over and over to anyone who asks, im 6'1 about 175 dark hair blue eyes and spent alota time studying because i not only wanted to know but got tired of not being able to defend myself in chat rooms years ago, not any longer though iv collected tons and tons on most subjects and only put a little bit on myspace because they only allow 5 blogs for some reason and i need at least 100 per site so although youll see massive undeniable proof on each one theres a whole lot more then whats shown and ill explaine and expose all false religions and false Gospels and dont feel bad in doing it ! Deep_MindQuest - DEEP BIBLE and Universal MYSTERIES EXPLAINED Biblically!!!!!!
Cults Exposed !!!!
Evolution Deceptions !!!!!
PreTrib Rapture !!!!
UFOS THE HIDDEN TRUTH, Giants, nephilim, UFOs are satanic and deception etc !
NewAge vs TheTruth !!!!!
Evolution DECEPTIONS Exposed lies of Evolution !!!

Add to My Profile | More Videos HUMAN FOOTPRINTS FOUND WITH THOSE OF DINOSAURS This is a short video from a video in 1996, called The Mysterious Origins of Man, narrated by Charlton Heston.There is strong evidence, that man and dinosaurs existed together, as revealed by the full video (The Mysterious Origins of Man), and a book called Forbidden Archaeology.Man and Dinosaurs Coexisted Man and Dinosaurs Coexisted
Add to My Profile | More Videos Evolution conspiracy (I/II) Evolution conspiracy II/II Ken Ham- Did God Create in 6 Literal Days?
Add to My Profile | More Videos CREATION vs EVOLUTION part 1 .. .. Creation vs Evolution (darwin intelligent design god satan occult) part 2 Christian Myspace Layouts - Jesus MySpace Layouts Christian Myspace Layouts

My Interests

The Word getting the literal truth out finding what no others could show me, i was a hippie in search of enlightenment and found the answers to most all mysteries were already answered in the Bible but since Church rarely talks or knows anything about it its up to us to be as the bereans were and search and see if whats said is Biblical and in the Word or not, i know for a fact these things are Biblical and the only truth and have for many years.. so test and see weather or not its from God and youll see theres only 1 truth on every subject and its not hard to find like so many unstudied assume and claim, in studying you grow in a relationship personal with God thats why some subjects arent said right out! the Bible never contradicts itself so if it appears to your about to learn somthing awsome!!!

I'd like to meet:

other Creationist who know evolutions a lie and complete nonsense, Christians, truth seekers who arent rude and seeking answers from self rationalisation but seek it from the Word in proper context !!! anyone nice and not a deciever. im single so besides Jesus and moses noah apostles etc a good trustable woman who understands sincerity respect trust truth and that a relationships supposed to be sacred kinda like indian burial ground you dont walk and trample all over it and desacrate it, its sacred


Christian, some rock , some blues, some folk i was a hippie so i still even like some gratefull dead bob marley, pink floyd ozzy etc i never claimed to be perfect no human besides Jesus was and thats cause hes God!


moses ,King of Kings, The greatest story ever told, any Bible movie, i also like sci fi, the matrix zombie movies scarey movies and anything that makes you think where you dont know whats gunna happen before it happens are my kinda movies like K-PAX a great movie


most tv is about brainwashing people to be fakes and fit in where as us Christians are supposed to stick out were in the world but not of it the Word says to bad most dont get it and try to fit in and be politically correct ..poli=many ticks= blood sucking creatures in original latin,politically correct is the enemy of the Word,and the so called posative Christianity that only looks at the feel good stuff but refuses to hear anything about satan which the Bible tells us about both anyway that posative new agish Christianity is just exactly what occult pagan new agers do and was started by hitler


i like the Bible and not other peoples interpretations of the Word which is why so many Christians are so messed up today most tv preachers twist scripture so bad its ashame and even worse is most Christians cant even tell the diffrence anymore, no wonder the worlds in such bad shape but it actually makes sense when you read in the Word that satan is the prince of this world system and prince of the power of the air around us explaining ufos ghost paranormal phenomenom etc etc.


Jesus Christ is my Hero and all the awsome people who follow after him and not there own self rationalisations!

My Blog

Evolution Debunked-VIDEOS !!!!!!!!

Evolution Debunked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF3JFCJQASg  Evolution Debunked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgB20VGKTfw The Weakness of Darwinism, 40 minutes http://www.youtube.com/...
Posted by Evolution Deceptions on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 09:09:00 PST

Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived together

http://www.creationists.org/videos.html Online VideosCo-Existence of Humans and Dinosaurs Debates between young earth creation scientists and various evolutionists Evidence that Humans and Dinos...
Posted by Evolution Deceptions on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:40:00 PST

Was Noah’s flood Global or local?

Was Noah’s flood Global or local?   http://www.gotquestions.org/global-flood.html ">Was Noah’s flood global or local? ------------------------------------------------------------ ...
Posted by Evolution Deceptions on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:21:00 PST

The Big Bang ? - NOPE !!!

http://www.pathlights.com/ce_encyclopedia/index.htm THE ORIGIN OF MATTER 54 scientific facts disproving the Big Bang evolutionary theory about the origin of matter and the stars !!!!!links ...
Posted by Evolution Deceptions on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:38:00 PST

How Was the Earth Divided in Pelegs Day

http://creationscience.com/FAQ213.htmlwp1615695 How Was the Earth Divided in Peleg's Day? http://www.upfrontnews.org/TheBigPicture TheBIGPicture giants-pangea Peleg:The Bible explains that the&n...
Posted by Evolution Deceptions on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:25:00 PST

The Gap Theory is unBiblical

http://www22.brinkster.com/gmartin2r/Theology.htm The Gap Theory of Creation: A Research Paper By Guthrie Boleneus, Fall 2003 http://www.icr.org/pubs/btg-a/btg-107a.htm WHY THE GAP THEORY WON'T WORK...
Posted by Evolution Deceptions on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:05:00 PST

The Preflood CANOPY

http://www.pacinst.com/youngear.htm THE YOUNG EARTH Science has developed a method of dating which in many cases can determine how long ago a plant or animal lived. This method is known as carbon-...
Posted by Evolution Deceptions on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:51:00 PST

Evidence for a Young Earth !!

http://www.pathlights.com/Index.htm PATHLIGHTS THI S IS AN INCREDIBLE SOURCE OF AMAZING PROOF eVOLUTIONS NONSENSE !!!!!! http://www.pathlights.com/ce_encyclopedia/index.htm CREATION-EVOLUTIO...
Posted by Evolution Deceptions on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:30:00 PST