Christ, Creation, Evolutionism profile picture

Christ, Creation, Evolutionism

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello everyone. I would like to invite you to read/comment on my blogs (accessed from the top-right of this page). I have videos to view on there as well as text.------------------------------------------------------ --My blogs are centred upon belief in Jesus Christ being the Son Of God (I am a Christian and this is my belief), and also to use it to discuss the falsity of macro evolution to give an account for mankind's existence (man being just another animal that has advanced more than the others - man and animals sharing a common ancestor). I intend the blogs to be used to discuss the implications of macro evolution upon mankind and the logical and moral conclusions that it leads to and which then impact upon society.---------------------------------------------------- -The theory of Evolution to explain origins excludes from the outset outright any possibility that the scientific evidence for life (fossils) could possibly be interpreted as evidence pointing to an initial supernatural creation (non materialism creation) by God with the complete number of kinds of animals e.g. Dogs, Cats being supernaturally created by God in full form at the start (the evidence of only information-losing mutations being discovered with no information-adding-mutations supports this + The Cambrian Explosion) and then micro evolution (minor variation within kinds - i.e. producing different looking cats and dogs reproducing after their kind). This exclusion from the outset by evolutionists means that scientific evidences that are found are never examined for evidence that points towards a supernatural creator (even though that could be the one true answer for the evidence). I therefore believe that belief in evolution is religious as it starts with the premise that God did not have a supernatural hand in creating all of the kinds of animals fully formed, hence the 'ism' at the end of evolution in my MySpace account's name. The same evidence that is examined by evolutionists can equally be interpreted as evidence for Creation Science within the Creation Science framework (instead of the evolution framework) - see,, and for further information on this. --------------------------------- --I also intend the blogs to be used to discuss Creation Science, Intelligent Design, and also Theistic Evolution and how certain bible passages can or cannot be explained by the latter at the present time. I haven't written blogs on the latter at this time but I would be very very interested in any comments on these matters to be posted to the blogs or information on the latter that does not fit in to the blog comments to be sent to me / invite me to read and comment on them on your blogs.------------------------------------ --I would appreciate any thoughts that you might like to share on these matters. You can either share these thoughts by adding comments to the blogs or send a message to me via MySpace. All comments welcome. - - Blogs - Review EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed - Dennis MySpace Blog

Punctuated Equilibrium
Punctuated Equilibrium: "Evolutionists use the philosophical and unproveable assumptions named 'Punctuated Equilibrium' as a theory to explain the lack of any evidence for beneficial mutations in the fossil recordion (beneficial mutations -the core function of evolution that must take place if evolution were to be true). IT Lawyer Randall Niles explains why the basis of these assumptions prove that evolution is unproveable (without evidence of beneficial functional changes throughout species development) as faith is required for the Punctuated Equilibrium theory as there is no way to prove that it is true. Atheist Evolution thus requires far more faith to believe in as an explanation for life than does The Holy Bible and the evidence for it (which there are great evidences for - read Josh McDowell's Book "Evidence That Demands A Verdict" or "The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict" by Josh McDowell for an update.The Anthropic Principle
Randall Niles on the Anthropic PrincipleAtheist Religion
I.T. Lawyer Randall Niles on Atheist ReligionDNA And Computers
Randall Niles on DNA and ComputersBen Stein Interviewed
Ben Stein is Interviewed on The God Channel Creation, Evolution Deceptions by scientist Dr Monty White Professor Ravi Zacharias - Addressing the Problem of Evil Professor Ravi Zacharias - Why are so many wars fought in Gods Name? Professor Ravi Zacharias on Atheist Evolution Be a Reasonable, Rational Atheist! Darwinian evolution gets peer reviewed!!!

My Interests

Click to access the Uncommon Descent web-site (the Intelligent Design Webblog of William Dembski Right Click + Save As then listen to this for some of the evidence for God by William MacRae Right Click + Save As then listen to this for an introduction to Christianity by Billy Graham Single-click this link for a brief textual overview of Christianity by a professor at M.I.T If you have any faith at all in macroevolution for an anti-God answer to your origins (slime), single-click this link for a brief overview of its problems by U.S. Marine Sergeant David Bishop (retired)

I'd like to meet:

Christian Myspace Layouts - Bible MySpace Layouts Christian Myspace Layouts


U2, Nightwish


Left-click for more:


The Holy Bible, John Lennox - "God's Undertaker", David Robertson - "The Dawkins Letters", Alister McGrath - "The Twilight Of Atheism - The Rise and Fall Of Disbelief In The Modern World", Josh McDowell - "Evidence That Demands A Verdict", Lee Strobel - "The Case For Christ", C.S.Lewis - "Miracles", C.S. Lewis - "Mere Christianity", "The Dawkins Delusion" by Alister McGrath (Professor Of Historical Theology at Oxford University with a PHD in Molecular Biophysics), "Dawkins' God" by Alister McGrath, "Darwin's God - Evolution and the Problem Of Evil" by Cornelius G. Hunter

My Blog

Machine Video - Atheists believing that this video supports their point of view

"I seriously cannot believe there are actually atheists out there proclaiming this video supports their point of view." (jvg) - from blog from Uncommon Descent blog web-site http://www.uncommondescent...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 05:39:00 PST

Creation, Evolution and Deception by scientist Dr Monty White

Creation, Evolution and Deception by scientist Dr Monty WhitePart 1: Part 2: ...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:09:00 PST

Dawkins Video- Problems With Evolution - Next To No evidence for Beneficial Mutations

Dawkins Video- Problems With Evolution - Next To No evidence for Beneficial Mutations and no evidence whatsoever that they increase information in the genome:  An insurmountable problem with Evol...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 01:40:00 PST

Professor Ravi Zacharias - Addressing the Problem of Evil (Video)

Professor Ravi Zacharias - Addressing the Problem of Evil (Video): About Ravi Zacharias "Dr. Ravi Zacharias was born in India in 1946 and immigrated to Canada with his family twenty years l...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:48:00 PST

Videos - Ben Stein

Ben Stein has made a film documentary entitled "Expelled No Intelligence Allowed" in which he illustrates the censorship of Scientist and Educators who question evolution. In this clip, he and Bill O&...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 03:47:00 PST

Professor Ravi Zacharias - Why are so many wars fought in Gods Name?

Professor Ravi Zacharias - Why are so many wars fought in Gods Name? About Ravi Zacharias: "Dr. Ravi Zacharias was born in India in 1946 and immigrated to Canada with his family twenty yea...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 01:35:00 PST

Professor Ravi Zacharias on Atheistic Evolution

  About Ravi Zacharias "Dr. Ravi Zacharias was born in India in 1946 and immigrated to Canada with his family twenty years later. While pursuing a career in business management, his i...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:04:00 PST

Video - The Language of God: Intellectual Reflections of a Christian Geneticist

"The Language of God: Intellectual Reflections of a Christian Geneticist""February 4, 2008, at The Univerhsity of California, BerkeleyPresentation by Dr. Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Proj...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 03:45:00 PST

Jonathan Wells - Icons of Evolution by Heinz Lycklama

Icons of Evolution Part 1 of 6 by Heinz Lycklama "Dr. Heinz Lycklama earned a Ph. D. degree in experimental Nuclear Physics from McMaster University in Canada. Ideas are often reinforced by means of t...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 01:27:00 PST

John C Lennox - The Design Of The Universe

Dr John Lennox (Mathematician - Reader In Mathematics at the University Of Oxford) explains the fine tuning of the Universe. This is not anti-science as it is often charged with emotively by evolution...
Posted by Christ, Creation, Evolutionism on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 03:23:00 PST