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Revolutionary Church


About Me

FIRST OF ALL, ALL NEW VISITORS: please comment down below a bit about yourself and what the Lord is doing through you. So that visitors may meet you.And them MOST IMPORTANTLY Let me emphasis... THIS IS NOT A DENOMINATION: not a building. There IS NO denomination in heaven only believers of Jesus Christ. This IS HIS space... no building that hands have made, only the LIVING stones that HE has/ and IS raising up. The walls ARE FALLING down.
Christian MySpace GraphicsI believe wholeheartedly that the Lord God is restoring more and more truths back to the body of Christ that was stolen over the years through the religious and traditional teachings (NOT peoples fault but a religious spirit that snuck in as we were lulled to sleep and wanted others to feed us) that have watered down and in effect have stolen some important truths from The Bride.
Christian MySpace GraphicsIt is Now that we have..and He has fully equipped us to go and BE the love to people around us. There is soo much we can do right where we are at. We dont need to go to college, or to some training school.. (not that is all bad.)WE dont need permission or someone to back us. we have the Lord God and He is BIG enough to cover His bride. He IS jealously watching over her. HE IS BIG enough to care for her and provide for her. We dont need anything but to hear his voice and follow Him. His Spirit WILL lead us into all truths.There is a revolution going on and The Lord is actually pulling some people out of the oridinary church structure.. the place where things have taken precedence and actually prevents Him from getting glory and going forth. He is wanting the glory for himself.. nameless, faceless generations of prophetic people. Manifestations of HIs glory WILL go forth not for man to glory in or to even know... it will be hit and run prophetic acts, words testimonies to strangers. He IS taking HIs church body out of the four walls and back into our homes, streets, neighborhoods... schools.. marketplace, highways, byways, hisway, and already is happneing all over. He is a LIVIng God full of power and love. There IS a greater boldness to come on these folks and more folks.Overcoming struggles through worship Video
Add to My Profile | More VideosI believe that that we ARE to BE Christ like that we take on HIs character as we spend time with him .. you become like who you hang with. The more we hang with the Lord, and read His word and spend in intimate time with HIm.. WE WILL take on more of His character. HIs FRUIT WILL be evident in us... growing in abundance. His fruit is love, joy, peace.. ect (Gal 5:22) AS we abide in HIm and HIm in us HIs fruit WILL multiply in us.He IS calling out the mature.. and this isn't about age but maturity in HIm. He has many that Has been hidden and some up front that Has been in training to raise up more.I believe that the body will move in a great gift of love through dance/ mime/ drama on the streets.. prophetic works of well as street evangilism.. with prophetic words and healings taking place in the store, streets, parks, highways and byways. We need to be listening closely to HIm.........I am not saying ALL buildings of church groups are bad or not believers.. there ARE believers all over and in every denominations. Right now! but God is doing a old thing he is restoring His bride. He Is preparing His bride to withstand in these last days.. when there WILL be no buildings per say.. and when the "Church" Will be underground.Americans Christians have had it easy, and many sleep in comfort.. but it is a call to WAKE UP ALL WHO SLUMBER!! WAKE UP!! We Christians need to awaken and be elert for these days. We need to be prepared and to prepare others to know WHO they are IN HIM and WHo HE IS!!!!!!!WE ARE VICTORIOUS and WE HAVE ALL we need in HIm... yes there will be sorrow, pain, hurt, and hardship in this life. But He IS what we need and WILL Give his bride what IS needed when IT is needed. He iS more than enough.I edited my profile at Free Christian MySpace Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!
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My Interests

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Christian MySpace Graphics.................................................... .....................THE HIGHWAY-BYWAY REVIVAL...............................prophetic-word
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I'd like to meet:

I am looking to connect with other christians who Love the Lord and love people... those that are feeling a calling to go forth and to find ways to LIVE Christ in everyday ways. those looking for ways to reach out to those around them and have a compassionate heart for the lost, downtrodden, homeless, hurting, otherwize people who are lost and in bondage.
Christian MySpace GraphicsThis is also a place to come if you are one of the overlooked, lonely, hurting people looking for love and answers.MY REDEEMER LIVES
Add to My Profile | More VideosHE NOW dwells in His people.. He Dwells IN US!!! We CARRY THE COVenant within us. WE CAN NOW ENTER into HIS HOly of HOLIEst. Lets lead others to this alter..this place of intamacy.
Christian MySpace GraphicsIT IS FINISHED! the sacrifice.. once for all at the alter. Jesus IS the end of .. HE IS THE LAMB WITHOUT SPOT.
Christian MySpace Graphics
Christian MySpace GraphicsNow we may BOLDLy come before HIm and enter into the HOly of Holiest... we are there... already seated with HIm in heavenly places. He Is. There IS not time where He is.. therefore it is already done.!! It is accomplished. Now enter in by faith and taste and see that HE is good.
Christian MySpace Graphics.................................................... ((NOTE: TOP FRIENDS LIST WILL CHANGE OFTEN TO BRING SOME OTHERS TO THE FORFRONT... EVEN THE SHY ONES))




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My Blog

DREAM: of war on American Soil

DREAM: two nights ago of WAR on American soil Two nights ago I had a dream.. it was intense and vivid and awoken me in the middle of the night. I heard a report that said you have three minutes run fo...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 12:01:00 PST

The Messiah is HIdden within the O.T.

I am still offline... I rarely have access to a computer. My Pc is at the shop and is near finished. I have been offline for a few weeks... and will be off probably another couple of weeks. I have so...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Tue, 13 May 2008 11:47:00 PST

I am very sad!

I am very sad..... I feel like I have lost my little girl. She is 15 and she is leaving me... to move to her dad’s. It hurts like nothing I have ever experianced... I have been such a big part o...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:56:00 PST

Finances: Where does our money go?

I thought I would start a blog here and there about finances... and share where I have been focusing my attention and saving  money. It is amazing the places we Americans are wasting money.... i...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 10:21:00 PST

What is the measure of HIs love- IS it prosperity??

What IS the measure of HIs love? IS it prosperity? I say no. the Bible says No. Just look at the deciples. We can not measure God's love in things that we have. Things fade. Some die for Him... they l...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 03:58:00 PST

Vehicle accident- everyone is fine

This past SAturday I was in a vehicle accident, with my adult son and my middle daughter. My vehicle is out of commission.... it is in the shop getting estimates... from them and from the insurance. W...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:46:00 PST

Its a new year.....

..> ..> hey friends- hello- I havent been on much... sorry all. It has been catch up since my return trip from Florida. I have much I want to share as the Lord allows. I have so enjoyed talking to ...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:28:00 PST

Thank you all for your prayers. We were spared twice!!!

Hello all my freinds. I am HOMe!!!!!!! We are home as of today. It was a longggggggg ride home. We came back to like three or so feet of snow.... and a blocked driveway that was/ is probably four fe...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 10:01:00 PST

hey Ya"ll

Hey all, AHHHHHHHhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! It has been in the 80's here. Great vacation. Fun, sun and family. The water is still warm for swimming. We are heading back to Maine on Monday. We all wish we could ...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 03:35:00 PST

hey friends and family,

Almost packed and ready to leave. We had to locate a spare tire and we still need to get an oil change. I pick up my son Saturday morning and we will head out. We are bringing an extra passanger... th...
Posted by Revolutionary Church on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 09:28:00 PST