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The Origin of my given Name Catherine Ellen:CATHERINE is associated with the Greek adjective katheros meaning ~ PURE and UNSULLIEDELLEN is a variant form ELEANOR, from the Greek name HELLEN, meaning ~ LIGHT or from the Anglo-Saxon, meaning ~ FRUITFULBy putting my name together it means 'Purelight' or 'Purefruitful~light'. Christ is The PURE~LIGHT and I point to HIM!My parents may not have seen the prophetic nature of the name they gave me, but the Lord did. And He sees the same for are here for His Purpose, you are needed. Before you were formed in your mother's womb I KNEW YOU Jeremiah 1:5God's Awakening is here! This trumpet is sounding! Awaken O' Sleepers! Awaken from your slumber!Here's some of my testimony: Grew up in an Air Force family traveling the world and moving every 2-3 years. Some parts of that experience were awesome; met so many great people and some parts were lonely. I often wonder whatever happened to my childhood friends. Missed out on the hometown experience. After I graduated High School and moved to Maine, I met and married my wonderful husband. We married in 1977:)Went through the 60's and 70's hippie scene and found myself still empty to some extent. Did the drug scene, delved into eastern religions, lived in a commune, rebelled against all forms of organization and government. I know it is part of growing up, expression of independance and trying to find oneself. And then we grow up and the generations before us are not all that different anymore:) We really are the same generation - a generation of people seeking completeness.Really didn't have a relationship with God during the first half of my life. Except for one time when I was about 8 or 9. I was in a church building looking at the pictures of Jesus. The kind that show Him going through the stages of His crucifixion. At that moment I heard His voice speak to me and call me to His side. This was a moment I've never forgotten; it was very real and not a figment of my imagination. As my parents weren't believers (only religious)I didn't know what to do, so I went along 'MY WAY'. Then Sept. 29,1985, He spoke to my very core again and this time I answered Yes!!! I haven't looked back or wanted to - no need to search for myself because I am found:) I am complete in Him:)This has been an ongoing adventure with my Lord and I learn from Him everyday.Let's be honest, I know I don't always shine. Just know that I am growing from glory to glory. I haven't arrived, but I am enjoying the journey with Him.A hope and prayer for us all is that we would come to know Him intimately, through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. To be filled with His Holy Spirit, to walk in Him and live in Him. I'm not talking about 'religion', being 'religious' or 'traditions of men-like church'; I don't even relate to nor like those terms. I am speaking of the real place of His Presence. We can't find it through methods, works, traditions, rituals, religious activities; we find Him in the quietness of ourselves. It's when we come to the end of ourselves and He fills us with His Presence. He washes away all that has kept us from Him with the atoning blood of His Son. He is found on a personal basis.My dear friends there is a difference between intimacy and being religious.A prayer for us all is: That we may really come to know [practically, through experience for ourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that we may be filled [through all of our being] unto all the fullness of God [may we have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself!]When we keep looking back at the doors that have been shut in our lives; we can not look forward and see the ones that are open. Doors are opened and doors shut; just like the seasons. The seasons come and go, we see it in nature. So is it with our life's journey. Doors are open for a season and then they are shut; some with pain, some with tears, some with glorious moments, but they still come and go. When we keep trying to re-open a door that has been shut, we are unable to see the open ones before us. So today, let us each let go of the doorknob to a shut door, turn around and step through the threshold of the open one before us. When something ends and we didn't think it should have and we become sad or angry or upset; we tend to try to reopen that which is now closed. We'll throw a fit or question why? or become bitter or angry. You see in Truth our Heavenly Father has a better plan - His Eternal Plan. Move with Him and watch His Hand at work in your life. We only see in part, but He has the whole picture and it is His Eternal Picture. Folks it really isn't just about us:)Let's let go of what lies behind and press on to what lies ahead! New surprises, new awakenings, new lessons, new people, new challenges, new experiences, new adventures await!

My Interests

The family I have been blessed with!I have been truely blessed with a wonderful husband; who happens to be my bestfriend!We have 3 awesomely talented, generous, compassionate and gifted sons.My Lord Jesus Christ is very important and instrumental in my life! He is the "Pearl of Great Price" to me. The Pearl, that took whole life being torn apart to find.He stood at the door of my heart knocking, and I opened the door and He has come in and dines with me. He stands at your door knocking... Will you open the door of your heart and let Him in?He offers you His...I love the water, waterfalls, rivers, streams and lakes but, the ocean is my favorite place to be...whether sailing...being on the beach...or in the waves...It's all good to me.I really love to organic garden - flowers and veggies!These are some flowers from one of my gardens...I enjoy boating, family and friend gatherings, BBQ's and bon-fires at our home, drawing, and sewing.

I'd like to meet:

People - all kinds of people. We really are the same inside. Everyone is wanting to know who we are and why are we here.Life is too short to take yourself too seriously. Life is good! God is the Best! Each new sunrise brings a new adventure! A new chance! A new moment to walk in love!Live outside the box man tries to put you in...God does!Follow His lead and Break Out!The times of playing church are over... The times of religious duty has past... The time has come to expand your borders... To go beyond the 4-walls you have felt so comfortable in... He is calling us all out on the edge...I saw angels fall down...


Worship, yes the making of music to the Lord, but worship is a lifestyle not simply a song you sing!I love to find new psalmists being moved by the Holy Spirit! A bit of every style of music, easy listening, classic rock, classical music, music by Brandon Miles (My youngest son) and Marshall Law (my oldest son) being a proud parent! But as a worshipper of the Lord of Hosts, that is my favorite, because it is His!


One Night with the King, Jane Eyre,Wuthering HeightsAlso, Phantom of the Opera(the recent one), Lord of the Rings trilogy, the older Star Wars Trilogy, Babe, to name a few. Just saw 'Radio' and that touched me deeply:) Edward Scissorhands, Shadow and many more....


The Holy BibleAnything about true worship of the King, Christ Jesus. Also books that challenge us to be transformed by His Word!


People who lay down their lives so others can be Free! Top of this list is Christ Jesus! People who are real and don't wear masks! What you see on the outside is who they are on the inside. They are not pretenders, but are honest with themselves and others.

My Blog

What do you seek?

Do you seek to know why you are here?Do you seek affirmation from another?Do you seek signs and wonders?Do you seek to understand yourself - to find yourself? Are you lost?Do you seek to find out your...
Posted by Catherine on Sat, 03 May 2008 06:20:00 PST

So what does the Bride of Christ look like to you?

So what does the Bride of Christ look like? This just overflowed from my spirit as I posted a comment to one of my dear friend Rain Zion's pictures. And it is stirring within me still. For who is...
Posted by Catherine on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:07:00 PST

Transition Season!

This is a word the Lord gave thru me, last Sept., but He has stirred it again today, for there are many on the verge of giving up. Many are becoming weakened by the ever increasing pressure and pain t...
Posted by Catherine on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 07:10:00 PST

The Season of Hidden...

A word for the cave dwellers - those that have been hidden for a season:For you have been hidden away for a season. A season of training by My Spirit. A season of purifying by My Hand. You have not tu...
Posted by Catherine on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:21:00 PST

The Need for Brokeness

The Need for Brokennessby Chip Brogden http://www. theschoolofchrist. org/articles/know. html "Of His fullness have all we received" (John 1:16).If there is a seeming difference in the "level" of anoi...
Posted by Catherine on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:56:00 PST

Spread it around

If you’re happy and you know it...Spread it around!If you’re sad and you know...Make someone else happy!If you’re blessed and you know it...Bless others!If you are in need and boy do...
Posted by Catherine on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:00:00 PST

Sound the Trumpet

My hearts cry for myself and then to those that will listen is to seek His Face. Ritual, tradition won’t cut it. Honestly I have sensed a time is coming shortly when believers will not be able t...
Posted by Catherine on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:09:00 PST

Whirlwinds - Small signs from God

This is something I wrote and ministered to people and a few leaders back in 2003. It came after a dream I had and what the Holy Spirit gave me to speak forth. I scanned it in and it looks different, ...
Posted by Catherine on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:39:00 PST

And the Pharisees confronted Jesus...

And the Pharisees confronted Jesus...And they sent their disciples to Him along with the Herodians, saying, Teacher, we know that You are sincere and what You profess to be and that You teach the Way ...
Posted by Catherine on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:08:00 PST

True and False Fire

True And False Fire by George D. Watson This article was written and published at the beginning of this century (1900). Its content, however, is timeless. The vocabulary and grammar may seem unusual,...
Posted by Catherine on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:00:00 PST