My interests are time and eternity, real people, music, singing, getting close enough to hear the Lord's heartbeat, collecting percussion instruments and the Walk to Emmaus.
Thank you Jesus for never giving up on me.
It doesn't matter if anybody else understands your path or journey. What matters is if you understand it.
I don't want a million and one men. I am just looking for the ONE.
Jesus so I can hold Him.
Real people with big hearts.
The remnant.
Jesus picture courtesy of my dear friend, Ed Unitsky. He lives in Belarus, Russia and is very talented. He is also very generous. We may not speak the same mouth language, but we share the same heart language. The Son shines through him. Click on the banner to visit his my space profile.
Jason Ertel is an awesome artist. Visit his website by clicking on the banner below.
Oh yeah, please also visit another artist friend's website. His name is Antonio Seijas and his camera work is GORGEOUS!!
National Abuse Hotline Numbers
24 hour Crisis Hotline
National Domestic Abuse Hotline
National Hotline for Children
Contemporary Christian and Gospel, Country by default, Rock n Roll from 50's to the 90's.
Help support work in Israel!!
Simchah International
My Brother's Keeper
Braveheart, Lord of the Ring Trilogy, Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, The Magic Bubble, Walk the Line,
The Amazing Race, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars
The Bible; Strong's Concordance; Rees Howell, Intercessor; Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets; Call Me Crazy But I Am Hearing God by Kim Clement
Jesus,My Mom, My Dad who was a WWII Vet and anybody who sheds precious freedom blood for our country.