The 23rd Psalm presented BY SORM
The Lord is my Shepherd... RELATIONSHIP
I shall not want... SUPPLY
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures... REST
He leadeth me beside still waters... REFRESHMENT
He restoreth my soul... HEALING
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness... GUIDANCE
For His name sake... PURPOSE
though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... CHALLENGE
I will fear no evil... ASSURANCE
For thou art with me... FAITHFULNESS
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me... SHELTER
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies...HOPE
Thou anointest my head with oil... CONSECRATION
My cup runneth over... ABUNDANCE
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life... BLESSING
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord... SECURITY
Forever... ETERNITY
~ given to SORM by the LORD through His many Christ following souls.
Seeds Of Revival Ministries. = SORM
Ministries for the endtimes.
Winds of Revival
The winds are coming and the seasons are changing. The winds are coming
to move and to shake those things that have been still. The winds are
going to make some that have been so comfortable in their positions move.
I've not called anyone to become complacent and comfortable to the point
of dormancy.
When the winds of change come, go with the flow of My Holy Spirit. I
am breathing new life into this place. When I breathe on My people,
I bring fire. My breath contains life. When I blow, the glory clouds
move down closer to you. It will be so close to you that you will
tangibly be able to touch and feel the rain that comes from this
glory cloud.
Many will become uncomfortable in getting wet. Many will want to run
away for a season, and that is ok. Some aren't ready to see Heaven
invade earth because this means that they loose control. I will bring
those to you that will under gird you and bring forth the revival that
you have been asking for.
Don't turn back now. Keep walking closer to Me. Keep your eyes focused
on Me. Don't be like the ones who have tried to turn back to the very
place that I have brought them from. They get uncomfortable and don't
like what they see in that natural, they try to go back.
Don't be afraid of what this change will look like. Trust Me. It is
time for the manifestations that I have promised you years ago to take
place. I will do all that you have asked of Me. I will fulfill My
promises to you.
Prepare for what is to come. Tell My people to wake up and embrace the
winds that are coming. If they continue to sleep, the winds will not
disturb them but will pass right by them.
I want to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Those who are hungry will
see it first. They will be filled and it will pour out of them first.
The forerunners shall hunger for it and cry out for it. They shall ignite
the fire and stir up the winds. You have asked and now it is time to
JOHN 434) Then Jesus explained: "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent Me, and from finishing His work.(35) You know the saying, 'Four months between planting and harvest.' But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.(36) The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!(37) You know the saying, 'One plants and another harvests.' And it's true.(38) I sent you to harvest where you didn't plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest."There is a limit to worldly reformers: their lifetime.It is not so in the kingdom of God. The Messiah had been prophesied for over a thousand years. The prophets of the Old Testament period had laid the foundation of knowledge about God, which enables us today to see the connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament. All those whose activities are recorded in the Old Testament went without seeing the culmination of their labors?he coming of the Messiah, and his kingdom.Christ selects a dozen men, and then provides them the opportunity to reap what the prophets have sown. They will build on the work of all who have gone before them, but did not see the fruit of their labors. It is a grand feeling to be the one who sees the harvest coming in.But turn the situation around. How many of us have looked at our own families, work, church, our town, our situation and declared it hopeless because we can see no way to remedy the situation?With God all things are possible, even those which will take beyond our own lifetimes. The curse of abortion runs through AMERICA and your tax dollars supports it... land, and someday God will lift that curse. It may not be in my lifetime, but in my lifetime I must do what I can to further God's cause.Why, then, do so many become discouraged? See if you see yourself in any of these pictures:There are those who see only what can be done in their own strength. They do not really trust God. "Oh Lord, where will we get the money, the people,"There are those who see only their own timing. If God's army is on the march they will follow along, but if the war is in the trenches they want no part of it. They lack perseverance.There are those who look only at the strength of the enemy, and say, "What can we do against so many?" They forget that those who are for us are more than those against us.There are those who see only their own problems, and think no more of the body of the church other than a place to complain. The church is not a mob, but a body.But some see with the eyes of Christ, eye of faith?eyond time, beyond their own strength or troubles. Of these God fashions and equipts those who serve.pure hearted.. my dear brothers and sisters, you too are commanded likewise...Are you willing to be one of these?Sandy of whereyaheading given to SORM from the LORD.
SORM Statement of Faith
WE BELIEVE that only the sixty-six books of the Bible are the inspired, and therefore inerrant, Word of God. The Bible is the final authority for all we believe and how we are to live. [Matthew 5:18; John 10:35 and 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16–17; 2 Peter 1:20–21]
WE BELIEVE that the one true God exists eternally in three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and that these, being one God, are equal in deity, power and glory. We believe that God not only created the world but also now upholds, sustains, governs and providentially directs all that exists and that He will bring all things to their proper consummation in Christ Jesus to the glory of His name. [Psalm 104 and 139; Matthew 10:29–31 and 28:19; Acts 17:24–28; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 1:9–12 and 4:4-6; Colossians 1:16–17; Hebrews 1:1–3; Revelation 1:4–6]
WE BELIEVE that Satan, originally the great and good angel Lucifer, rebelled against God, taking a multitude of angels with him. He was cast out of God's presence and is at work with his demonic hosts to establish his counter-kingdom of darkness, evil and unrest on Earth. Satan was judged and defeated at the cross of Christ and will, at the end of the age, be cast forever into the lake of fire which has been prepared for him and his angels. [Isaiah 14:10–17; Ezekiel 28:11–19; Matthew 12:25–29 and 25:41; John 12:31 and 16:11; Ephesians 6:10–20; Colossians 2:15; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Revelation 12:7–9 and 20:10]
WE BELIEVE that Adam was originally created in the image of God, righteous and without sin. In consequence of his disobedience, Adam's posterity are born subject to both imputed and inherent sin, and are therefore by nature and choice the children of wrath, justly condemned in the sight of God, wholly unable to save themselves or to contribute in any way to their acceptance with God. [Genesis 1–3; Psalm 51:5; Isaiah 53:5; Romans 3:9–18 and 5:12–21; Ephesians 2:1–3]
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, that He was conceived and born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and offered Himself as a penal, substitutionary sacrifice for sinners. By His blood shed at the Cross, He obtained for us eternal redemption, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting. He was raised bodily on the third day and ascended to the right hand of the Father, there to make intercession for the saints forever. [Matthew 1:18–25; John 1:1–18; Romans 8:34; 1 Corinthians 15:1–28; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:10–14; Ephesians 1:7; Philippians 2:6–11; Colossians 1:15–23; Hebrews 7:25, 9:13–15 and 10:19; 1 Peter 2:21–25; 1 John 2:1–2]
WE BELIEVE that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. No ordinance, ritual, work or any other activity on the part of man is required or accepted in order to be saved. This saving grace of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, also sanctifies us by enabling us to do what is pleasing in God's sight in order that we might be progressively conformed to the image of Christ. [John 1:12–13, 6:37–44 and 10:25–30; Acts 16:30–31; Romans 3–4 and 8:1–17, 31-39 and 10:8–10; Ephesians 2:8–10; Philippians 2:12–13; Titus 3:3–7; 1 John 1:7, 9]
WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ baptizes believers in the Holy Spirit, in whom we are also sealed for the day of redemption. The Holy Spirit regenerates, forever indwells, and graciously equips the Christian for godly living and service. Subsequent to conversion, the Spirit desires to fill, empower and anoint believers for ministry and witness. We also believe that signs and wonders, as well as all the gifts of the Spirit described in the New Testament, are operative today and are designed to testify to the presence of the Kingdom and to empower and edify the Church to fulfill its calling and mission. [Matthew 3:11; John 1:12–13 and 3:1–15; Acts 4:29–30; Romans 8:9 and 12:3–8; 1 Corinthians 12:12–13; 2 Corinthians 1:21–22; Galatians 3:1–5; Ephesians 1:13–14 and 5:18]
WE BELIEVE that water baptism and the Lord's Supper are the two ordinances of the Church to be observed until the time of Christ's return. They are not a means of salvation, but are channels of God's sanctifying grace and blessing to the faithful in Christ Jesus. [Matthew 26:26–29 and 28:19; Romans 6:3–11; 1 Corinthians 11:23–34; 1 Peter 3:21]
WE BELIEVE that the Church is God's primary instrument through which He is fulfilling His redemptive purposes in the earth. To equip the saints for the work of ministry, God has given the Church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. We also affirm the priesthood of all believers and the importance of every Christian being joined with and actively involved in a local community of the saints. We believe that women, no less than men, are called and gifted to proclaim the Gospel and do all the works of the Kingdom. [Matthew 16:17–19; Acts 2:17–18, 42; Ephesians 3:14–21 and 4:11–16; 1 Timothy 2:11–15; Hebrews 10:23–25; 1 Peter 2:4–5 and 9–10]
WE BELIEVE that God has called the Church to preach the Gospel to all nations, and especially to remember the poor and to minister to their needs through sacrificial giving and practical service. This ministry is an expression of the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ and is an essential part of the Kingdom of God. [Isaiah 58:6–12 and 61:1; Matthew 5–7, 28:18–20; Luke 4:18 and 21:1–4; Galatians 2:10; 1 Timothy 6:8]
WE BELIEVE in the literal Second Coming of Christ at the end of the age when He will return to Earth personally and visibly to consummate His Kingdom. We also believe in and are praying for a great end-time harvest of souls and the emergence of a victorious Church that will experience an unprecedented unity, purity and power in the Holy Spirit. [Psalms 2:7–9 and 22:27–28; John 14:12 and 17:20–26; Romans 11:25–32; 1 Corinthians 15:20–28, 50–58; Ephesians 4:11–16; Philippians 3:20–21; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11; 2 Thessalonians 1:3–12; Revelation 7:9–14]
WE BELIEVE that when the Christian dies they pass immediately into the blessed presence of Christ, there to enjoy conscious fellowship with the Savior until the day of the resurrection and glorious transformation of the body. The saved will then forever dwell in blissful fellowship with their great triune God. We also believe that when the unbeliever dies they are consigned to Hell, there to await the day of judgment when they shall be punished with eternal, conscious and tormented separation from the presence of God in the lake of fire. [Matthew 25:46; Luke 16:19–31; John 5:25–29; 1 Corinthians 15:35–58; 2 Corinthians 5:1–10; Philippians 1:19–26 and 3:20–21; 2 Thessalonians 1:5–10; Revelation 20:11–15 and 21:1–22:15]
The Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ saves and is the only way to the kingdom of God. The WAY,LIFE & TRUTH in our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
CHRIST FOLLOWERS are my heros It is always my pleasure welcoming another fearless fierce warrior into my family here at "SEEDS OF REVIVAL"! The LORD allows His sheep once hidden to group in prayer and support here everyday. Thank you. I love the strong truth you bring and fire you possess! May God bless you far more exceedingly and abundantly than you can ever dream of, ask for or think of! I do believe these are the extreme days we are living in, and compromised, watered down, weeble wabble faith has gotta go these days. I thoroughly enjoy and relish in the worship of our King and I join you - hand in hand - sword by sword as we march and possess the land for the Kingdom! May He bring us the nations and may we continue to walk faithfully, service minded and Spirit guided at all times... God bless you always! Brother in Christ. ~ small servant ~