Operation Smile
Help repair childhood facial deformities and change lives
Prevention and treatment programs for children who are abused or neglected
National Center For
Missing and Exploited Children
Report Internet-related child sexual exploitation to their CyberTipline
National Center for
Missing Adults
Clearinghouse of information
Family Watchdog
Find nearby sex offenders
Child, adult & pet identification
$10,000 OFFER
$10,000 to anyone who has kept the Ten Commandments
$250,000 to anyone with proof for evolution
Dr. Kent Hovind's offer shows that evolution is just a religious belief
Christian Action
Equipping Christians to make a positive difference in Africa
The Voice of the Martyrs
Canada's effective and reliable source of information and support of persecuted Christians around the world La Voz de los Mártires
Provee Biblias, y otros tipos de apoyo a Cristianos perseguidos en paÃses donde el evangelio está prohibido
Gospel for Asia
Planting churches among
the most unreached
News of Christians worldwide who are persecuted for their faith COMPASS DIRECT Español
Noticias de Cristianos en el mundo entero que sufren persecucion
HeartCry Missionary
That His Name be Great among the Nations...
True Religion
Faithful Friends
Visit the Elderly Ministry
Joni and Friends
Advancing Christian ministry in the disability community
Voice of the Orphan
To raise awareness and encourage Christians and Churches to take action now to help the nearly 150 million orphans around the world who are waiting to experience God’s unfailing love
Compassion International
Sponsor a child .. through Compassion's Christian child sponsorship ministry. Search for
a child by age, gender, country, birthday, special needs and more
Embryo Adoption Program
Domestic, international and embryo adoptions. Also free counseling and support for women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy
World Vision
Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice
Children's Hunger Fund
"Serving children in need...across America and around the world."
HOPE International
A global, faith-based, non-profit organization focused on poverty alleviation through microenterprise development
Global Aid Network
Providing tangible help toward meeting physical needs of people as well as spiritual hope
Samaritan's Purse
Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world
Operation: Christmas Child - video
(and kids at heart!)
Creation Museum
Center for learning and discovery that clearly presents major biblical themes from Genesis to Revelation (from Answers in Genesis Ministry)
Dinosaur Adventure Land
Theme Park, Science Center and Museum run by Creation Science Evangelism
Adventures in Odyssey
Radio Program for kids - learn about Christ, friendship, values and family
Children desiring God
God-Centered Children's Curriculum
Object lessons and children sermons Mensajes para Niños
Sermones para niños en español
Narnia Special Section
Christian Broadcasting Network
Bible Trivia Quiz
Test your Bible knowledge with hundreds of quizzes. Find Bible stories, puzzles and coloring books for kids here
Bible Trivia
Test your knowledge
Questions about...
... spiritual things
The Christian Apologetics
and Research Ministry
Theology, cults such as Mormonism, Atheism, Evolution, and much more Ministerio de Apologetica
e Investigacion Cristiana
Teologia, sectas como los Mormones, el ateismo, la evolucion, y mucho mas
The Bible Answer Man
Christian Research Institute
False religions, cults, and false teachers within the Church
Let Us Reason
Do a research on your favorite Bible teacher, Cults & the New Age Movement in the church
Apologetics Index
Provides Christians with apologetics research resources on cults, sects, other religious movements, doctrines and practices, and helps non-Christians find relevant information on the same subjects
Stand to Reason
STR equips Christian ambassadors with knowledge, wisdom, and character
To reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of culture with the credibility of the gospel of Jesus Christ
Answers in Genesis
Apologetics. Develop a biblical worldview & find out how science supports creation
Christian Answers Network
Creation, religion, life, teen Qs, KidExplorers. This mega-site also provides Bible study resources, Evangelism help and more Christian Answers Network Español
Una variedad de respetados ministros se reunen para responder preguntas dificiles acerca de la fe y la vida cristiana
Got Questions?
Get Biblical, applicable, and timely answers
... the Da Vinci code
Dan Brown and
The Da Vinci Code
Grace to you - John MacArthur
The Da Vinci Code:
A Biblical Response
Christian Broadcasting Network
The Da Vinci Code
Focus on the Family
Redeeming the
Da Vinci Code
Probe Ministries Decodificando el
Código Da Vinci
Ministerios Probe
... evangelism
The Way of the Master Radio
There's nothing like this on radio
The Way of the Master
Learn to share your faith the way Jesus did
Living Waters
Evangelism Resources
Great News Network
Evangelistic Boot Camps
Mark Cahill Ministries
Until the nets are full
Jews for Jesus
Christian Jews evangelizing Jewish people worldwide
... U.S. law & our rights
The American Center for Law and Justice is specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights.
The Alliance Defense Fund is a legal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth through strategy, training, funding, and litigation.
Focus on the Family Action
Informing, inspiring and rallying those who care deeply about the family to greater involvement in the moral, cultural and political issues that threaten our nation.
... family matters
When the ones you love need help
View the commercial here
Focus On The Family
Practical help for marriage and parenting. Recent articles, news, RealAudio broadcasts Enfoque a la Familia
Ayuda Practica para la familia. Articulos recientes, noticias, programas radiales
Shepherding a Child's Heart
Fresh, biblical approaches to child rearing. This book was written for parents with children of any age
Family Answers
Detailed biblical parenting and marriage tips
... abortion
Provides women and men facing unplanned pregnancies with options and support. Option Line's 24-hour Pregnancy Hotline
Think about it on line
It's about truth Piensalo en linea
Se trata de la verdad
Reaches out to hurting women and makes available a national 24-hour, toll-free Help Line to help women deal with their grief and to offer hope and healing after an abortion
Life Redeemed
A message for you if you have had an abortion
Stand Up Girl
Share the truth about your unexpected pregnancy
Learn the truth about abortion
Life Training Institute
Persuasively communicating the pro-life message
... homosexuality
Exodus International
Christian organization called to minister to those affected by homosexuality Exodus Latinoamérica
Liberación de la homosexualidad a través del poder transformador de Jesucristo
Living Hope Ministries
Understanding homosexuality from a redemptive Christian perspective
Pure Intimacy
Recovering the heart of sexuality
Desert Stream Ministries
Help for homosexuality, sexual addiction, and leadership training
Love in Action International, Inc
Finding freedom in Jesus Christ Love in Action International, Inc Español
Creemos en el CAMBIO cree usted?
First Stone Ministries and
F. S. Ministries To The Deaf
Leading people In the Body of Christ to freedom from homosexuality and sexual brokenness through Jesus. AIDS ministry
Harvest USA
Resources for help with homosexuality, pornography, and other sexual addictions
Door of Hope
Are you trapped in homosexuality and want to get out? Enroll for this course and find out how Jesus can open the cell door, and make it a Door of Hope Puerta de Esperanza
Este curso interactivo de 60 dias le enseñara a disfrutar de una nueva relacion con el Señor y le ayudara a liberarse de la homosexualidad. Es possible, y puede aprender como hacerlo
... pornography and
cyber addictions
Pure Intimacy
A site dedicated to bring healing to internet sexual temptations. Resources for cybersex addiction. Excellent Site for Overcoming Pornography Addictions
Way of Purity
This is a 60-day course that is designed to help people overcome their addictions to pornography. The course demands diligence and accountability. It is available free of charge Libertad Pura
Un curso interactivo de 60 dias, que le enseñara a disfrutar de una nueva relacion con el Señor y como encontrar la libertad como ser libres del yugo de la impureza sexual. Es gratis
Desert Stream Ministries
Christian support for those that struggle with sexual addiction. Specifically, through its 20-week program, Salt. Salt helps men gain and keep sexual sobriety
Be Broken Ministries
Help for sex addicts. Newsletters, articles, counselors, groups, and other services
Pure Life Ministries
Biblically based counseling, teaching materials and public speaking ministry leading Christians to victory over sexual sin
Stone Gate
Pointing people away from sexual brokenness to restored intimacy with God and others
Connect with help and hope resources and a wide variety of organizations, both faith-based and secular. Their goal is to reach 100,000 students on 250 college campuses in 3 years
Pure Freedom
Provides resources with radically-unique approaches to focus on specific issues that teen girls and/or guys face in the area of purity and holiness
...help for wives related to husband's pornography
New Life Partners
Fires of Darkness
... internet blocking, filtering and accountability software
K9 Web Protection
(free for home users)
Integrity On-line
Bsafe On-line
Covenant Eyes
... entertainment
Plugged In ..
tv, music, movie reviews Plugged In ..
Enfoque a la Familia
Cine en DVD
Movie Evaluation
Entertainment for christians
Christian Spotlight on Entertainment
Good Fight Ministries
Because there's more to
music than meets the ear
Hidden Messages in music
..Is this real? or NOT!
Queen - Another One Bites The Dust
Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
Britney Spears - Subliminal Message
God-centered Resources
C.J. Mahaney
Sovereign Grace Ministries
R.C. Sproul
Ligonier Ministries
Randy Alcorn
Eternal Perspective Ministries
BALD Preachers
Great articles, recommended reading, life changing sermons and more
The Old Time Gospel
A Ministry dedicated to preserving the truth and accuracy of the infallible Word of God
Sermons & Commentaries
Dr. D. James Kennedy
Truths That Transform
Albert Mohler
President of The Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary
Click here for audio only
Fire on the Altar
The search for Biblical truth
Compilations, videos, sermons and more
Compilations and more
Click for Amber Alert Updates. Ticker appears at top of page
Dennis Jernigan
Travis Cottrell
Billy & Cindy Foote
Eternal MOG
In Christ Alone
Via Dolorosa
Himnos en Español 1
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Himnos en Español 3
Himnos en Español 4
Christian songs – Sign language
Christian songs 1
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Christian songs 4
Christian songs 5
Christian songs 6
Christian songs 7
Christian songs 8
Christian songs 9
Christian songs 10
Christian songs 11
Christian songs 12
Christian songs 13
Christian songs 14
The Nativity Story
Jesus of Nazareth
The Passion of The Christ
Left Behind: The Movie
Left Behind II: Tribulation Force
Left Behind III: World At War
The Princess Bride
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
Ice Age
Computer stuff
God's Wonders
Inspirational Christian Wallpaper Photographs
In His Image
Christian Graphics
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Free Messianic Graphics & more
Inspiring scriptural art by Heartlight
John Bell's christian art gallery
Inspired Art by Danny Hahlbohm
The Bible
Thanks sister Kathleen for these!
Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, Strong's definitions, maps, create study notes and your own parallel Bible
Bible Forum
Various Bible translations, commentaries, dictionaries and books. click on banner on top left hand side of page. I cannot link directly to the Free Bible software.
free interlinear Bible and concordance software - overcome the language barrier and get in touch with the original
Bible Knowledge Accelerator
Free Bible history software about the ancient Biblical world. Detailed biblical maps. Informational tools
Research and compare scripture in the language or translation of your choice
Study tools, dictionaries, daily devotionals, and much more
Lookup a word or passage in the Bible / Busque palabras o citas de la Biblia
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To all my friends - Introduction to my brother in Christ Christopher Rodriguez.
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King James Only Christians!
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Christian songs 6
Christian songs 5
Christian songs 4
Christian songs 3
Christian songs 2
Christian songs 1
Christian songs – Sign language
Himnos en Español 4
Himnos en Español 3
Himnos en Español 2
Himnos en Español 1
Se considera usted una buena persona?
Evangelism Videos from the Great News Network
Introduction to Pastor Sunder Lal
Are you a good person?
Are you ready?
You Can Trust Him!
Mi Oracion
My Prayer
Beautiful Poems
Una oracion por Israel Salmo 83
Are you a "GOOD" person? Take the ultimate test...
Another Interview With God
Jesus, My King
17 Countries Where Christians are Persecuted
Carta de Amor del Padre
Father's Love Letter
I will give you rest. Perfect gift...
What is love?
Letter from God to Women