About Me
I think we all should try to fill the world with Love! Please know I am not racial in any degree, but in a sense, Obama is offering liberalism. Secondly, Do you know that the primary supporter for Barak Houssein Obama to become President is a Communist? Thirdly, Obama is against the United States drilling for it's own oil. Did you know that the United States has a resource of oil larger than Iran, Iraq, and a few other nations combined! Yes, we have the ability to pump oil but Democrats are not allowing this. Frankly I'm tired of paying Arabs instead of ourselves for oil. I'm also choosing to like to be independent of other nations supplies so as not to have the price of oil surge again as it has just occurred causing much economic, social, medical, governmental, personal, familial, and a counless other uncalled-for dillemmas. I don't like it when we as Americans are caught fighting amongst ourselves instead of who caused our troubles. We need to strengthen ourselves against future times as such, not bow in submission to foreigners tearing apart our country. Obama is offering what a song in the 80's called "money for nothing". It isn't real. I know the idea of Social paid-for medicine can be a great idea, but the reality is that in order for our government to be able to pay for the health coverage for everyone, we need to have more revenue first, that is, unless you want higher taxes! Do you want the government to watch over more of your money? Not me! Money doesn't come out of thin air. Do Democratic competitors think of themselves as Majicians or something? Well Houdini didn't live, so how are we supposed to think we can live as is proposed? It is not reality but fantasy. It is as real as informing others to live life up now because that is all life is for, with little need we be reminded of consequences of our actions. Alcoholism and Cancer are some of the results which lie in wait for those so deceived. I think the Democratic desire is to take our country toward Socialism. This is wrong for it will stymie our inginuity. To remain a step ahead we need to exert ourselves not expecting all to be given for nothing. I find that the Republican view is more resourceful. We need to help ourselves, not expect to be taken care of by others. That duty I want to be mine for me! We as a society may all desire heaven on earth, but that is not meant to be. However, I do applaud anyone striving to do so! We are to be tried and tested here and now, and following is the reward or punishment. I prefer the Republican standpoint for the main reason that we are against abortion. I think God thinks this is wrong, and I don't want to have anything to do wtih it except oppose it. Another reason is Republicans tend to be more down to earth instead of in the mud or clouds to deal with reality we are to live through. That is what we need. Now, as far as it goes regarding we as the United States over in Iraq, it is a very strategic maneuver many fail to see. We are trying to defend the inhabitants of Iraq as well as offer them freedom, while being attacked by Iran! Yes, if you haven't noticed already. The leader of Iran is a Godless maniac. I am glad we are on his doorstep instead of he on ours! Now we are planning to place some of our own military bases there! Oil is a very important commodity we can tell from the rising prices of Gasoline. Therefore we have an interest in being there for that also. We cannot say we have "done nothing". I agree nobody is perfect, and neither are decisions. All can be double thought and critisized after the fact, while we need to support our troops, and be united to stand, not divided to fall. We need to keep trying to do what we think is right to the best of our knowledge. Idleness is a sin of omission. God may help us if we humbly pray for assistance. Then again, since Democrats want Barak Obama to be president because it is said that "white men can't jump", what are we supposed to do now since he can't jump either with a hip injury? Oh nooooooo! LOL. Obama has shown that by not supporting "the surge" he would rather win an election than win a war! Obama bashed and trashed the United States, and put us all down to the Germans. Some patriot eh? I guess just like how Bill Clinton never had to tell the truth about Monica or smoking marijuana. Rush Limbaugh is an expert to listen to. Obama is full of "oohs" and "uh's" because he is liike a used car salesman. He tells everyone whatever they want to hear. He is not true to us all.
I was just thinking "God is Love" as is mentioned in The Bible. I love to think of that. Our Father In Heaven knew us before we were born, now, and after. While here on earth we are seemingly all alone, while He is just waiting for our return! This gives me hope to cope on. And in speaking of God, he is not just "to be" in our future, but is "here and now" as well. To be true followers of God, we need to actively attempt to love others (as Jesus said was the greatest commandment) by helping them out, not just sit idle in sin only concerned with ourselves. By us doing wrong is the sin of comission, while by not helping others, this is the sin of omission. We can avoid both by the majic word "LOVE". We can feel his good impressions at times, along with the joy in parts. He can see us through the veil, but hot we he, for the test of this life would not be if we knew: Life would then be a 'conflict of interest' you could say, for this very life we live is just a test to see if we will love Him enough. We need to "love our neighbor", as well as ourselves. We need to "stand for the right" as best as we can. We need to exercize faith which is a belief in things not seen but which are true. Faith is believing in spite of the times we feel alone and unloved.
(Today, Febuary 14, 2008 a thought came to me regarding the military situation we as citizens of the United States have choosen to be in at this time: Just as God instructed in the Old Testament of The Bible, we are "our brothers keeper". Now, I agree, if two perceived evil entities decide to fight, that is one thing, but if there is any good people, God would have us to try to defend them if we can. Or do we want to be like Cain and only think of ourself and our riches? If we do this it is shown that we are the evil ones then. Many people want Heaven On Earth, but it was not meant to be. Heaven is after this life if we choose to live it right. The time we are granted in this life is meant to struggle for good, the rewards come after, sort of likie dinner and desert you may say. In this life we need to eat our greens and grain, not just sugar, or we will fall apart from within. God is in control. We need to lift our challenges to allow ourselves to become stronger and stronger, not just be lazy and idle. Idleness is a sin. We need to try to be actively enguaged in a good cause. If we do so our character can grow up to be better and better before God, full of love as Our Lord was. We can learn from experience. If we turn tail and cease trying to do good in IRAQ and AFGANISTAN, but be self-centered , then the choice will be taken from us whether to fight and go to war or not, and we will of a necessity be required to defend ourselves against the onslaught of attacks to come to pass. Just as our God is real, so is the devil. He will never cease trying to tear us down and away from that which is good. If we cease to do good, we become part of the bad in this world, and Our Lord will stay His Hand in our behalf. In essence, we wil have done this unto ourselves. THE LORD said the greatest Commandment is to "love one another", not just sit idle getting fat in front of your computers and television sets. OUR LORD councilled us to be as HE, and do as HE did. Please believe that THERE IS A GOD, and HE is waiting to see what we each will choose to do or not to do, and HE will reward us accordingly. He is willing to help us after all that wWe can do. He is not an idle God, and neither should we be. We need to do our part, and that is obedience to his word. HE was willing to die for us, so we should; likewise, be willing to die for HIM by dying for each other if need be in battles or war etc. If we don't stand up for God, we'll go down, untill those willing to follow HIS word take our place. In my mentioning this; therefore, Demorcrats as well as others are seeking to send us all to Hell by having to go through it. At this time it also seems as though Hillary Clinton is possessed to want to win. If she really cared about the United States economy I would think she would consider how much it costs us all for her to decide when her fight to be President is over. She has just about been ruled out and still she keeps spending our money. It is as if she is rubbing it all in our face to a degree, after the voice of the people have already chosen another candidate to represent the Democratic party. I believe much of what is taught by Democrats is a step toward Socialism, which takes our individual freedoms away. Do you seek to be less free? Do you want a larger government to tell you waht to do along with higher taxes etc? Untill God is in charge again there will be problems as humans on Earth. I think much of the destruction to come to pass in these latter days will be by God is in response to our own rebellion against Him and His word. Why will we not group up for Him instead of gang against? As Children Of God, we should act like it, not just be foreigners forever to His loving council. We should not procrastinate the day of our repentance either, for after this life, nothing can be done. We are to prepare to meet God While Alive! This life we choose to live is what we will be judged by in the end. The tinme is "right here-right now' to obey God the best we can. If we are not followers of OUR LORD, then whose followers are we, and from whom shall we expect reward? Please know I am not here to condemn anyone for anything, but to acknowledge to everyone that nobody can do it alone, but that we each can choose to stand up for the right in our own sphere of existence {Whether it be against sex on MYSPACE, or violence on Television etc.). Our Heavenly Father is anxiously waiting to help us all out in our own way. We are not alone no matter what the world may say! Please know there is a Father In Heaven who loves each and every one of us regardless. He desires to bless us neverendingly!----------------------------------------------
-------------------Hello, here I am again! That's my car you see in that photo. What a ride! I never saw the other car speeding out of control head-on into me on a highway during the rain. My poetry is located lower in this article: Coolness! I'm back after my other profile at "www.myspace.com/1heavensent2belovebound" just froze up on me in July 2007. I've attended a community college and RICKS' college in Rexburg, Idaho. Just to let you know, I am poor and disabled, but since life is not meant to last forever or be a 'pity party', I have moved on~>. I try to be a positive ingredient in this world. There is so much joy in store to find I almost can't wait! Now is there anyone out there who is not scared to stand up for God and speak the truth? Are there those of us out there in search of more truth? Amidst the chaos in this world, wouldn't you like to rest in truth? I have found it and would love to share it with you-all. I love the feeling of the spirit of God. Feelings such as Love, Joy, and Peace accompany it. I think we each need to stand up for what we believe in, or we are going to lie down with the devil who doesn't care; while, only those on their feet will go anywhere!
Since I am a "Mormon", I am also a fan of Mitt Romney for president, not only for his religion, but his ethical standards. ------------------------------------------------------------
-------------- Now, to the best of my ability I will try to share some God thoughts along with some gospel doctrine: Since God is the only one bere both before and after our life, should it not be to He that we turn to for ideas on how to vavigate through it? (2)> I do wish a larger percentage of our population would turn to God by choice rather than being compelled to do so, for He has never moved, but where are we? (3)> Life could and would be so much more joyful and meaningful if we were to follow the advice of Deity, and firstly, begin to "love one another" in the manner meant, which is to listen, help, and support other children of Our Father In Heaven. (4)> If we could alter our sight from the "here and now" to the "there and then", we would learn to live for the never-ending eternity instead of this earthly immediate. We would properly be enabled to anticipate that which is to come compared to that which never happens in many lives. By saying this I mean to anticipate the truth instead of that which is false in lur lives. The fantasy of Heaven will come later if we will follow it's path, but not here while alive. We experience problems for perfection. As it is stated in Matthew 5:48: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father In Heaven is perfect. Jesus said this, so it must be obtainable, not in this life but in eternity, so His fullness of joy may be shared with us too. Perfection can not be done without Jesus Christ paying for our sins either. As is stated in John 3:5: "Except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven." Now what about those who have died without the opportunity to be baptized you may inquire? These individuals have been privided for in what is mentioned in I Corinthians 15:29 where is states: "Else what shall they do which are Baptized for the dead...?" This ordinance was performned in the day of Jesus in the Temple. This opportunity is made in Temples today by those living in proxy for those who have died. This is spoken of in Hebrews 11:36-40 where it is stated: "And others had trial of cruel mickings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins: being destitute, afflicted, tormented: (of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of rthe earth. And these all having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise. God having provided some better thing for us,that they witout us should not be made perfect." You see, without Baptism they couldn't receive the "promise" of 'Eternal Life'. Eternal Life is more than salvation, it is a step beyond. It is to return to live in Our Heavenly parents presence and multiply there and become as they are. You see, this life has a purpose. Jesus provided the way. He is the only way to enable us to return to Heaven. (5)>We need to recall that a name for God is "Love", and therefore the gospel of Jesus Christ is the 'gospel of Love". He is willing to help us to feel this emotion more fully if living properly. His desire and goal is to help us all to become like He. A fullness of love may not ever be obtained other than according to obeying the commandments we know the best we can. Heaven is a kingdom of order to enable itself to become such, compared to this earthly chaos. God has a plan, and that is most of all, to help us all get back to where we were before this life. This life is a test to see if we will choose to follow Him or not. We can show Him by the way in which we choose to lead our lives, to be with Him again or not. (6) > We need to transform the modern day societal idea of "me, myself, and I" into the "you, yours, and ours." (7) > Here and now we need to try to do what we think is right, because after this life, a change of the mind will be much harder, like with cement. "Now is the time for men to prepare to meet God"--in the Book Of Mormon--God is giving us this life to choose Him over the world. We, as Americans should gaurd ourselves against having 'pride', for it can prove our downfall. We all know of bad four letter words to say, but this is a bad five letter word.-------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------Now I will share political thoughts:--(1)>In our nations gargantuous garnered greed, we are likewise coincidentally outsourcing our freedom.(2)>Oil Companies are causing our Sownfall economically because (2a)-even though Hydrogen fuel burns cheaply, it causes just as much pollution to produce, so only the oil companies seem to win an our expense, and (2b)-adding ethanol to gasoline doesn't clean up the air as much as it economically punches us in the pocketbook by raising the cost of corn for cattle; therefore, raising the cost of our food! Only the few in oil companies win again at our expense! Sadly enough, since many regard money as their God in this world, these oil companies can keep playing around with our money so they will have reasons to get more of it. That's just aobut all they care about. So much of rworshipping them!-------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------I also have thought to share with you-all the reasoning why I add who I add as friends: Well, there happen to be many varied reasons: Variety, attractiveness, and interesting profile default pictures, good frieds, relatives, and others there may be who I add for what everyone may like to see. I attempt to accept some of all types to be equal. I hope this may answer your questions regarding this issue. I try to accept all unless I think of them to be bad for many varied reasons.----------------------------------------------------
-------I write poetry to be a positive ingredient in this world. I figure since MYSPACE can be such a place for evil, then it slso needs God to try to help people out if they want. I am healthy enough in life. I am sure most people have varied challenges, and some to their health. I am glad to be able to cope with mine. I need to be grateful and not just greedy for what I don't have. I will need a bit of time to try to transfer over info and poems from my previous profile, but I look forward to it. I write some poems, but they are always subject my my altering them at various times. Hope to keep it up! I like to have many friends from all over, cuz God don't discriminate! He loves ALL! I try to follow His example. I am a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (known as the 'MORMON' church. I love it since I was blessed to find it when a teenager. I sought for knowledge of what I believe is the true church of God since about 8 years old. I would read in the New Testament for answers, and I found some. In James 1:5 God councils us that, "if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God....and it shall be given". I sought for the "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism" spoken of in Ephesians 4:5. I believe the Book Of Mormon to be the word of God given to the ancient inhabitants of the Americas, and contains, as does The Bible, the fullness of the everlasting gospel. It is full of the Love Of God. I am a returned missionary too. I served in Dallas, Texas about 1990. I love to share knowledge of it with all I can! I love to answer questions too.
Now, I will tell you something about myself. I was in a head-on car crash when I was 20 years old. Due to the other driver without insuuance who caused it, I was put into a coma for three months. Due to my head injury I no longer have eyesight good enough to enable myself to drive again. I am literally half blind. It has been quite the humbling experience. In high school I drove a '69 Chevelle SS, so not driving is quite a limitation now. I must recognize that God knows best, so I need to be happy for it I guess. Oh well, life goes on. I am living to experience the life of the disabled now. It is interesting at times. Through this experience, I was able to die for about five minutes and then live on! It was interesting, and I am glad and blessed to still be alive. I am a living MIRACLE MAN!
Please, lets choose to live for God,for He is who matters most to help us each find inner peace, happiness, and joy that will last eternally! Jesus will help us each to find more meaning and fullness of life if we will but choose to follow. The choice is up to each of us. Most of us have the God-given power to make choices for ourselves. We should be grateful to God for this. It is the greatest gift. He is willing to show the way! This "never-ending happiness" is possible! I surely want this for me and everyone if I can help. Please let me know anytime if you have any questions. The love of God is there for us all to feel inside where nobody can take away. God loves us all, no matter what. He has never-ending love to share abroad. I just want to help. Please remember my poems are always under construction too. This first poem dosn't have the timing it needs yet, just the message so far: ------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------POEM 1--->--------LOVE OR LUST----->-----------------------------------------------
----------------- Love or Lust,-------------------------------------------------------
------------- To show we must,-------------------------------------------------------
---- Whatever price to pay.--------------------------------------------------------
- Not like the rest,-------------------------------------------------------
------------ We only want the best,-------------------------------------------------------
-- More than the cheap-thrill way.-------------------------------------------------- Not race or dash,-------------------------------------------------------
---------- We want 'us' to last,-------------------------------------------------------
----- More than an overnight stay.---------------------------------------------------- To want to love each other,----------------------------------------------------- When we each feel worthy,---------------------------------------------------- More than just our bodies,-----------------------------------------------------
For there's more to see-------------------------------------------------------- So let's take some time now,------------------------------------------------- And learn to wait,-------------------------------------------------------
-------- Then, before God,--------------------------------------------------------
--------- A better fate,-------------------------------------------------------
-------------And if an end,--------------------------------------------------------
--------- There'll be no hate,-------------------------------------------------------
------- To love first for who we are inside,-------------------------------------------- Then in the sight of God can we abide!------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------Across an Honest sky they fly,----------------------------------------------- With her under his wing,-------------------------------------------------------
They sing, live, and die, --------------------------------------------------------- But at least there are no lies.------------------------------------------------- Nothing to hide,-------------------------------------------------------
---------- Or to be ashamed of,---------------------------------------------------------
Nothing to think of but love.-------------------------------------------------- They're a beautiful pair,-------------------------------------------------------
Both parties care,-------------------------------------------------------
-- Betwixt and Between,----------------------------------------------------
------ All's shared all's fair,-------------------------------------------------------
---- While all else around,-----------------------------------------------------
----- Were still growing wings,------------------------------------------------------
Still on the ground,-----------------------------------------------------
------ What a love these two have found,------------------------------------------- The majic they've made together,---------------------------------------------- The softness of sharing a feather,----------------------------------------------- Oh, how it is with them--TRUST,----------------------------------------------- Within it is a must,-------------------------------------------------------
------- Not just a two-bit lust,-------------------------------------------------------
--- Love is abound around,-----------------------------------------------------
----- For everyone to see,--------------------------------------------------------
-------For us it can be, let's see! ------------------------------------------------------------
-----------POEM 3--->----------------PURPOSE?----------->-------------
---------------------------------------------Sex, drugs, money, and war--------------------------------------------------
Are these all we now live for?-------------------------------------------------
What happened to God who is love----------------------------------------
Along the way?--------------------------------------------------------
Did He get shoved out the door---------------------------------------------------
And kicked to the corner?-----------------------------------------------------
What happened to Him along our path?---------------------------------------
Or do we still wish to escape His wrath?-----------------------------------While everyone's getting at a lack--------------------------------------
Stabbed in the back--------------------------------------------------------
How will we ever get back on track?---------------------------------------------
With everyone loosing-----------------------------------------------------
Nobody winning-----------------------------------------------------
Everyone's out cruising for a bruisin'.-------------------------------------------
If we ever do want to win-------------------------------------------------------
We first must stop and repent of Sin!------------------------------------------
Yes, admit our fault(s)----------------------------------------------------
Change our ways--------------------------------------------------------
So then God can enlighten our days-----------------------------------------
And more love for ourself, life, and God can flow our way!--------------------------------------------------------
---POEM 4 ------>---------CHARITY----->-------------------------
--------------------------------------------SIDE BY SIDE,-------------------------------------------------------
------------ IT'S A TWO WAY STREET,-----------------------------------------------------
-- THIS PURE LOVE OF CHRIST------------------------------------------------CHARIT
-------------- HAND TO HAND,-------------------------------------------------------
--------- THESE TWO MUST MEET,-------------------------------------------------------
- CUZ WE NEED TO BOTH GIVE AND RECEIVE------------------------------- GIVE THANKS OFTEN-------------------------------------------------------
---- TO OTHERS AND FRIENDS,----------------------------------------------------
---- OR IF TURNED DOWN TOO MUCH,----------------------------------------------- IT WON'T BE LONG,-------------------------------------------------------
---- REJECTED AND UNNEEDED,-------------------------------------------------- THEY WILL SOON ALL BE GONE,------------------------------------------------ SO DON'T TURN OTHERS ASIDE,--------------------------------------------- OR SHUN THEM AWAY,-------------------------------------------------------
--- FOR HOW SOON DO YOU KNOW,---------------------------------------------- WHEN WILL BE THE DAY,-------------------------------------------------- THOSE OTHERS WHO CARE,------------------------------------------------- WILL NO LOONGER BE THERE,---------------------------------------------- BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T LET THEM SHARE?------------------------------- SINCE CHARITY IS THE PURE LOVE OF CHRIST,----------------------------- WHAT WE NEED TO ALWAYS DO------------------------------------------------ IS TO GIVE BY GRATEFULLY RECEIVING,----------------------------------- AND THIS I LEAVE WITH YOU! ------------------------------------------------------------
------POEM 5------>-------LIVE HOW WE BELIEVE------>-------------------------------------------
---------WE SHOULD TRY TO SHINE LIGHT-------------------------------------------- INTO THE SHADOWS OF DARKNESS----------------------------------------- TRY TO CHANGE HATE INTO LOVE------------------------------------------- PLEADING FOR HELP FROM ABOVE---------------------------------------------- FOR IT TO HAPPEN.-----------------------------------------------------
---- TRYING TO GET INSIDE OF THEIR HEARTS--------------------------------- WHILE TRYING TO KEEP THEM IN OURS----------------------------------- THIS WAY EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE---------------------------------------- FOR AWHILE------------------------------------------------------
------------- WHILE THE WORLD KEEPS CHANGING------------------------------------- ALMOST TOO FAST FOR US NOW----------------------------------------- FINDING ANSWERS TO ALL OF THEIR QUESTIONS------------------------ AND INSTANTLY NOW---------------------------------------------------------
- AS WE KEEP ON TRYING------------------------------------------------------
-- WE MAY GET CAUGHT UP IN SOCIETYS MESS------------------------------ WHEN WE'RE TRYING OUR BEST--------------------------------------------- BUT WE GOTTA KEEP ON GOING CUZ LIFE GOES ON----------------------- ..AND ON AND ON----------------------------------------------------------
------- WE SHOULD TRY TO SPREAD PEACE------------------------------------- THROUGHOUT THE LAND------------------------------------------------------ WHILE KEEPING CLEAN, STRONG, STEADY HANDS--------------------------- AND WITH THE LORD BY OUR SIDE-------------------------------------------- I KNOW THIS WE SHALL ACHIEVE--------------------------------------------- WHILE THE FIRST THING WE NEED TO DO-------------------------------------- IS TO LEARN TO LIVE WHAT WE BELIEVE!----------------------------------------------------
-----------POEM 6------->---------STAND UP------------->-----------------------------------------
Stand up and face the facts-----------------------------------------------------
If he/she's gone for good-------------------------------------------------------
And not coming back--------------------------------------------------------
Your life's on the Horizon-----------------------------------------------------
Gotta keep it goin--------------------------------------------------------
Cause your futures risin-------------------------------------------------------
-Gotta keep control-----------------------------------For when the time comes round--------------------------Gotta be up-----------------------------You can't afford to be down.-------------------------So turn down the sound--------------------------Put down the bowl---------------------------------Get life in gear and------------------------------Get ready to go-------------------------------Cause you're the one who has-----------------------Control of your life!-------------------------------------------------------
---POEM 7 --->---------------SEARCHING FOR LOVE------>----------------------------------
SOMEONE FOR ME----------------------------------------------------------
SEARCHING FOR SOMEONE-----------------------------------------------------
TO LET ME BE ME----------------------------------------------------------
NOT SOMEBODY ELSE--------------------------------------------------------
TO LIVE THEIR LIFE--------------------------------------------------------
FOR THEN WHO WOULD I HAVE-----------------------------------------------------
BUT SOMEONE ELSE'S WIFE?-------------------------------------------------------
BUT I WANT SOMEONE-----------------------------------------------------
WHO WILL LOVE ME----------------------------------------------------------
I DO THE SAME--------------------------------------------------------
THEN THER'LL BE A 'WE'--------------------------------------------------------
MPANION FOR SURE--------------------------------------------------------
BENEATH OUR GOD---------------------------------------------------------
TO LOVE HIM FIRST-------------------------------------------------------
THIS SHOULD NOT BE ODD---------------------------------------------------------
FOR HE IS THE WHY---------------------------------------------------------
WE ARE TODAY-------------------------------------------------------
TO BE TOGETHER----------------------------------------------------
IN HIS DIVINE WAY---------------------------------------------------------
HE WANTS TO SHARE-------------------------------------------------------
WITH US ON THIS EARTH-------------------------------------------------------
WE CAN LIVE HAPPY-------------------------------------------------------
FOR WE ARE HIS PURSE-------------------------------------------------------
S WEALTH YOU MAY SAY---------------------------------------------------------
CHILDREN ABROAD------------------------------------------------------
WITH FREEDOM TO FOLLOW------------------------------------------------------
HIS PATH OR NOT---------------------------------------------------------
IN SEARCH OF JOY---------------------------------------------------------
THAT WILL COME FROM WITHIN---------------------------------------------------
NOT FROM WITHOUT-----------------------------------------------------
FOR THIS IS A SIN---------------------------------------------------------
AND WILL NOT LAST--------------------------------------------------------
ON THROUGH THE END---------------------------------------------------------
BUT END HERE ON EARTH-------------------------------------------------------
WHERE WE MUST BEGIN-------------------------------------------------------
TO FEEL HIS SPIRIT------------------------------------------------------
TO GLOW FROM WITHIN------------------------------------------------------
THE LOVE OF GOD---------------------------------------------------------
ON OUR WAY TO WIN---------------------------------------------------------
OVER THIS LIFE--------------------------------------------------------
BE IT SHORT OR IT LONG--------------------------------------------------------
WE CAN ON OUR WAY---------------------------------------------------------
SEEK TO SING A SONG--------------------------------------------------------
TO OUR GOD WHO WILL SHARE-----------------------------------------------------
ALL THAT HE HAS---------------------------------------------------------
WITH THOSE WHO LOVE HIM---------------------------------------------------------
AND FOLLOWS HIS PATH--------------------------------------------------------
TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER-----------------------------------------------------
AS HE DOES LOVE US----------------------------------------------------------
TO SHARE IN OUR JOY---------------------------------------------------------
AND STILL NOT ENOUGH------------------------------------------------------
TO SHARE THE WAY---------------------------------------------------------
WE HAVE FOUND HERE--------------------------------------------------------
BACK TO HIS PRESENCE----------------------------------------------------
TO BE WITH HIM THERE-------------------------------------------------------
WHERE IT WILL NOT END---------------------------------------------------------
THIS JOY WE CAN FEEL--------------------------------------------------------
THE LOVE OF OUR GOD---------------------------------------------------------
WE MAY ETERNALLY HEAL--------------------------------------------------------
ALL OF OUR SORROWS-----------------------------------------------------
AND PAINS HERE AND NOW---------------------------------------------------------
WILL NOT COMPARE-----------------------------------------------------
WITH FUTURE SOMEHOW-----------------------------------------------------
FOR IT WILL NOT END---------------------------------------------------------
THIS BLESSING IN STORE-------------------------------------------------------
IF WE WILL DO OUR PART--------------------------------------------------------
WE'LL GET NEVER-ENDINGLY MORE!-------------------------------------------------------
SO PLEASE CAN YOU TRY---------------------------------------------------------
TO FEEL THE LOVE OF OUR GOD--------------------------------------------------------
BEFORE OUR LIFE IS OVER--------------------------------------------------------
FEELINGS HARDENED AND ALL---------------------------------------------------------
A PLYABLE HEART-------------------------------------------------------
WE CAN CHOOSE TO HAVE--------------------------------------------------------
JUST AS FROM THE START-------------------------------------------------------
TO FEEL OURSELVES SAVED-------------------------------------------------------
NOT OF THIS WORLD-------------------------------------------------------
BUT BETTER YET---------------------------------------------------------
IN STORE FOR US----------------------------------------------------------
OUR GOD WILL BLESS!------------------------------------------------------
======================DANGER ZONE UNDER CONSTRUCTION!--->>>> HARD HAT NEEDED FOR THE FLYING WORDS!----LOL ------------------------------------------------------------
----------MYSPACE MASQUERADE TO SAVE A LIFE----->-----------------------------------------------
Come on, join right in---------------------------------------------------
Have a blast-------------------------------------------------------
To play this game--------------------------------------------------------
So your life may last--------------------------------------------------------
You may not know me---------------------------------------------------
Or for me the same-------------------------------------------------------
I am trying to help you-all----------------------------------------------
For your life is more than a game--------------------------------------------------------
Nope, sorry we haven't met yet-----------------------------------------
I just thought I would drop by-----------------------------------------
I'd like to share this message with you--------------------------------
And everyone else to try---------------------------------------------------------
You see I am seeking to help you-all out-----------------------------
With a message to be safe--------------------------------------------
For there are many bad guys out there now----------------------------
And this is what it is all about-------------------------------------------------------
I advise for those of you concerned----------------------------------
And seeking to be ahead-------------------------------------------------
Of the evil out there in this world--------------------------------------
To stay alive not dead.-------------------------------------------------------
Yes, many will want to dare----------------------------------------------
And many find not hurt---------------------------------------------------
As yet we live in this world---------------------------------------------
But there is a cure--------------------------------------------------------
To save yourselves--------------------------------------------------
As well as your I.D.-----------------------------------------------------
This is how you want to end up-------------------------------------------
And hopefully be free--------------------------------------------------------
You should not be sitting ducks-------------------------------------------
At least seem to move a bit-----------------------------------------------
At least seem to alter your name and locale----------------------------
And let them have a fit---------------------------------------------------------
For bad may come to get you-------------------------------------------
If you tell all the world------------------------------------------------
Your name, birthday, and living place------------------------------------
Then there's almost no saving space-------------------------------------------------------
But change them all now-------------------------------------------------
So only you may know----------------------------------------------------
The truth of all the questions------------------------------------------
And they will have to go----------------------------------------------------------
Seeking for another-----------------------------------------------------
Not so prepared against-------------------------------------------------
The pediphiles out to get them------------------------------------------
So this is why I sent--------------------------------------------------------
To you a request of friendship------------------------------------------
So you can share with your firiends----------------------------------
How they too can save themselves--------------------------------------
Before it does begin----------------------------------------------------
What may prove to be their end---------------------------------------------------------
Now this may seem abrasive---------------------------------------------
But so what if it is?--------------------------------------------------------
It is much more comfortable than a coffin-----------------------------
Or never seeing your friends again-------------------------------------------------------
Now this may not happen to you maybe---------------------------------
But what of your closest buddies?----------------------------------------
Do you want to help them out first-----------------------------------
Before you can never find their lifeless body?-------------------------------------------------------
Or getting some terrible disease----------------------------------------
To kill or never pass------------------------------------------------------
Oh what life would be like this------------------------------------------
On and on to last?-------------------------------------------------------
Losing all your friends----------------------------------------------------
Cause you are different then---------------------------------------------
Changed by what had happened-----------------------------------------
You never thought would end---------------------------------------------------------
Or if someone steals your I.D.------------------------------------------
Then who will you be?------------------------------------------------------
But broke in search for lawyers------------------------------------------
No money and not free--------------------------------------------------------
So this is just for you------------------------------------------------------
To consider as you will-----------------------------------------------------
If you want to be ahead--------------------------------------------------
Then play this sort of drill-------------------------------------------------------
Chooose a playful character---------------------------------------------
Or some hero you like---------------------------------------------------
and play to be them with your I.D.--------------------------------------
In this there is no strife------------------------------------------------------
It is all for your safety-------------------------------------------------
And that's all---------------------------------------------------------
Is why I dropped by to be a friend--------------------------------------
To try to help you before you fall--------------------------------------------------------
To this or that--------------------------------------------------------
Whoever knows-------------------------------------------------------
But to stay ahead in this game-------------------------------------------
I hope will be the way it goes--------------------------------------------------------
For you so now---------------------------------------------------------
And I've let you know-----------------------------------------------------
How to try to save yourselves-----------------------------------------
Before you all will go----------------------------------------------------
Out there in this big world------------------------------------------
Telling all about yourself----------------------------------------------------
For after you've been hunted down-----------------------------------
And caught by the evil out there------------------------------------------
It may have been hard to escape their grasp--------------------------
But it's still not to late to care--------------------------------------------------------
To prepare for the unknown---------------------------------------------
Is what we all should do---------------------------------------------------
For the inner heart to grow------------------------------------------------
And to be the one who---------------------------------------------------------
Is a help for your friends-------------------------------------------------
To try to do good for all--------------------------------------------------
Especially the younger ones----------------------------------------------
On MYSPACE, please don't stall!------------------------------------------------------
To save all your lives------------------------------------------------------
It is as if a call--------------------------------------------------------
From God above-------------------------------------------------------
To all on Earth-------------------------------------------------------
Try to fully love life----------------------------------------------------
Before you can a husband or a wife--------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------I try to advise------------------------------------------------------
Everyone abroad------------------------------------------------------
How to save yourselves--------------------------------------------------
And all of your bods--------------------------------------------------------
From he or from that--------------------------------------------------------
Which may harm you sure--------------------------------------------------------
In this modern day---------------------------------------------------------
Here's a preventative cure--------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- My only concern-----------------------------------------------------
Is to try to help--------------------------------------------------------
You from within------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------Care for your without.----------------------------------------------------
So save yourselves--------------------------------------------------
As fast as you can------------------------------------------------------
Before your end comes--------------------------------------------------
A want for you to make a stand!-----------------------------------------
For you to be safe and secure----------------------------------------
Not sad and sorry as some are left to feel-----------------------------
If they are lucky?------------------------------------------------------
-Jan 9, 2008--------------->-------------------------->-------
We should aim to live for God------------------------------------------
Not just for ourselves---------------------------------------------------
For He is the one------------------------------------------------------
Who has endless wealth-------------------------------------------------
To share abroad------------------------------------------------------
To bless all our lives------------------------------------------------------
And from Him we don't need to hide.------------------------------------
But to feel comfort----------------------------------------------------
Down deep within------------------------------------------------------
And from here--------------------------------------------------------
We can choose to begin-------------------------------------------------
To follow Him through---------------------------------------------------
All of life here--------------------------------------------------------
By learning his word---------------------------------------------------
And holding it dear--------------------------------------------------------
Not to feel alone-------------------------------------------------------
For from Him we are not------------------------------------------------
But we are the Children------------------------------------------------
Who Jesus brought-----------------------------------------------------
Out of the world-------------------------------------------------------
On our way home--------------------------------------------------------
Where we once came from------------------------------------------------
And we can still go---------------------------------------------------------
For Our Father In Heaven------------------------------------------------
Just waits up on high----------------------------------------------------
Hoping we'll choose----------------------------------------------------- His path of light-------------------------------------------------------
---- Up from the dark--------------------------------------------------------
And dreary our there---------------------------------------------------
Into his love--------------------------------------------------------
Under His care!-------------------------------------------------------
To me this is more than fair.--------------------------------------------
And we'll never have to dare--------------------------------------------
But to feel His endless Love from above---------------------------------
That is shed forth to us all--------------------------------------------
Please can we decide not to stall?--------------------------------------
Too long in the wrong---------------------------------------------------
Can be harder to change-------------------------------------------------
So if we try to do good-------------------------------------------------
This is the main thing------------------------------------------------------
To help each other out--------------------------------------------------
Not just dig a pit---------------------------------------------------------
To love our neighbor----------------------------------------------------
We'll raise bit by bit------------------------------------------------------
All for this Jesus-------------------------------------------------------
Who died for us all---------------------------------------------------------
That we can have the choice---------------------------------------------
To answer His call--------------------------------------------------------
So if you seek for this-------------------------------------------------
Please try to follow----------------------------------------------------
Before there is no more tomorrow.---------------------------------------------------
Poem #3-----Begun 11 Jan. 2008--It doesn't matter where you're at-----------
But where you're headed that counts--------------
And amidst the bumps in life------------------
You just gotta bounce----------------------
Turn your path to the right------------------------
Then you have a goal in sight---------------------------
'Cause if you don't got a path---------------------
Anyhwere's always in sight.----------------------
Thats right, aim up to God---------------------------
Not down to the dirt--------------------------------
Where you'll ever be bogged----------------------
And full of too much hurt.----------------------
Inside and out-------------------
You will never escape-------------------------
Unless you turn to The Lord-------------------------
He'll help you find that way---------------------
Back up to Heaven-------------------------
Where we were once gefore-------------------------
Up from this Earth--------------------------
Getting too full of gore.---------------------
Up to our Savior-------------------
And His endless Love,---------------------------
Peace and the comfort-----------------------------
Not the push and the shove----------------------------
We all experience-------------------------
All too much here------------------------------
The me and the my---------------------------
Not we and our.-----------------------------
We need to think----------------------------
Of more than ourself-----------------------------
To love one another----------------------------
To save us from hell------------------------------
The place not to go----------------------------
Not ever or ever--------------------------------
Hating ourselves----------------------------
For not seeming clever-------------------------
Enough to break the chains------------------------------
Of the devil for sure----------------------------
So please ask for forgiveness------------------------------
Our Savior's the only cure--------------------------------
As He waits on and on-------------------------
For us to need Him---------------------
While He will never force us--------------------------
To worship Him--------------------------
This choice is ours---------------------
The greatest gift of life-----------------------------
To aim where we want----------------------------
Up or the down--------------------------
But we must decide----------------------------
Where we will want to be found---------------------------
When the end comes around----------------------------
It's not far off-----------------------
Choose for His love-----------------------
Or at his face scoff?------------------------
But as He surely loves us---------------------
He won't make our mind-----------------------
Wont take our choice--------------------
Spiritually blind--------------------------
But He wants to help---------------------------
Each of us out--------------------------------
If we will pray to Our Father------------------
Trusting not doubt-----------------------
Miracles happen---------------------------
In the time that He wants--------------------------------
If we will seek for Him-----------------------
run from the haunts-------------------------------
Feel His love sure-------------------------
We can from within------------------------
And this is where-----------------
We all need to begin--------------------------
And settle from the worlds spin. ------------------------------------- POEM 3---->---STAND UP FOR RIGHT(PART OF)---->----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------WE SHOULD STAND UP,---------------------------------------------------------
----- FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS,-----------------------------------------------------
--------- KEEP THOSE VISIONS,----------------------------------------------------
------------ WITHIN OUR SIGHTS,-----------------------------------------------------
------------ STAY STRONG,-----------------------------------------------------
------------------ MAKE THINGS THE WAY,--------------------------------------------------------
------ WE KNOW THEY SHOULD BE,---------------------------------------------------------
JUST REMEMBER,---------------------------------------------------
------------------ AMONG INFLUENCE,--------------------------------------------------
--------------- THERE'S FREE AGENCY!-----------------------------------------------------
----- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
------------------Poem 4---->----TOO LITTLE TIME------->------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------- I got too much to do in too little time,-------------------------------------- Gotta find me a job but nobodys hirin',-------------------------------------- Gotta buy me a car with nothin but a dime,----------------------------------- It's just maximum frustration,------------------------------------------------
- Gotta find me a way to beat inflation,---------------------------------------- So much to do in such a little nation,---------------------------------------- Well what am I gonna do?,----------------------------------------------------- Am I just another American fool?,--------------