Arnold profile picture



About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I came from the streets, injured and starving. I was picked up by a big truck and taken to a place full of cages, but at least I got to eat. I was then taken to Lake Arrowhead with a bunch of other homeless hopefuls where we were put on display at some big deal called "Strutt Your Mutt." That turned out to be the best day of my life cuz that's how I got my mom and ended up at RHS.Two more huge things have happened to me so my life story continues. As you can see I'm engaged to be married to Buttercup, the love of my life; and in case she's not enough she comes with a loving family so now my family is extended. The only thing missing was that I have no "canine roots", being abandoned and having no memory of my doggie mom. Well! That has changed!! I've been adopted by an awesome canine couple. My new mom sent me a picture of my new family and I'm part of that picture!! I do believe in doggie guardian angels - how else could my life have become what it is today!!

My Interests

How do I love thee; let me count the ways!! Buttercup and I are married!! I'm such a happy man!!

My Wife - Mrs. Buttercup Niles My loving wifey waits for her man!

I'd like to meet:

All those dogs who work to make this world a better and happier place - working dogs who guide the blind, hear for the deaf, guard us from harm, provide therapy for the sick and elderly and are always faithful.


I'm stuck in the past... gimme that ole time rock'n roll or any oldies but goodies


I love to laugh and get wild so comedy and action are my favorites. I also must admit I enjoy animal planet but I'm not into predators and prey.


Animal planet's Funniest Videos and reruns of Lassie.


I love good stories and one of my all time favorite authors is James Herriot. He makes you laugh and he makes you cry. Of course his stories are about animals because he was a vet. Click on my picture to view all the awesome "Arnie Stuff" you can buy.


I loved Seabiscuit because he was an underdog who made it to the top. He overcame impossible odds and gave hope to our nation during a terrible time. I'd like to be the "Seabiscuit" of dogs!!!

My Blog

Six Weird Things About Me

I've been tagged and this requires me to write a blog.  This is my first one so here goes - 6 weird things.1.  I tiptoe through wet grass because I hate water.2.  When I want something ...
Posted by Arnold on Fri, 05 May 2006 06:34:00 PST