CHico & Happy profile picture

CHico & Happy

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Visit My eBay Store: The Designer Doggie
Visit My eBay Store: The Designer Doggie
Hello everybody... I would like to tell you a little bit of myself. I was born March 20 two years ago. My grandma found me and gave me to my mommy and my daddy. They chose between my brother and me...they always say that the reason they chose me was because I kept jumping all over the place and bugging my brother to play when all he wanted to do was sleep. They took me home that day when I was about 8 weeks. I went to puppy headstart... that was fun. I live with my mommy and daddy. They love me so much and they spoil me so much too. I do what I want in my home but I'm also a good boy....I am the prince. Sometimes I don't like other dogs but I'm always good to girls and small dogs like me. I love my toys..I have so many cuz my grandma always gives me toys. I love taking long walks and going kayaking. I like playing hide and seek with my parents...I don't like to stay at home...wherever my mommy and daddy go I want to go. I hate people on bikes and people running on the street....I hate anybody who bugs me when I'm sleeping... I usually like to cuddle with my mommy or my daddy but if they move too much I will just get up and lay down somewhere else. My mommy got me a myspace page cuz I don't have many friends. My mommy wants me make friends and hopefully find friends close to my area to play with. ....I love her.
Animal Survey (Survey for the Animals of Myspace)
About You...
what type of animal are you? dog
what breed? Chihuahua
what color fur / feathers? Tan
what color eyes? Dark brown
when is your birthday? March 20
how old are you? 2 yrs old
how much do you weigh? about 5lb
do you have any siblings? a brother and a sister but they don't live with me
do you have to wear silly clothes? I wear clothes specially when is cold
do you enjoy wearing said silly clothes? Yes, I'm a short hair chihuahua, i need it
whats your favorite toy? I have many
do you work Or go to work with your mommy / daddy? I'm usually guarding my house but sometimes I go to work with my daddy
what color harness / collar and leash do you have? blue, brown
what color dinner dishes? baby blue and white
This / That
Petco / Petsmart Petsmart
Iams / Science Diet na
tug of war / fetch fetch
ocean / lake ocean
car ride / walk both
dog park / playing alone with your family both
your own doggy bed / mommy or daddys bed mommy and daddys bed
tv on / off when your mommy or daddy leave you alone tv off
pig ears / hooves pig ears
biscuits / bones bones

My Interests

Walks and sleeping
Click here to check out
The Los Angeles Chihuahua & Small Dog Club!
Click here to check out
The Riverside County Chihuahua Playground!

I'd like to meet:

Preferably cute and small
Countdown Calendars


Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace Editor

My Blog

Check out this video: Happy at the Petco Chihuahua Race

Check out this video: Happy at the Petco Chihuahua Race ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by CHico & Happy on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 10:02:00 PST

What kind of treats do you like best?

Posted by CHico & Happy on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 07:10:00 PST

I was tagged by Skeeter

I was tagged by Skeeter Here are 10 random facts about me: 1. If someone wakes me up or simply taps me I get up and bite ...
Posted by CHico & Happy on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 08:25:00 PST

I've Been Tagged

I've Been TaggedHere are the rules: You have been selected (or tagged if you will). Now, you have to tell 6 odd or not so odd facts about yourself, and select 6 of your friends to do the same. Once y...
Posted by CHico & Happy on Wed, 30 May 2007 10:45:00 PST

Chico's been having little accidents....

Hi everybody,I'm having a problem that I am very embarrassed to tell you but my mommy wants to know the reason for this.  Well on thursday night right when my auntie and her friend came to our ho...
Posted by CHico & Happy on Wed, 30 May 2007 07:09:00 PST

I've been tagged by Jerry

The first player of this game starts with the five weird habits or things about yourself. those who get tagged need to write a blog of their own about five odd habits and things they do as well as sta...
Posted by CHico & Happy on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:59:00 PST

I've Been Tagged by Mimi Laru

I've Been TaggedHere are the rules: You have been selected (or tagged if you will). Now, you have to tell 6 odd or not so odd facts about yourself, and select 6 of your friends to do the same. Once y...
Posted by CHico & Happy on Sun, 13 May 2007 12:50:00 PST

Trip to San Jose

Well, my parents are going on a little trip to San Jose next month and now they are thinking of bringing me too.  My mommy doesn't really trust me with anybody else other than my grandmas but on...
Posted by CHico & Happy on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 03:03:00 PST

Favorite Dog Food

Hello everybody, This is my first blog, and I was wondering if you guys could tell me what kind of food do you guys eat. My mommy and daddy have tried so many kinds of food for me but for some reason ...
Posted by CHico & Happy on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:34:00 PST